Diagnosed with a brain tumor at a young age, Marie-Therese Gubi’s experience had challenges yet also unwavering strength, strong family support, and a remarkable spirit. Today, Marie-Therese is an active advocate within EU-CAYAS-NET, drawing on her experience to inspire others facing similar challenges.

Young Brain Tumor survivor

What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from?

My name is Marie-Therese Gubi, but everyone is calling me Marie and I’m from Austria

What’s your diagnosis?

I was diagnosed at the age of 3 with a brain tumor.

How and when did you find out about your diagnosis?

My parents recognized some differences in my behavior and that I complained about headaches often.

What has the cancer experience taught you?

I was diagnosed at a very young age, thus I haven’t really experienced a life before diagnosis and its consequences later on. But of course, I recognized later that I have to go more often to checkups than my peers. Above all it taught me that health isn’t a self-evident condition and to be better organized in daily life due to appointments.

What keeps you going every day?

Knowing that my experience and commitment as a patient advocate can make a small contribution to improving the lives of other sufferers.

What helped you the most during the treatment process?

My family and friends who make daily life easier, with whom you can make memories and have fun moments. But especially during my time of treatment my family was the most important company.

What would you like to accomplish within EU-CAYAS-NET?

On the one hand, getting to know many incredibly impressive people and their stories, learning more about myself and, on the other hand, giving hope and confidence to sick people and giving back a little bit of what I have received.

Try to describe yourself in 3 sentences:

I would describe myself as very disciplined and organized. New challenges are there to be overcome and to grow as a result. I like traveling and discovering new things.

What do you do in your free time?

I like to spend my free time with friends and family. I also enjoy playing tennis in my free time and skiing in winter.

What in your life do you feel most grateful for?

For the people who have supported and accompanied me on my journey. But above all to my family, who were always by my side during my treatment and to the whole team (doctors, nurses, psychosocial staff) who treated and supported me. Without them, I would not be doing so well today.

What makes your life feel purposeful?

Because I know that I have overcome something that has made me who I am. I appreciate many things more than others and am happy that I can live the way I want to. And as stupid as it may sound, sometimes an illness like this also has its good sides: you get to know great people and it opens doors that you might not have experienced in this way.

What is on your bucket list?

I would love to fly to Australia or New Zealand. Another thing on my bucket list is to fly in a hot air balloon.

What do you do to relax?

I like to cook or bake, which helps me to relax. But I also like to go for a walk and listen to music.

What are some of your personal rules?

Health is the greatest privilege you can have. The glass is always half full and where there’s a will, there’s a way.