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Top Headlines
CJN podcast 1400 copy.jpg
Joe Mannix joins CBD for a discussion about Israel's strategic and operational goals in Gaza, the politics vs. the reality of Fed rate cuts, Trump's debate stumble, the execrable government GOTV efforts, and CA's stupidity reaches new lows!
This dude's smooth rap is a real panty-dropper
He's actually a YouTube comic, he's doing it as a joke. I didn't want to spoil it but I also don't want to mislead people.
In case you missed it: Michael Cohen's video pitch for a reality TV show starring his charismatic self, called "The Fixer"
Capitol Hill police have discovered a bag of cocaine in the Capitol Building.
A police source describes the coke bag as "larger than Don Henley's discreet on-stage coke snifter" but "smaller than Hunter Biden's weekender crack satchel."
Blame it on the Rain: Gavin Newsom blames his state's little tiny $45 billion budget deficit on... "rain bombs"
He didn't know there would be rain at the end of winter and into the spring. Officer, that tree jumped right in front of my car! (And I think Joe Biden shit my pants!)
"Joe Biden" visited Megyn Kelly
"Those films showing me stumbling are all fake... I'll take my Talking Pills, and I'm feeling fine, and then they show these fake movies of me falling on the stairs. End paragraph. New paragraph."
RFK Jr Endorses Abortion Up Until Birth
Nothing equivocal either. [CBD]
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CBD and J.J. Sefton discuss the Biden Junta abandoning Israel and becoming an actual enemy for political gain and plain old Jew hatred -- ugly chicks on campus -- can Israel win the media war it is losing badly -- the situation here at home and what it portends for the upcoming election -- RFK Jr. admits to having a worm eating his brain -- and more!
Content warning/for the lads: Ozzy Man reviews Brazillian TV
Thanks to Thomas Bender
How Many Divisions Does SCOTUS HAVE? "There are a couple of rather interesting cases going on that perfectly illustrate how thoroughly corrupt the justice system has become." My latest essay over at Taki's Magazine. Please read and comment! [J.J. Sefton]
The Bulwark, not ten hours ago: Why Biden Won't Abandon Israel
You say you're all high-performing experts at political analysis, huh? You say you're paid huge sums by Democrat billionaires just because your insight is so acute, eh?
Their next article will argue that Biden is trying to be a great friend to Israel -- real friends tell their friends when they're doing wrong, right? Real friends cut you off drinking at a bar when you've had too many. And the best friends of all cut off your armament lifeline when you're in an existential fight with terrorists.
A superintendent of schools opened an investigation into schoolchildren when they clapped for her daughter's softball MVP award, but she felt they didn't clap hard enough
Remember, everybody, there would be no war if leftwing women controlled the world. Oh, they start fascist investigations into children if their egos are bruised, but totally, no wars or strife at all
Recent Comments
sock_rat_eez [/i][/u][/b][/s]: "@15, true; good thinking there ..."

JT: "hiya ..."

IrishEi: " I mentioned #88 a few days ago. Following him too ..."

Deplorable Ian Galt: "Volleyball dog is a herding dog. They LOVE shit li ..."

ace: ">>>11 I think it's possible to be real, maybe fool ..."

gourmand du jour: "The best dog prayer I've read lately goes somethin ..."

... : "Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 16, 2024 07:45 PM ..."

... : "Wifey likes to tune to Max Velocity Severe Weather ..."

Hokey Pokey: "I'm sorry, I speak only Spanish. ..."

Notsothoreau: "I mentioned #88 a few days ago. Following him too ..."

Skip : "I think it's possible to be real, maybe foolish to ..."

San Franpsycho: "Willa'd: 210 Was it you who warned about Kamala ..."

Bloggers in Arms
Some Humorous Asides
aceofspadeshq at gee
cbd at
buck.throckmorton at
joe mannix:
mannix2024 at
petmorons at gee
J.J. Sefton:
sefton at