Leo Horoscope Today: May 15, 2024 | Vogue India | Horoscope

Leo Horoscope Today: May 15, 2024

The grand finale of Taurus season is bringing many revelations with it. You see clearly all the ways in which you have been dimming your light, Leo. You see clearly all the ways in which you have been playing it small and undermining your potential. Word for the wise: give yourself the permission to step out of your comfort zone, and boldly so. Give yourself the permission to be the sparkliest version of yourself in every situation. Remember, you may or may not be able to implement radical changes overnight, and that’s okay. Every tiny step in the right direction counts, beautiful! That said, you may also find yourself rubbing shoulders with power players from your industry in the weeks to come. Perfect the art of tooting your horn tastefully.

Cosmic tip: Give yourself the permission to be the sparkliest version of you in every situation.