The Return of the Walmart WonderLab: Re-Revolutionizing Holiday Toy Shopping

As a veteran toy industry analyst, one of the most exciting developments I’ve seen this holiday season is the return of Walmart’s innovative WonderLab. This digital interactive experience lets kids “test” the hottest toys of 2023 using virtual commands.

But what exactly is the WonderLab, and how does the retail giant hope to redefine toy catalogs? Here’s my in-depth look at this emerging shopping trend.

Bringing Toy Catalogs into the Digital Age

The Walmart WonderLab first debuted in 2018 as a futuristic reinvention of traditional holiday toy catalogs from retailers. According to Walmart executive Steve Ronchetto:

“The Walmart Toy Lab creates a fresh reintroduction of toy catalogs reinvented for the digital age as an interactive playground.”

Much like flipping through a print catalog in the pre-Internet era, the WonderLab lets kids browse, discover new toys, and add “wish list” items without leaving home.

The key difference is the highly interactive, imaginative format made possible by modern technology.

How Does the Walmart WonderLab Work?

The WonderLab is an entirely digital experience accessible on Walmart’s website. Simply head to and kids can embark on virtual toy testing adventures.

The site contains six different “lab rooms”, each featuring several popular toys to put through their paces. Kids can interact via a series of two-dozen action words shown on-screen.

For example, by typing “pull” or “push”, they can control dollhouses to open up rooms or make toy cars race down ramps. More commands let kids customize dolls’ hair, launch foam rockets, assemble track sets, and much more.

After exhaustively playing, children add favored toys to their wish list to share with parents and gift-purchasers.

Why So Much Excitement Over Updated Catalogs?

In today’s digital-first landscape, the appeal of classic catalogs might seem surprising. But industry statistics shed light on why Walmart is betting big on reinventing this retail staple:

  • 77% of shoppers still reference print catalogs around the holidays, per a Deloitte survey
  • 48% discover new items from browsing catalogs, reports NAPCO Research
  • 68% of shoppers make impulse catalogue purchases, according to Wunderman Thompson Commerce

While print catalogs can still influence purchases, the Walmart WonderLab offers enhanced interactivity and convenience for time-strapped families. Parents need not drive to stores or flip through toy ads to support their child’s wishlist research.

As kids explore toys from home, the retailer also gains valuable data on merchandise favorites expected to sell out this season.

Hot Toy Trends I’m Watching

As someone who analyzes toy sales year-round, I’m excited by the digital catalog format of the WonderLab. It provides early insight into the top toys I expect will dominate holiday 2023 sales:

Unboxing/Surprise Toys – From limited edition collectibles to blind box reveals, the thrill is all in the reveal. Top brands like LOL Surprise, Hatchimals, and Funko are primed for big growth.

Sales of surprise toy lines have ballooned 2,550% over the past five years, NPD Group reported.

Youth Electronics – Children’s tablets, video consoles, cameras, and interactive learning gadgets will again land atop wishlists. STEM toys leveraging tech for education are especially hot this year.

Licensed Merch from Pop Culture – Toys featuring characters from Disney, YouTube influencers, video games, and superheroes remain perennial favorites driving billions in sales.

I’ll be tuned into the WonderLab to see which specific releases in these broader categories rise to the top!

My Expert View: Walmart’s WonderLab Delivers

With decades tracking toy trends under my belt, here are a few closing thoughts:

  • The WonderLab smartly leans into families’ enduring affinity for holiday catalogs while modernizing the classic format. I give them credit for such an innovative concept.
  • The interactive angle allows deeper digital engagement and should yield valuable shopper data for Walmart. Other retailers may follow suit.
  • Based on current buzz and sales projections, I fully expect WonderLab featured toys from leading brands to be among the hottest and fastest-selling this holiday season.
  • Kids pooling wishlist intel online helps parents save legwork and lets extended families coordinate to avoid duplicate gifts.

If current retail and shopping conditions are any indication, Walmart could have a runaway hit on its hands! I’ll be among the millions of industry spectators keeping tabs on the success of the revived Walmart WonderLab.

Let me know in the comments what catches your child’s eye in the WonderLab’s extensive 2023 lineup! I’m always hunting the next big toy trend.

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