Figo for freddie?! fat chance!! 克萊兒的足球甜心@足球甜心 Claire 的美國留學歷險記|PChome Online 個人新聞台
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2004-05-04 13:00:58| 人氣408| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Figo for freddie?! fat chance!! 克萊兒的足球甜心

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it's definitely the dullest news i've ever heard this month. real madrid they would like to offer arsenal luis figo for my swede-heart freddie ljungberg? what on earth do they think they're doing? i'm sorry to say so, but it's true that the recent performances of madrid suck. freddie's a gunner and seeing him leave highbury is the last thing i'll accept. it would drive me crazy if arsenal agree this bloody deal. think about it, how many goals freddie has been scoring for us and not to mention he always gives everything for arsenal.
this season, freddie has once again played a significant role in helping gunners winning the premiership title. in my opinion, there's a huge doubt that figo'll be able to replace freddie well. as a matter of fact, i would rather to believe arsenal's by all means making their efforts to keep freddie.
more importantly, as to those malicious rumours about him being a gay or having a affair with some swedish sexy female singer, i won't buy them as long as he doesn't admit it. after all, when someone gets more and more popular, it seems that it's unlikely to avoid those annoying tabloids and paparazzi.
above all, as one of the biggest fans of freddie and arsenal, i'll absolutely give him my support in order to show how much gooners need him. and most importanly, we'll not be happy to see that, if he ever leaves highbury, freddie shows up in the nightclubs in madrid with notorious ronaldo.

台長: 足球甜心 claire
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