A Monster Calls - Sky Cinema Drama | TV Guide

A Monster Calls (2016)

3:50 AM to 5:45 AM
Monday 20 May

A Monster Calls

Young Conor struggles to deal with his mother's terminal illness, the cold grandmother he has to stay with and the bullying he receives at school. He is woken from a recurring nightmare by the visitation of a tree monster at his bedroom window, telling him a series of stories. In return, Conor must tell the monster the truth behind his dreadful nightmare. Fantasy drama based on the award-winning book by Patrick Ness, starring Lewis MacDougall, Felicity Jones, Sigourney Weaver and Toby Kebbell, with the voice of Liam Neeson

A Monster Calls airs on Sky Cinema Drama at 3:50 AM, Monday 20 May. (Subtitles, mature scenes, rating with pin.)
Movie ➝ Drama
Literary Adaptation
Lewis MacDougall
Liam Neeson
Sigourney Weaver