Chinese EV's are a coming to the UK early 2025 | Jaguar Forum
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Chinese EV's are a coming to the UK early 2025

20 views 3 replies 2 participants last post by  Ruby351 
#1 ·
I have read an article today where the mighty Stellantis and one of it's many car making companies Leapmotor are about to bring their models T03 and C10 to Europe this September and to the UK sales are expected in March next year.

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Vauxhall owner to sell cheap Chinese EVs in UK and mainland Europe (

I suppose the good thing is that the said cars are labelled as being cheap and therefore more accessible to more people if you are in the market for an EV, although it is no secret that I am no fan of such vehicles. The other thing of course is that the Chinese are well advanced on the EV journey, if what is being put out there is to be believed.

On the other hand though. do we want to end up with the mounds of 'dead carcasses' piling up in humongous areas, where these vehicles are no longer serviceable or wanted as I have seen (via the net) dotted around in China, as then again, dear old Blighty, just doesn't have that sort of available storage space, at least not to my mind?

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#2 ·
Not really knowing much about what's available or the price of EV's when they say 'cheap' I thought I would have a little look and the only small one that I could think of was the Citroën Ami, which then sent me on quite a learning curve as this is more appropriately known as a microcar i.e. an electric quadricycle.

There are two categories of quadricycles: light quadricycles (L6e) and heavy quadricycles (L7e)

Quadricycle (EU vehicle classification) - Wikipedia

For a go to run-a-round to local shops and the like, with a new price tag from around £8.5K that's doesn't seem a lot to pay, but the price could be a lot more to pay on all the ribbing and funny looks you are likely to get, I'm thinking ;)

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Asking 'copilot' ... What is the cheapest new electric car to buy in the UK ... it came up with:
"Certainly! The Dacia Spring is currently one of the most affordable electric cars available in the UK. Priced at £14,999, it offers an attractive option for budget-conscious buyers looking to make the switch to electric. While it might not have all the bells and whistles of more expensive EVs, the Dacia Spring provides practical and efficient city driving."

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#4 ·
According to another read of 2 days ago, there is some speculation that the Leapmotor T03 may end up being the UK's cheapest EV, "Stellantis hasn’t yet given any indication of pricing, but it is possible that the T03 will claim a significant price advantage over its £15k rival by not being shipped over from China and therefore could become the UK’s cheapest electric car."

Stellantis to launch Leapmotor T03 as ultra-affordable EV for Europe | Autocar

I can't blame you for not being a fan after the hols you had with an EV, my grievance isn't from personal experience it has to be said, but rather from everything I learnt about what it takes to get them up and running and there after, but I have said that in other threads, so will try to refrain in this one.

T03 - 165 mile range and around 100bhp

C10 - a claimed 261 mile range and up to 228bhp