Was Neil Peart the greatest rock lyricist? | Page 5 | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

Was Neil Peart the greatest rock lyricist?

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Adam Pajda, May 14, 2024.

  1. Judge Judy

    Judge Judy Forum Resident

    Brooklyn, NY, USA
    He certainly was unlike any other lyricist in rock. I'm not aware of any other who was so influenced by literature and had such a great command of the English language, and for me personally, he wrote some things that hit very close to the mark and continue to have a lot of meaning for me.

    I haven't awarded anyone the title of "greatest rock lyricist." There are a few people, like Neil Young, who I also find really emotionally affecting, but he works in a completely different way than Peart and they have nothing in common as far as their approaches are concerned. I don't know if there will ever be a "winner" for me.
    ytserush, SteveMaturin, Murph and 7 others like this.
  2. Gracchus

    Gracchus Forum Resident

    If you think Neil Peart is literary and has a great command of the English language then God knows what you'd make of someone like Peter Blegvad.
  3. tulumdedoo

    tulumdedoo Forum Resident

    Cool..I'm not familiar with them, can you suggest an album or two?
  4. Judge Judy

    Judge Judy Forum Resident

    Brooklyn, NY, USA
    In that interview, which he conducted when he was about 60, he said he was a fan of hers when he was "a kid" in his 20s. That's less of a disavowal in my opinion than just a statement that he had outgrown it decades earlier. I certainly read my share of stupid, edgy books in my 20s like Catcher in the Rye before I knew any better, and listened to a lot of music I can't sit through today because it was so moronic. The fact that I don't any more is less a disavowal and more of a sobering up.
  5. Amnion

    Amnion Forum Miscreant

    Ontario, Canada
    "With All Due Respect" I love that phrase. It leaves open the option that absolutely NO respect is due...
    danasgoodstuff and Komakino___ like this.
  6. Judge Judy

    Judge Judy Forum Resident

    Brooklyn, NY, USA
    Never heard of him.
  7. downer mydnyte

    downer mydnyte Forum Resident

    Did someone call Catcher In The Rye "stupid" and "edgy"?
  8. petem1966

    petem1966 Forum Resident

    Katy TX
    This is an important point. I cowrote songs with a friend of mine for years and I was the lyric writer. I would give him pages of various lyrics and he would put them to music, a lot of the time changing around verses, rewriting a line here and there, even pulling a verse from a different lyric to use as the chorus or bridge or whatever, so the end result was a lyric that was maybe 80% true to the original, sometimes 100%, sometimes unrecognizable.

    ETA, I've always wished Neil would've published a book of poetry, or at least a book with his original lyrics to songs, except Rush has never been keen on releasing work product from their songs, so I'm sure Neil felt the same about the words.
  9. AudiophilePhil

    AudiophilePhil Senior Member

    San Diego, CA
  10. Judge Judy

    Judge Judy Forum Resident

    Brooklyn, NY, USA
    I did. It's one of the worst books ever written and gave legions of late-adolescent boys an excuse to act like jerks and think they were smarter than everybody. My son was just forced to read it for school and he said that Holden Caulfield reminded him of the classmates he doesn't like.
    St. Troy and petem1966 like this.
  11. Sear

    Sear Dad rocker

    Tarragona (Spain)
    Ayn Rand is evil
  12. stax o' wax

    stax o' wax Forum Resident

    The West
    Maybe for the OP Peart's lyrics are the ones resonating with him right now.
  13. Steve G

    Steve G Senior Member

    los angeles
    I second that opinion
    Judge Judy likes this.
  14. stax o' wax

    stax o' wax Forum Resident

    The West
    This is one by Peart that struck me as very effective communicating alienation and displacement of human connection in a quickly changing world.
    That sense that we can't stop or control whatever it is that is happening to our world.
    Seems more relevant now than ever.

    -Between The Wheels-

    To live between a rock and a hard place
    In between time
    Cruising in primetime
    Soaking up the cathode rays
    To live between the wars in our time
    Living in real time
    Holding the good time
    Holding on to yesterdays
    You know how that rabbit feels
    Going under your speeding wheels
    Bright images flashing by
    Like windshields towards a fly
    Frozen in the fatal climb
    But the wheels of time
    Just pass you by
    Wheels can take you around
    Wheels can cut you down
    We can go from boom to bust
    From dreams to a bowl of dust
    We can fall from rockets' red glare
    Down to "Brother, can you spare..."
    Another war, another wasteland
    And another lost generation
    It slips between your hands like water
    This living in real time
    A dizzying lifetime
    Reeling by on celluloid
    Struck between the eyes by the big-time world
    Walking uneasy street
    Hiding beneath the sheets, got to try and fill the void
    You know how that rabbit feels
    Going under your speeding wheels
    Bright images flashing by
    Like windshields towards a fly
    Frozen in that fatal climb
    But the wheels of time
    Just pass you by
    We can go from boom to bust
    From dreams to a bowl of dust
    We can fall from rockets' red glare
    Down to "Brother, can you spare..."
    Another war, another wasteland
    And another lost generation
    Wheels can take you around
    Wheels can cut you down
    Fall from rockets' red glare
    Down to "Brother, can you spare..."
    Another war, another wasteland
    Another lost generation

    St. Troy, Fischman, dlokazip and 3 others like this.
  15. Judge Judy

    Judge Judy Forum Resident

    Brooklyn, NY, USA
    Thank you! It's a self-righteous piece of crap at best and the book that killed John Lennon at worst.
    St. Troy and petem1966 like this.
  16. Sear

    Sear Dad rocker

    Tarragona (Spain)
    Ayn Rand was a heartless monster and an enemy of humanity.
  17. johnod

    johnod Forum Resident

    No, not even close.
  18. Jeff Chandler

    Jeff Chandler Forum Resident

    I'm totally unfamiliar with Peart's lyrics, and these are the first I've ever seen. Lots of cliches within the above. I prefer somebody like Jackson Browne, who has original ways of describing feelings and ideas rather than rehashing previous phrases ("boom to bust," "fill the void," "living in real time," etc.). Or was that what Peart was intentionally trying to do in with these words?
  19. johnod

    johnod Forum Resident

    No, just objective.
  20. Bassist

    Bassist Forum Resident

    I would start with Double Live and see how you get on. Whale Music is a great studio album to start with. Then Introducing Happiness and Blue Hysteria.

    There are many riches in their catalogue and in the Tielli solo albums too.
    tulumdedoo likes this.
  21. dalecooper

    dalecooper Forum Resident

    Athens, GA
    No. Smart guy, could turn a phrase, read a lot and incorporated that into his lyrics. All admirable. But he could also be clumsy and ham-fisted and obvious. That's not even a huge detriment to Rush--they're a nerdy band for nerdy fans, it's part of the charm. But he's not part of the top tier, IMO.
  22. Wugged

    Wugged Forum Resident

    Warsaw, Poland
    No. Good grief.
    Bill Diercks likes this.
  23. peskypesky

    peskypesky Forum Resident

    Satantonio, Texas
    No, but he was great.
    danielbravo likes this.
  24. Stephen J

    Stephen J Forum Resident

    Austin, TX
    Not by a long shot.

    And I am Sci-Fi fantasy philosophy geek, LOL.
  25. nosticker

    nosticker Forum Guy

    Ringwood, NJ
    Was_____the greatest______? You'll probably not get anything close to consensus.

    St. Troy likes this.

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