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Where was/is Doria?


Meghan went to her “home country” on Mother’s Day. That side of her being Nigerian would have come from her mother. So on top of not taking the kids (as expected) why didn’t she bring her mother to their “homeland” and then spin it into a Mother’s Day treat. She could had a real positive angle with this but obviously she’s not that smart and she doesn’t like to share the headlines.

Regardless, where IS Doria? Did she start making Hollywood power moves and so now she’s on the silent treatment like her dad? Did Meghan wise up her mother is also a narcissist and was using her to her advantage?

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Remember when her mom dared to talk over her at the recipe book launch she wasn’t risking that again

That was the scariest mask slip of all the mask slips.

Hahha can someone post a link of this plz ! ?

u/Honest_Boysenberry25 avatar

This never gets old, LoL... Love it 💕

Thanks ! What’s a psycho

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u/CommentandorQuestion avatar
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That or Doria has no nigerian DNA. So she lied-which is par for the course for madame.

Exactly. Doria looks Ghanaian and that's because she is. Mixed with a few other things along the way.

The only way for MM to be 43% Nigerian is for Doria to be 86% Nigerian. That seems impossible and would mean that almost all of doria’s ancestors brought to America as slaves would have been Nigerian and all subsequent ancestors would have had to have procreated with only other people of almost pure Nigerian DNA. That would have occurred over at least the last 160 to 220 years. It’s statistically impossible unless Doria’s Nigerian ancestors have lived in a commune in the US for the last 160-220 years and only procreated with commune members.

Doria had way too much mixed Caucasian in her to be even 75% African let alone 90% to one specific tribal area. It’s nonsense. I would love for one of Doria’s close relatives to do a DNA me test

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u/TraditionScary8716 avatar

Madam doesn't do competition. She hates other women and her OG grifter mother is no exception. 

Madam uses Doria when it benefits her. She didn't see any benefit in bringing her to Nigeria, so Doria stayed home.

Or she was out of money to pay Doria. Could go either way.

Remember the aunties? I think they may have been in North or South Carolina. The ones who were having a baby shower for her, which she didn't show up for, of course. Someone should contact them for their comments on their heritage and this Nigeria trip.

u/sdowney64 avatar

Right because I thought her heritage was more Ghana and Sierra Leone.

I thought it was Jamaica. You get so many different stories from these people, which obviously is meant to cause confusion.

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u/YachtRockGroupie avatar

I feel like even Doria would HAVE to be paid to betray her family lineage, which is deeply American, like that.

There were genealogical charts for MM's mother and father posted somewhere on line. The space for Doria's mother is blank. Her father is ascribed to Ragland.

However, there are some stories that that is not the case. True genealogy research would likely expose things in Doria's DNA that are problematic. Not that any of that is Doria's fault, but it's something her own daughter could certainly hold over her.

u/YachtRockGroupie avatar

How could Meghan hold it over her? It's her DNA, too...and she's the one lying about it, to boot!

The best defence is a good offense.

This offence of the 43% Nigerian ancestry and all this honoring the daughter of Nigeria blah blah blah may be a way to try to bypass the Doria ancestry, by making such a fuss that no one can back down now.

She has never shown an actual report from a reputable genealogy source has she?

She's lying through her teeth. This may be a deep dark secret that is part of the psychopathology she exhibits. Doria has not turned out to be an upstanding citizen, either. Perhaps certain substances are abused to help her cope with her own problems.

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I read somewhere that there was incest in Doris’s ancestry… anybody remember what was the source of that and whether it’s credible?

Dorito’s mother was a half sister of her father allegedly, reported by another Sinner…. Whacky!

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I think the using is mutual between mother and daughter.

u/Pretend-Dependent-56 avatar

True. Doria looks better than Megan some days. Someone in Nigeria may have also pressed Doria on what, if anything, she knows about her ancestors. It was all too risky for Megan.

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u/TXmama1003 avatar

Doria appears and disappears. It’s her thing. See: 10 years of Meghan’s life. Can’t pin Doria down. Doria is like the wind.

u/Cold-Computer6318 avatar

Like absent mother like absent daughter.

and grand daughter

u/Cold-Computer6318 avatar

Tbh, the optics of her going on tour with her literal white-skinned/red-haired daughter, and then going on her whole 'You see yourself in me me me... you also see yourself in my my MY white-presenting daughter--who lives a one percenter life cushioned by unearned royal inheritance--unlike your POC kids who look nothing like her' spiel would go down like a lead balloon. Her kids presenting as white ruins her ability to weaponise the race card... 43% Nigerian? I very much doubt it!

Also, Madame wouldn’t risk bringing Doria and having her being hailed as brave, strong, beautiful, etc etc on the same stage as Madame herself. Share the spotlight?! Hell no

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I do wish Meghan would do a "Doria".


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I have been asking the same... MM talks about her Nigerian heritage. Where is the person that makes it happen?

I’ve told her story many times. Doria is from Ohio. Her grand parents are half siblings. Yes. That’s incest.


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Yup. That is the Big Secret that MM does not want exposed.

She will NEVER go on Finding Your Roots, because it would be very quickly evident in the DNA results.

That’s so interesting! I have not heard this before! It makes sense why Doria is in the closet until needed. She wouldn’t want anyone to publicly talk about this whilst cameras are around.


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Maybe that’s why they’re so f’d up.

Perhaps having to hide this huge family secret causes a lot of manipulation of your behaviours to made sure no one ever finds out.

I think the BRF probably found this out at some point, but as neither the mother or daughter had any control over it there wasn't much that could be done.

Good point.

I doubt the BRF of all families would be worried about incest.

Royals like to keep things in house.

True but that level of inbreeding is dangerous and it could affect Harry's kids, that should have been grounds for the queen to veto the marriage. I wouldn't want to reproduce with that kind of DNA because of what could happen to the future offspring.

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Doesn't explain the rest of the Markles though.

I agree. No fidelity on either side. All I can say is. Meghan’s maternal side has a dizzying amount of divorce. Really not normal for those eras. If you follow the social security records (all public record) you’ll be even more perplexed. Perfect breeding ground for sociopathic borderlines. In my opinion of course. Do the research for yourselves.

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Hey do you think this might be what Lady C could may been alluding to? - about info coming out around this time?

u/Accomplished_Cell768 avatar

No, this has been out there for years.

I’ve heard sooo much about these two here and everywhere — but I’ve never heard this one before! Fascinating

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u/Select-Motor4491 avatar

Ah yes, what happened to this big story being revealed in spring ( delayed twice previously)

AFRICAN PARKS is pretty big.

It IS big - but no one’s reporting about it these days

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u/-Sanj- avatar

Lady C's book that came out this Spring was it.

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No. This is one of those easily verifiable truths about Meghan that has been out there in the public domain since forever. We - I - have spoken about it here many times. There’s kind of nothing to ‘allude to’. It’s out there. Always has been. That the press won’t touch it with a barge pole??? I’d say 100% once again that’s the Firm covering for her ass. After all, admitting it would acknowledge they may potentially have genuine, unpleasant syndromes or inherited diseases introduced to the royal bloodline. They’ve worked hard to shed the ‘first cousin’ in-breeding stigma. Sibling incest just two generations from kids who are supposed to be legally in line to the throne, that’s embarrassing to say the least. If Meganut presented as even vaguely normal, with the ability to hold down relationships, it might not be such an elephant in the room. But all we see is dysfunctional behaviour from her. The cheese slid off her cracker a long time ago. Nature? Nurture? Both? Either way, we have a seriously malevolent individual. Lady C is a hoot but she’s shilling her book. There is no ‘reveal’. The book was ‘it’.

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Thanks for this. I was trying to remember the incest details. Do we know the source of this info?

Public records. Genealogy websites. American records are frighteningly public record. It boggles my mind how easy it is as a foreigner to find American records. It’s all out there and easily purchased for a few dollars. If you put the leg work in, it’s very, very easy to corroborate.

Ahhh I see. So it’s not just rumour. This was helpful. Thank you for replying!

u/Majestic-Window-318 avatar

UK and Canadian records are pretty easy to track, as well. I am only fluent in English and can only barely speak/read modern Spanish (Don Quixote in AP Spanish was a nightmare for me!), so I can't speak to other countries records, but I understand there are a few others with good records.

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u/Majestic-Window-318 avatar

As much as I love this "tea," as an avid genealogist, I am reminded of the old "Redneck Love Poem" about poor Susie Lee's travails in finding an appropriate and acceptable mate... we never really know, do we? And the royal family isn't one to complain in that area! 😆

First cousin marriage is relatively common. Even today. Sibling incest isn't. Just sayin'.

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u/rainyhawk avatar

Especially given the fact the apparently doria is well over 80% Nigerian, per Ms claims.

Nigerians respect their elders. Doria would be queen there not megsy

The Nigerian women would want to talk to Doria about her heritage, and the whole grift would fall apart quickly.

Although I’m still finding it hard to believe the Nigerians bought it.

They know. It's all about promoting Nigeria. That dog and pony show was a master stroke of humoring.

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u/Starkville avatar

Someone has to stay behind and bully the household staff. They’re not gonna bully themselves, you know. Leave them to their own devices and they might take a lunch break or stop cowering in fear!

u/FalteringSky avatar

‘They’re not going to bully themselves’ Brilliant and hilarious!

u/usedtobebrainy avatar

Starkville, this made me chuckle! (But I bully myself all the time, alas). Still, it was the way you said it. Sort of severely!🤣😁😁

u/Hairybogog avatar

Or go on the run and try and get the kids to safety 

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She's keeping a low profile while she works her elder care grift. They likely don't want the publicity on that.

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Remember when TW practically elbowed Rosamund off the stage? Perhaps there was some inspiration behind this 🙃

THIS ONE should have been produced by them. What a missed opportunity. 🤣

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Vogue has posted an article that says markle is carrying the future of a nation. They are getting roasted

carrying the future of a nation.

WtF have THEY been smokin? It's obvious that Vogue is up her arse, but the reason why is beyond my comprehension. Smfh

I bet she tries to be called princess now because of her blessing in Nigeria 😂😂

Most of the comments are negative with posters asking which nation. The article deserves a thread

u/Accomplished_Cell768 avatar
u/Centaurea16 avatar

I think we have a thread going about it.

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Of course! That was the entire point of that sad exercise.

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u/Far_Example_9150 avatar

What nation??!!


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What nation would that be then?!

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u/Apprehensive-Year513 avatar

Nigeria is not their homeland as much as Meghan wants to postulate that it is. She shares no values the Nigerian culture stands for. Nigerians value time with family. They respect their parents. Meghan does not hold any of that. This whole thing is so unattractive and cringeworthy. She would not have a place in a culture that values treating elderly people well.

Meghan doesn't even have the values that America is supposed to stand for. America was founded on working hard to achieve success. She has been publicly called out for being a lazy grifter. Meghan is a pariah everywhere she goes because she refuses to see past her own arrogance. That's on her. It's not the fault of the Royal Family or the British people or anyone else.

Because it would be apparent that woman isn’t over 80% Nigerian, which she’d need to be for MeMe to be 43 percent Nigerian

Not true - that's not how genetics works. Let's at least snark with knowledge. Doria could be anything 43% and above and the orange self tanner one could have inherited the 43%.

u/Japanese_Honeybee avatar

This is just my opinion. I think we need more discussion in the news on Meghan’s appropriation of Nigerian identity. Even if Meghan is 43% Nigerian, which I don’t believe, it is ridiculous for her to be over there calling it her home country. I could understand someone wanting to investigate their genetic roots but she isn’t making any efforts to do that. She seems to think that Nigeria is a homogeneous population of people. Being able to trace your roots back to another country doesn’t mean you understand the culture. I’m only one generation removed from Japan on my mother’s side and two generations on my father’s but I would never think of myself as a Japanese citizen. My cultural identity has roots in Japan but I am American. It really bothers me that people are playing into this manipulation of Meghan’s. To visit another country is to respect their culture, and “single white femaling” on a national level like this is super creepy.

u/navigable11 avatar

Ok, admittedly I’m no geneticist. But say MM inherited 43% Nigerian from her mother…are we just ignoring her father’s contribution? Wouldn’t Thomas Markle’s DNA make a dent in that alleged 43%? Honestly asking.

That's what I want to know too. I'm trying to get some answers here.

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Thank you. I’m embarrassed over posting and commenting about genetic “facts” who don’t understand what they’re saying. I mean no offense to anyone, but the ignorance is out of control.

I didn't know that. In that case, theoretically is it possible for a child to inherit 100% of one parent's DNA?

No, that's would make them a clone.

u/OKdevi avatar

Impossible, it's always 50%

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