This is how you can unlock a mobile phone without knowing the password | Actualidad Gadget

This is how you can unlock a cell phone without knowing the password

Unlock mobile without knowing the password.

If you forgot the unlock pattern for your mobile or lost the password and you need to enter, we have a trick to unlock your phone without knowing the password. It is a simple but effective method to carry out. Stay to find out what it's all about.

We are going to teach you how to unlock your phone without the need to reset, format or restore it to factory mode. Pay attention to the steps that we will teach you. This method can work on any phone, regardless of its make or model.

How to unlock a phone without knowing the password

Phone locked.

Take your phone or phones to which You cannot enter because not knowing the unlock pattern prevents you from doing so. or the password.

The next step is to turn off the phone and, from here, The process may vary depending on your brand. If it is an Android phone, you will have to turn it on again, but in safe mode. This is a fail-safe startup to avoid the automatic startup of any application that we have previously downloaded on our device.

In case you have a Samsung phone, to start safe mode you must press and hold the power button. Then, press and hold the safe mode button.

If you have a Xiaomi mobile, you will have to turn it off and enter Recovery mode. This is the mode that we normally use to format the phone, but instead of choosing the Erase data option what we will do is choose the Safe Mode option. This step may be different depending on the phone model.

After the phone boots, Go to Settings or Settings. Then, go to the Installed Applications Manager and proceed to uninstall the application to lock the screen using a pattern or pin. We warn you that This step can also vary a little since it will depend on the application that has been used to lock the screen.

After uninstalling the app, What remains is to start the phone normally to verify that it has indeed been unlocked.

Before we say goodbye, a few considerations

Unlock pattern.

It should be noted that this method to unlock a mobile phone without a password works for phones that have a third-party application installed to lock the screen and restrict access to applications.

Now, we want to leave you a warning. It is important that Use this method only on phones you own or to help a friend or family member who has forgotten the password or unlock pattern for their device. Please, do not use this knowledge for unethical purposes.

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