Ahmad Zahid committed to prioritise rural Sarawak development

Ahmad Zahid committed to prioritise rural Sarawak development


Ahmad Zahid receives a warm welcome by PRS members upon arrival at the event.

SIBU (May 18): Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi gives his assurance over his commitment of giving priority to the infrastructure development in the rural areas of Sarawak.

“I made a promise to myself that as long as I am entrusted by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to look after the Rural and Regional Development Ministry (KKWD), surely I will also give priority to the rural development and infrastructures in Sarawak.

“What’s more was when Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) president (Datuk Joseph Salang) said that the projects had been approved, but slow to be implemented.

“My commitment is any project that has been approved, I would bring the matter to the central JKR (Public Works Department), where another leader from Sarawak (Dato Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi) is the Works Minister and myself will go down more frequently to Sarawak and assist in expediting the implementation of these projects,” he spoke at the ‘PRS State-Level Pre-Gawai 2024’ event at a hotel here tonight, which hosted about 1,000 PRS members from across Sarawak.

Adding on, Ahmad Zahid pointed out that the rural folks ‘were thirsty’ for rural water and electricity supply projects, as well as community halls.

He said although longhouses were not the direct responsibility of his ministry, his closeness to the villagers had allowed the KKWD to assist with the repair works on the longhouses that were dilapidated, affected by disasters like fires and floods, or had other infrastructure problems.

On another matter, Ahmad Zahid praised Sarawak for having the most stable politics in the country.

“Because of this, it has brought about many developments in Sarawak.

“No other states in Malaysia have introduced hydrogen technology, except Sarawak.

“No other states in Malaysia have seven TVET (technical and vocational education training) institutions that teach and introduce electric vehicles, IoT (Internet of Things), robotics and new technologies – except in Sarawak.

“The fact is when political stability is achieved, (Premier Datuk Patinggi) Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg is well known not only in Malaysia, but also across Asean and Asia,” he added.

Ahmad Zahid said he supported TVET as a new stream in the nation’s education system, as means to achieve progress in various technological fields.

“Previously, TVET was considered as the second, or even the third, choice by many parents, who felt it was the option left after their children had failed academically.

“However, now Sarawak has proven that TVET is the first choice among the youths to gain employment.”

Earlier, Salang called upon the KKDW to expedite the implementation of approved development projects at the rural areas as soon as possible.

He said the move would improve the livelihood of people in the rural areas no matter how small or big the projects were.

“PRS is the only political party that fights for the fate of the people in the rural areas.

“As such, we hope that the ministry would find ways to expedite the implementation of development projects that have been planned,” he said.

National Unity Minister Dato Sri Aaron Ago Dagang, who is PRS vice-president, was also present.