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For persons with course responsibility: required exam preperations

The exam preperations require that there is one dedicated contact person per course. Following the digitization of exams and the introduction of UiO's examination venue Silurveien 2, this is especially important. The person with course responsibility is the dedicated contact person at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MN).

The person with course responsibility is responsible for the following points in connection with the examination:

  • You are the only contact person for the exam in the course you are responsible for. Even if you have group teachers or other co-teachers responsible for teaching and examination, you should still be the contact person for administration.
  • If your course has obligatory submissions, an overview of who has been approved/not approved must be received by the administration at the MN-faculty no later than 10 working days before the exam. Note that your department may have an internal deadline prior to 10 working days. It is very important that you adhere to the local deadline set by the department.
  • The set of exam questions must be finalized in Inspera (or sent to the examination officer at the department in case of a paper exam) according to the local deadline set by your department, or at the latest 10 working days before the examination.
  • You must be available for academic/technical questions on mobile phone and email during the hours the exam is conducted.
  • You must familiarize yourself with and follow the MN Faculty's guidelines for digital examinations.


Published May 15, 2024 1:05 PM - Last modified May 23, 2024 1:17 PM