South Africa Election: Ramaphosa Signs Controversial Health Law - Bloomberg

South African President Signs Controversial Health Law Before Pivotal Vote

  • Contentious health plan aims to fix a dysfunctional system
  • African National Congress risks losing majority after 30 years

Cyril Ramaphosa shows the signed bill for National Health Insurance signed into law in Pretoria, South Africa on May 15.

Photographer: Leon Sadiki/Bloomberg

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa signed a controversial health-insurance bill into law, weeks before his party faces what’s set to be its toughest election since it came to power three decades ago.

The legislation aims to fix a dysfunctional system and make access to treatment more equitable, while banning the private sector from insuring treatment covered under the National Health Insurance plan. Opposition parties and business lobby groups argue the plan is unconstitutional and have vowed to challenge it in court.