"MasterChef changed my life" - two decades of Champions and Past Contestants share their memories of the series

"MasterChef changed my life" - two decades of Champions and Past Contestants share their memories of the series

Semi Finals kick off with a celebration to remember at the MasterChef 20th Anniversary Dinner

Published: 14 May 2024
Updated: 31 May 2024
Group photo of Jane Devonshire, Dhruv Baker, Eddie Scott, Thomas Frake, Natalie Coleman, Tom Rhodes, Chariya Khattiyot, Shelina Permalloo, Saliha Mahmood Ahmed, Kenny Tutt, Steven Wallis, Simon Wood, Ping Coombes, James Nathan and Irini Tzortzoglou
L-R: Jane Devonshire, Dhruv Baker, Eddie Scott, Thomas Frake, Natalie Coleman, Tom Rhodes, Chariya Khattiyot, Shelina Permalloo, Saliha Mahmood Ahmed, Kenny Tutt, Steven Wallis, Simon Wood, Ping Coombes, James Nathan and Irini Tzortzoglou

It's Semi Finals week and we're kicking off with a celebration to remember.

One of the most glittering culinary events of the year - The MasterChef 20th Anniversary Dinner - took place at the sublime Fishmongers’ Hall, Central London at the start of the Semi Finals week, welcoming over 70 extraordinary guests to an uplifting evening of celebration.

Read on to hear from some of the MasterChef Champions and Finalists celebrating two decades of the series.

Watch Semi Finals week on BBC One and BBC iPlayer:

  • 8pm, Tuesday 14 May
  • 9pm, Thursday 16 May
  • 7.30pm Friday 17 May

*To note, some of the names were not able to attend the dinner and it is marked beside their name


MasterChef Champions

Chariya Khattiyot – MasterChef Champion 2023

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Chariya: MasterChef, for me, is like a family, a big, big family.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Chariya: I think I would still be roasting coffee at my little coffee roastery, and then probably just stay there. I would probably try to apply again, I don't know!

Dhruv Baker – MasterChef Champion 2010

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Dhruv: MasterChef enabled me to change careers into food which is something I'd always dreamt of but had always, and increasingly, become a kind of pipe dream, given that reality takes over. But, as I suspect all the winners and finalists would say, MasterChef did give me that opportunity to fulfil a lifetime dream of working in food.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Dhruv: I would think if it wasn't for MasterChef, I would still be doing a job I disliked. I suspect there would be much more routine to my life. I suspect I'd know exactly what every day had in store, but I would definitely not have as much fulfilment then from what I do now.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Dhruv: I'd say thank you for watching for 20 years. Saying it out loud, it just sounds bizarre. I think I was winner six of 19 so far, this year there will be 20. So thank you for sticking with it and enjoy the next 20 and beyond.

Irini Tzortzoglou – MasterChef Champion 2019

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Irini: MasterChef marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life. It ignited a journey of continuous learning, propelling me to become an expert in olive oil and honey. It brought me more joy in my professional life than I had ever felt before and by opening numerous avenues for me to pursue, rejuvenated me at an age where many feel overlooked and marginalized.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Irini: I often wonder myself what my life would be like had I not taken part in MasterChef in 2019 and what I would be like as a person. My husband's answer to both these questions is 'unbearable'!

A message for MasterChef fans:

Irini: I hope that the courage, commitment, focus and dedication displayed by all the contestants who dare apply inspires those watching to take a step towards something they have dreamt about, something they aspire to achieve.

James Nathan – MasterChef Champion 2008

What does MasterChef mean to you?

James: MasterChef is like a big family really. MasterChef means a lot to me. It was the defining moment in my life and I really took off in the career that I wanted. And all of these similar people in the same shoes is just really amazing. We're a massive MasterChef family.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

James: Without MasterChef, I would have been a very boring lawyer! But as it turns out, I had a wonderful career in catering.

A message for MasterChef fans.

James: To the fans on our 20th anniversary, I raise a glass! We wouldn't be here without the support of the fans and everywhere I go people are so nice about the competition. It's really heart-warming to meet people and still get recognised, about 18 years after I've done it, so I'm very happy.

Jane Devonshire – MasterChef Champion 2016

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Jane: MasterChef changed my life, it has meant the world to me. I have a business where I am working with fabulous clients planning amazing bespoke hospitality events across the UK and abroad, of course, revolving around food. It’s exciting, every day is different, I’m meeting new people and facing new interesting challenges.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Jane: I like to think I would be doing something with food, but who knows. I’d been in the marketing world and then a stay-at-home mum so was looking to go back to work and face challenges. I never envisaged that life would take this amazing turn, so I just celebrate it for as long as it lasts.

A message for MasterChef fans.

Jane: Thank You! I think we have some of the best fans in the world. I’ve come across very little negativity, people just want to share the experience and are genuinely interested and supportive of the achievement. Everyone knows MasterChef as show but not many of us get to experience what’s it’s really like from start to finish and it’s been more than incredible. A huge part of the experience is the fans and their passion for the show. I feel very grateful to have experienced it all, and again a huge thank you to you all.

Kenny Tutt - MasterChef Champion 2018

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Kenny: MasterChef is more than just another TV show. I always remember rushing home from work desperate to see what new exciting dishes people would create under the watchful eye of the judges. It really sparked something inside of me and unlocked a new skill that grew and grew over the years.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Kenny: I often think where I’d be now if it wasn’t for MasterChef. It really did change everything for me and I went on to start several food businesses in an industry that’s super addictive. I’d most likely still be crunching the numbers in the bank or something in the corporate world.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Kenny: Just to say that I’ve always been overwhelmed by the love and support I’ve had from day one. There’s been a huge amount of warmth from the MC faithful and I’m eternally grateful. Here’s to many more panna cotta wobbles!

Mat Follas - MasterChef Champion 2009*

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Mat: Very much the start of a journey, lots of life changes, a lot of fun, bloody hard work and challenges. I’ve no regrets at being on the show, would definitely do it all again.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Mat: I'd be cooking for a living, but it would have been a slower journey, and I probably wouldn't have had a chance to write several cookbooks! MasterChef gives the dream that jump start that TV can offer.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Mat: Firstly, it's a good way to judge if you are good enough because your friends and family will only praise you. It’s an amazing jump start to a career, winning for me was not the goal. It was about whether I had the skills. The proof is that so many semi-finalists and finalists have the careers they were dreaming of when they went on the programme. Secondly, don't do it to be 'famous', that gets dull pretty quickly! Thirdly, do it. The team, John, Gregg, all genuinely want the best and it's great fun to do! Good luck.

Natalie Coleman - MasterChef Champion 2013

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Natalie: MasterChef means a lot to me. It meant a new start in life. I was in a finance job doing the whole 9-5 thing just going through the motions of life. When I got onto MasterChef it changed my life completely and meant that I could follow my dreams. Since then, I have done some amazing things I could have only dreamt of. So, for that, I am eternally grateful.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Natalie: Hopefully pursuing my other dream of being a superstar DJ - so in Ibiza playing techno music.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Natalie: Follow your dreams and never give up. It took me a few years to get on the show and when I did it was the best experience ever. Have an open mind about food, try everything no matter how weird or wonderful and enjoy the 20th anniversary, it’s set to be a big one this year.

Ping Coombes - MasterChef Champion 2014

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Ping: MasterChef enabled me to gain confidence in my own abilities and it opened up a whole new world for me. MasterChef, to me, is not just a household name but is family.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Ping: Probably stuck in a boring job I don't like and wondering what I am meant to be.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Ping: Yes, we do eat all eight courses during judging!

Saliha Mahmood-Ahmed – MasterChef Champion 2017

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Saliha: MasterChef means food, it means family, it means a slice of British culture. It’s the where the heart is, a bit of being British. Really for me, it has such sentimental value. But it's something that's just really changed my life and I think for lots of people MasterChef gives them the confidence to be able to change the narrative in their life and make food a priority, which is amazing.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Saliha: I'm still working in the NHS, but I also do lots of food stuff. I think I always had this really deep insight into myself that food would be a part of my life in some way or another. So having done MasterChef, I think it just gave me that perfect springboard for my career and my life. And it has just been the most amazing journey after winning the show.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Saliha: I think the fans of MasterChef make the show. The fans come from so far and wide, you can be any ethnicity, any race, any culture, any age, and you can still love this show. This show is for everyone, which is why it's the best show on TV.

Shelina Permalloo – MasterChef Champion 2012

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Shelina: Oh my goodness, what a question! It just means a complete change in life, it completely changed every aspect of my life. It completely changed my career. It changed everything I enjoy doing, from paid work, to working in a professional kitchen to cooking for a career, rather than dreaming of it. It’s just been amazing.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Shelina: It's interesting, I probably would have ended up in food somehow. I love eating but I mostly love feeding people. But I don't think I would have been here in the space of having owned my restaurant, having been able to teach other people how to cook, motivate and inspire other people. For me, that's the thing that I'm most passionate about.

If you could share a message to MasterChef fans, what would it be?

Shelina: A massive, massive thank you to all the fans. Without you guys, we wouldn't be here. It's been an incredible journey. I'm also a MasterChef fan, I watch the show avidly. So, keep watching, keep enjoying it and apply, go online and get your application in.

Steven Wallis – MasterChef Champion 2007

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Steven: MasterChef for me is life-defining. I know it's defined me, my career, who I am, the people that know me. It's so much more than a show because it's culture. For me MasterChef is family as well. I mean, probably everyone’s said that, but you have such an amazing sense of belonging here. It's great bumping into winners that I've never met before and they're saying to me, “I watched you back in 2007, you inspired me to go on the show.” We're all part of each other's journeys, so I think that intermeshing of talent and narrative is phenomenal. And that would never happen anywhere else in the world. So, I have so much to thank for the show. It’s amazing.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef and a message for MasterChef fans

Steven: I’d still be rattling around in my kitchen, showing off, making dinners and getting lots of praise, but kind of thinking, am I good enough? There was a friend all those years ago who said, “Come on, Steveo, get out there. Do the show. You're amazing.” And I'm so glad I did because not only did I get to do the show with amazing people. But it's pushed me, it's pushed what I understand about food, also what I can physically and emotionally do and create. It allows you to sort of dig deeper into the guts of who you are and go “I can do this.” It taught me about the power of self-belief. I sound a bit like a self-help book!

The show really arms you with so many opportunities to really push yourself and I'm really glad I took them all and went “right let's do it. I'm here.” I think that is the best thing and I think if anyone is going to do it, if you want to change, if you want to prove something to yourself: do the show and cook.

Thomas Frake - MasterChef Champion 2020

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Thomas: MasterChef changed my life. It's such a journey to have been a part of - it's such an incredible brand and programme. And it was very, very exciting to be at the 20th anniversary celebration.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Thomas: I think if it wasn't for MasterChef I’d be still at home, cooking passionately at the stovetop. But MasterChef afforded me the opportunity to go into the world of cuisine, working in foods, and running my own pub. So, it has completely changed my life.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Thomas: Thank you for watching the show and making it what it is for 20 years. Without eyes on screen and the support of the fans and people that follow us and come to food festivals and eat our food, it wouldn't make it worthwhile. So, it's the people that watch at home that I think make it such a big show, as much as the team behind it.

Thomasina Miers - MasterChef Champion 2005*

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Thomasina: It was a life-changing moment for me, in that I had been searching for a metier ever since I left school and I kept coming back to cooking. It was an amazing blessing to have John and Gregg’s seal of approval - their view that I was good enough to do this mad passion as a career, for a job. After that it was really the first time that I took the idea seriously.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Thomasina: Hopefully still cooking! I knew I wanted to work in food, but MasterChef definitely gave me the boost of confidence that I needed.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Thomasina: Cooking is not just a career, it’s for life. Being able to cook allows you to look after yourself, nurture your loved ones, enjoy food and live well without spending a fortune. It is one of the most crucial skills in life and it is wonderful to see MasterChef highlighting the value of it for such a long time!

Tim Anderson - MasterChef Champion 2011*

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Tim: Like Gregg always said, ‘whoever wins, it’s gonna change their life.’ He sure was right. Winning MasterChef led me to have all sorts of amazing experiences, and I have MasterChef to thank for my current career as a food writer, which is a dream come true.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Tim: Probably still unblocking toilets or tapping casks in the dank and dangerous cellar at the awful pub I worked at when my series wrapped.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Tim: Don’t be afraid to be weird. People have made fun of me all my life for being a dysfunctional and obsessive nerd, but honestly I think those qualities are exactly what led to my success both on MasterChef and after I won. Be different. Be yourself.

Tom Rhodes – MasterChef Champion 2021

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Tom Rhodes: MasterChef is so, so special. It's been a huge part of my life and to be back here celebrating 20 years is incredible.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Tom Rhodes: I don't know what I'd be doing if it wasn't for MasterChef. I've always loved the show. I've always loved food. I'd probably still be applying to get on! Food is a big part of my life and even more so since I was on MasterChef.

And finally, a message for MasterChef fans.

Tom Rhodes: I want to say thank you to all the people that have loved MasterChef just as I have, over all these years and supported everyone that's been on the show. It's everyone at home watching MasterChef that makes it so incredible. So, thank you so much.

Simon Wood - MasterChef Champion 2015

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Simon: MasterChef means everything, doesn't it! It changed my life. It changed me, and my outlook on things, my career. It really broadened my horizons. I've since been able to meet and work with some phenomenally talented people.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Simon: Where would I be today without MasterChef? It's not something that I want to even think about really. I worked in data science before this, I did a lot of home cookery and would that have continued? Probably. But would I be cooking at the level that I am with my own couple of restaurants and the career I've got? No, I definitely wouldn't. I wouldn't be anywhere close to where I am without this show.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Simon: I think what's important to say is thanks to everyone who's watched me and all the other contestants over the years. Thank for supporting the show, John and Gregg and all the other competitors, contestants and guest chefs that have been on there. You know without you watching, we can't do it. So, thank you so much.

MasterChef Finalists

Alex Rushmer – MasterChef – Finalist 2010

What does MasterChef mean to you and where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Alex: MasterChef is the reason that I became a chef. Before MasterChef I was working in office, I was doing some teaching. I was able to do exactly what I wanted, which was cook every single day, because of MasterChef. So, I would not be where I am now if it hadn't been for the show.

A message for Master Chef fans:

Alex: I just want to say thank you to everybody who has supported the show and supported me over the last almost 15 years I've been cooking on the back of being a finalist on MasterChef. So, thank you very much for everybody's support, it's been amazing. Here's to another 20 years.

Anurag Aggarwal – MasterChef Finalist 2023

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Anurag: It is amazing. It's the best platform to realise your dream. I spent almost 20 years in the corporate world and then I stepped for the first time into MasterChef kitchen it just completely changed my life.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Anurag: I used to work 100 metres from Fishmongers’ Hall here. I think I'd still be sitting in front of the computer working!

And finally, a message for MasterChef fans.

Anurag: My message to all MasterChef fans is keep watching. It's an amazing show and trust me - I was there for 18 challenges and it’s just the best place to be. So, thank you so much for all your support and encouragement that you provide. Thank you!

Dean Edwards – MasterChef Finalist 2006

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Dean: MasterChef means everything to me, to be honest. I was on the show a long time ago, way back in 2006, and I was a digger driver at the time. MasterChef completely changed my life. I didn't know quite how much it was going to at the time, but nearly 20 years on, I'm working in the world of food, I'm the best-selling author of six cookbooks. And if any of you know me from back in the school days, I wasn’t the best at English. So, to find the things I’ve done off the back of MasterChef has been absolutely incredible and I will literally thank this competition for the rest of my life.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Dean: So, if it wasn’t for MasterChef I would probably still be driving my digger! It was something I actually quite liked doing. Gregg christened me Digger Dean back in 2006, which was a pretty cool thing and it’s stuck. To have the opportunity to work in the world of food for nearly 20 years off the back of appearing in the show, and obviously, to have appeared so early in the show, there were no expectations. I thought I’d go back to driving my digger. So, nearly 20 years on, to still be working in the world of food is amazing to me.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Dean: I would like to give a massive, massive thanks to all the fans of MasterChef who have stuck with us from series one way back in 2005. Thank you so much, you mean everything to us. I know I went on it before the days of social media but your support going forward, and I still get people shouting out “Digger Dean” in the street so, you obviously do remember. But you mean everything to us and without you guys the show wouldn't be the absolute juggernaut of a show, the biggest cookery competition in the entire world, that it is today.

Emma Spitzer – MasterChef Finalist 2015

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Emma: MasterChef just means a hugely exciting time. MasterChef is an incredible opportunity and it's also culinary recognition. So, if you think you've got talent and you go on MasterChef and they confirm it, it's amazing.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Emma: I was lucky to do a cookbook and so I've left a legacy for my family, which I absolutely love. It’s a really hard question - I don't know - probably less respected amongst my family and friends!

A message for MasterChef fans:

Emma: The fact that MasterChef is still here and going strong 20 years later, just goes to show what a successful show it is, and a great format.

Hannah Miles – MasterChef Finalist 2007

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Hannah: MasterChef means the world to me. It was the most amazing experience and changed my life. I know we say it all the time as a strapline, but it really did change everything for me and I'm so grateful for it.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Hannah: If it wasn’t for MasterChef, I would probably still be a lawyer in the city. And I'm still a lawyer, but I also write cookbooks. So, it's a really good dual life!

A message for MasterChef fans:

Hannah: My message for fans of MasterChef is, thank you for watching and supporting everybody, supporting every year's finalists and getting behind the programme. It's grown in 20 years from when I did it to something that's just a worldwide phenomenon now and I'm so lucky to be part of it.

Jack Lucas – MasterChef Finalist 2014

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Jack: For me MasterChef is an experience like no other. For me MasterChef is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You get to experience incredible food challenges, work with the best in the industry, learn from chefs that really are at the forefront of their game. And most importantly, it's chance to learn and experience something totally unique, and it's a ‘money can’t buy’ opportunity.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Jack: I was really fortunate with MasterChef that I was on it when I was 21 and for me, it shaped me as a person. It made me interested in food, it fuelled that passion that I had for food and turned me into the person that I am. If it wasn't for MasterChef, I don't think I would have had such a rich experience. I don't think I would have fallen in love with food as much as I have and for me that's been totally invaluable and unique.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Jack: To the fans of MasterChef, I would say thank you. It's been 20 years, 10 years since I was on the programme. What an opportunity that has been for so many people like myself. That's only because the fans are there supporting, watching, going to events, cheering people on from the sidelines. That's invaluable so thank you to the fans.

Luke Owen – MasterChef Finalist 2014

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Luke: Well, it’s a huge part of my life. It’s 10 years ago now but it's still something that always comes up, something that all my friends and family always bring up, and I always end up cooking the Christmas dinner.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Luke: I certainly wouldn't be here. I certainly wouldn't be in a black-tie event wearing my first tuxedo. I really don't know where I would be without MasterChef. It is completely life-changing. I think it’s an incredible experience, I’d recommend it.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Luke: I think it’s been 20 years now and it’s like a British institution and I still get stopped by people on the street and it's been 10 years for me. Everybody knows MasterChef.

Nisha Parmar – MasterChef Semi Finalist 2018

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Nisha: Well, MasterChef has changed my life. I was a banker for 17 years. I came on the show as a bit of fun and because my husband just kept nagging me, and now I am a private chef. I left my career, completely changed my life at 40 and now I'm a private chef. And I cook for amazing people, pop stars, footballers, I go into their homes and give them the private MasterChef dining experience.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Nisha: I think if MasterChef didn't happen, I'd probably still be in the job that I didn't enjoy very much because I wouldn't have known a way out. I wouldn't have known that I had a talent. I wouldn't have known how to unleash it. So, it's quite scary to think like that, where I could have been, because I can't imagine doing anything else apart from cooking now.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Nisha: MasterChef really is the dream factory. If you are obsessed about food it’s the perfect platform to feel the passion, energy and pressure of what working in the food industry is really like. MasterChef will give you the appetite to make your dreams a reality and it’s only 1 application form away!

Omar Foster – MasterChef Finalist 2023

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Omar: MasterChef is an institution. I've watched MasterChef since I was a kid, and to be in a room for the anniversary dinner with all these amazing people who have been part of the series is mind-blowing.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Omar: Well, I’m still fresh out of it, I was on the last series. My life would be just plain and boring like it was before, not doing all the amazing things I'm doing now.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Omar: Thank you for all your support, we love you.

Pookie Tredell – MasterChef Finalist 2022

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Pookie: MasterChef just inspired me so much. I never thought that I could cook this much before I entered into the MasterChef world. So, I like to spread the joy, I like to share my cooking style and have fun with cooking from the kitchen at home.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Pookie: If it wasn't for MasterChef I don't think I would find the inspiration and the dream of cooking in this scale. If it wasn't for MasterChef I wouldn't know that there is a world out there to be culinarily experimental. So, thank you very much MasterChef!

A message for MasterChef fans:

Pookie: Massive, massive anniversary! 20 years of MasterChef UK. Come and join us and enjoy a lot more years of MasterChef.

Robert Parks – MasterChef Semi Finalist 2015

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Robert: That is a massive question because MasterChef makes up a massive part of my professional life. I can't for a second imagine that I'd be doing what I do today, full-time cheffing and loving every second of it, without having MasterChef be the jumping off point for that. It means a lot.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Robert: Where would I be if it wasn't for MasterChef? Well, I was fresh out of university when I went on the show and I felt like the world was my oyster. But also, I felt like I had no idea what I was doing. I think it gave me the avenue to really channel my passion for food. I've got literally no idea what I'd be doing without it. So, I'm really grateful for having done it and to be back here again.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Robert: Thank you for tuning in. If no one tunes in, it doesn't happen and it wouldn’t change people's lives like it's changed my life and everyone else who's here. So, keep watching. I'm sure there's many more exciting years to come and a lot of good to come off the back of it.

Theo Michaels – MasterChef Finalist 2014

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Theo: MasterChef is an institution. Even going to the special anniversary dinner, 20 years on, I saw so many faces and so many lives that have been changed. I just think it's an incredible show, and it's an incredible life-changing institutions as well.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Theo: I would be probably running my recruitment business that I left to follow a passion in food. I would not be as happy, so I followed the passion and I love it.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Theo: Keep watching because the show just gets better and better every year.

Tony Rodd – MasterChef Finalist 2015

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Tony: I think MasterChef for me is all about bringing amazing cooks to your TV and giving people aspiration of what they could do if they decided to really step it up and take themselves out of their comfort zone.

Where do you think you'd be now if it wasn't for MasterChef?

Tony: If it wasn't for MasterChef I'd probably still be at home working in architecture or recruitment and really aspiring to cook better food.

A message for Master Chef fans:

Tony: If you're a MasterChef fan and you like cooking, enter the competition. Seriously, because it will change your life. If you're like me, you'll have had a restaurant in years to come. Or you'll get to hang out with these amazing chefs. They’ll become family. It's just something very different and very special. So honestly, enter the competition and you won't regret it.

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