The Cathedral Class of 1954 reunion | News, Sports, Jobs - The Journal

The Cathedral Class of 1954 reunion

NEW ULM – The Holy Trinity High School class of 1954 held their reunion Thursday, May 9 at the Kaiserhoff in New Ulm. Ten of the classmates were able to attend the 70 year high school reunion.

Standing L-R :Tom Domeier, Bill Brown, LaVonne (Forst) Ebert, Joleen (Reinarts) Greene, 

Mary (Epple) Mills, Louella (Klinkner) Heiling, Leo Schlumpberger

Sitting L-R:

Madlyn (Schneider) Halvorson, Harriet (Braunreiter) Reiser, Arlene (Fleck) Nibbe.

–Submitted photo


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