Smashwords – The Skulduggery Trilogy

The Skulduggery Trilogy

Dream of Courage: Facing Fear Head On
Series: The Skulduggery Trilogy, Book 3. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 139,010. Language: English. Originally Published: May 13, 2024 by Paul Rushworth-Brown. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Literature, Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Coming of age, Fiction » Alternative history
Robert Rushworth leaves home and stumble across a way to make a fortune, in the Briggate in Leeds. Pursued by Jacob Wilding, a brogger and brute of a man. Smythe, the local tavern keeper, has many secrets and with a hidden past, sends Robert to The Haven, to Captain Girlington of 'The Pearl'. Will Robert escape before it's too late? Will he hang? Will Robert and Ursula ever be together?