*Pet Peeves* What are some phrases you are sick of people asking you. - 3rd Trimester | Forums | What to Expect
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*Pet Peeves* What are some phrases you are sick of people asking you.

Not asking but strangers touching my belly. Hard no.

Any names picked out?
Are you sure there aren't two in there?
How far along?
Due date?
Sleep when the baby sleeps!
They grow up so fast!
General stares at the store.

Ugh. 38 weeks pregnant and just sick of people commenting on my pregnancy. leave me alone. anyone else?

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I don’t like people that I don’t know asking me when is my due date, this is my 3rd pregnancy and I look bigger than the weeks I am and makes me uncomfortable telling them, also I think that’s a very personal question, something you would ask to someone you know very well and you are really interested to know because you care.

Other questions or advice don’t really bother me specially when they come from someone with experience, like an old lady or a woman with kids because I feel they know something I still don’t or I’m going through the same or like that.

I appreciate a genuine question or advice.

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“your belly is so cute and small” I then tell them I’m due shortly and he has been growing a week ahead and they are beyond surprised.

“Your relationship is going to change”

“You are going to be so tired”

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“your so small i thought u we’re going to be big”

“are you keeping the placenta? you have too its in our culture”

“you got so much stretch marks??”

“make sure you rub ur belly for those stretch marks”

“you need to eat more your eating for two”

“you cant do that your too pregnant”

UGHHHHHH SO MUCHHHHH im 37 weeks n im so over people especially my partners mother��

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Not a phrase but I hate when I make eye contact with someone and the first thing they’re looking at is my belly. Makes me soooo uncomfortable

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“you’re so small”

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Honestly people asking me all the time how I am gets annoying. Cause then I feel like I’m just complaining if i tell the truth because generally I’m not okay ��. Also just comments on my appearance in general. Like “you look great” and “you’re so small”. I don’t feel like myself and people who I’m not close with commenting on my appearance bothers me so much. I even had someone at work ask me how much weight I had gained? Like who in their right mind would ask someone that!

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I was just going to say the "you look great" line. How else am I supposed to look? People also don't believe that I'm 27 weeks. "Are you sure?" Yup, found out about him at 3 weeks and I've had many ultrasounds 🤦

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this is what I’ve been saying! The question “how are you feeling?” Is so annoying to me �� I know it generally comes from people being nice and wondering, but the answer is bad. I’m feeling bad. And if I tell you the truth then I’m just a complainer. So I feel obligated to sugarcoat it and lie. Just let me feel bad and not talk about it ��

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I feel all of this so so much

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Oh summer baby? It’s going to be a long hot summer.

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actually I don’t mind anything that’s been said to me, but lately I’ve noticed that, although I like people to be attentive, I don’t like being treated as if I couldn’t do anything. Last Friday I was at a bday party and every time I got up for any reason, people would tell me to sit down and they would do everything for me. Yes, I value it and appreciate it, but I mean… if I want to stand or if I need to go to the bathroom then… just let me? ��

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I feel the same, people asking when you are due, strangers stopping you in a store to talk about your pregnant belly when you want to be left alone and no one comment on it, the fact that everyone has to say it's going to be so hot that I'm pregnant in the summer, that relationships change, that I will get no sleep in which I'm used to due to insomnia, that life only gets harder, I've been struggling with my body dysmorphia and people saying still that I'm so small and there is a baby in there basically making me feel like I can't feel upset about weight gain or how I view myself
everyone asking "how are you feeling"

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“Oh you’re gonna be big in the hottest part of the year”

“You’ve got a long way to go”

“It only gets worse”

“Sleep while you can”

Literally just the word/being called “Preggers”

“You can eat that, you’re eating for two!”

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