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My Love Mine All Mine


Henry wanted nothing more than to have Alex's baby, now they are about to meet that baby.


Okay so first off, this fic was nothing special, but then SOMEONE had to go and create something so freaking beautiful!!!! I had to drag it into the story! Check out Carocchi on twitter, insta and tumblr. Their art is just UGH it's so incredible <3

Link to the picture the ending to this story is based on:


Kudos, Comment, Subscribe <3 Enjoy!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

It was a quiet, early morning during the middle of summer. The huge windows throughout the cozy Texas home were wide open, perfuming the entire first floor with the petrichor of the quickly drying earth, from a late-night storm that’d blown in while they were sleeping. The sun was brutally hot already, the air densely humid, but that didn’t stop the cicadas from serenading all who cared to listen.

A warm breeze whispered through the open back door leading to their covered porch. It kicked up the sheer white curtains, hung on either side of the large French doors, that Henry absolutely made Alex install the second they moved in. 

Henry was standing at their kitchen counter, indulging in one of his current favorite snacks: smeared globs of peanut butter on rounds of oven crisped pepperoni. He was popping them in his mouth like Tic-Tacs, surely to run out before the day was through. David was at his feet, patiently waiting for him to drop some, but the odds were not in his favor.  

Henry leaned his thickened hip against the counter’s lip, careful to avoid the sensitive curve of his stretched belly, where his growing baby was likely still sleeping, given the lack of movement since he woke up. He was content but stifling, so he unbuttoned the shirt he was wearing to let his middle breathe. It was the only flowy shirt he had left that still semi-fit over his belly, everything else was too tight and uncomfortable around his bump anymore. Most mornings he’d walk around shirtless, but today he felt like covering up...which clearly was short lived.

He gave his growing belly some love and was tickled pink when his little one finally offered some of that love back. His hand settled at the base of his belly, where the band of his black boxer briefs were cutting into his expanding waist. The expectant father stared out the window with a soft, sleepy and satisfied smile as his baby tumbled around inside him.

‘Any day now’, is what the doctor keeps saying. At some point in the near future, they are going to be parents for the very first time and Henry can’t hardly wait. He’s been wanting this for as long as he could remember. Not just the baby, but the pregnancy itself. Getting to grow another person completely out of love. Their love. God, he was beyond ready for it.

The very idea of carrying Alex’s baby inside him did things to him that he couldn’t quite put into words. He confessed to his husband one drunken evening that all he’s been able to think about is having his babies, to which Alex replied, “What the hell are we waiting for then, sweetheart? Lemme put a baby in that beautiful body of yours.”

And he’s never felt more beautiful, more sexy or even more full of purpose than he has while pregnant with their child. Henry came to the conclusion that he was simply born to do this; to grow and carry new life within him. All because no one could shut up about his pregnancy glow or how stunning he looked pregnant. He felt powerful from the very beginning, but the magic of pregnancy and how far he’s come made him feel untouchable.  

The heavily pregnant man had to keep adjusting his stance, by picking up and moving his bare feet on the balmy tile floor, in hopes it would help alleviate the strain on his back. At forty-one weeks and four days pregnant, everything hurt, everything was stretched far beyond its limits and nothing aside from giving birth was going to help any of his symptoms at that point. It’s almost time and he’s more than ready to bring their baby into the world.

He was going to miss being pregnant for sure, but seeing their baby for the first time and getting to hold her in his arms will make up for the loss of such a miraculous experience. All good things must come to an end, but they are right around the corner from even better things and he can’t wait. Besides, he doesn’t plan on waiting very long between pregnancies. People may say he glows, but he feels like a radiant god with Alex’s child inside him.

“Fuck, H, there seriously is nothing more beautiful on this earth than you pregnant with our daughter. I’m one lucky son of a bitch, aren’t I?” Alex professed, as he glided across the kitchen with an overwhelming desire to drop to his knees and take his partner’s pregnant belly in his hands. As if bowing down to the God that Henry knew himself to be.

Alex palmed either side of the perfect bump and slowly leaned in to pepper kisses to the bare skin. Henry smiled, threading his fingers through his lover’s hair and sighed contently. It couldn’t get any better than this.

“Good morning, my love.” Henry greeted with a whisper, trying not to disturb the gentle sounds of nature narrating the day. Alex blinked his eyes slowly up at Henry, keeping his hands firmly against the home Henry built for their girl. Alex then smirked when he eyed the plate with only three pepperonis left on it.

“I thought I smelled pepperoni burning. That’s quite the breakfast, baby.” He teased, pressing another kiss before rising to his feet, but keeping his hands moving across the warm middle of his partner.  

Henry took a long breath and laid his hand at the top of his stomach, “I can’t stop eating the damned things. It’s all I could think about when I woke up this morning.” He confessed, shamelessly. Alex stood straighter, massaging his hands in firmer circles now, while keeping his eyes on Henry’s plump lips.

“Mm, those pesky cravings still getting the best of you, huh?” He asked and Henry nodded, making up another bite with peanut butter on it. He popped it in his mouth and before he could lick the peanut butter off his own thumb, Alex grabbed his wrist, wrapped his mouth around the digit and sucked it clean. His eyes trapping Henry’s in the process.

The pregnant man couldn’t look away, salivating at the thought of Alex licking things off other parts of his body. It didn’t take much for the pregnant man to blush, but Alex also was very privy to what can drive Henry to madness in seconds.

Henry began fanning himself with his hand, chuckling nervously at how worked up that little action made him.

“You’re so cute when you get flustered like that. All red and too nervous to look at me.” Alex cooed, pulling Henry in at the waist until their middles came together. It was a short distance given Henry’s late term shape, but that didn’t stop Alex from attempting to get them as close as humanly possible. He slipped his hands further down Henry’s waist, flexing his thumbs back and forth over his plump love handles, which Alex has had to restrain himself from taking nibbles out of most days. 

“You can’t keep your hands off me, can you?” Henry murmured back, getting pulled into a series of lengthy kisses over his lips, jaw and neck. “Oh, Alex.” Henry moaned, closing his eyes and tipping his head to the side to let Alex in closer. Henry’s hand settled at the back of his husband’s neck, pulling him in tighter. A knee slotted between Henry’s legs causing the pregnant man to let out a breathy gasp and involuntarily rut against the limb. He wanted more of Alex, but a tightening in his back took all of his will away.

“Ooh, stop. Stop, stop, stop. Ow.” Henry shook his head and pulled away from his lover with a hiss. He propped himself against the counter with his forearms pressed into the cool stone.  

Alex’s brow knit in concern and his hand flew to the side of Henry’s belly that was exposed to him, “What’s wrong, baby? Contraction?” Henry nodded, taking part in a deep breathing exercise and moving his hips from side to side to help open his pelvis.

“Do you want to time these?” He asked, unsure of really what else to do in that moment.

“It doesn’t matter, does it?” Henry continued on with his diaphragmatic breathing as Alex rubbed his other hand over his husband’s back. Alex shrugged at the question and kept his mouth shut through the end of the contraction. Henry eventually stood up when it finally ended and gave one final deep breath before signally to Alex that it was over.

“That one actually hurt quite a bit.” He confessed rubbing the underside of his belly with both hands. His face was still screwed up in pain or discomfort, which had Alex a little nervous.

“Do you wanna sit down?” He offered.

“No,” Henry shook his head. “Gravity is my friend. She’s so low now.” He sighed, beginning to clean up his mess. Alex tried to get him to stop so that he could do it for him, but Henry refused and said he needed to walk off the discomfort building in his pelvic region.

“Do you think we’re gonna have a baby today?” Alex asked, crossing his arms and standing back as his pregnant husband navigated his way around the kitchen, slower than usual for sure. Alex knew they weren’t too far out from finally meeting their girl, but Henry’s body was taking its good ol’ time with labor. He’d been going through prodromal labor for the last two weeks and it is their first, after all, so there is no telling how long it will take. Eventually the dam has to give way, but it’s up in the air as to when. At the start of the week, the contractions were nothing at only thirty seconds and nearly an hour apart. That lasted for three days, until they started to pick up a little more. Now he’s battling one-minute contractions at thirty or so minutes apart.  

“I have no idea. These have been so sporadic. I wouldn’t be surprised if she stays in for another two days.” The heavily pregnant man groaned, massaging his belly.

“Should we have Evelyn come by and check you out at least?”

“Couldn’t hurt.” Henry shrugged. It would be nice to know, after all this work his body has been doing so far, if it has helped him dilate or not. The last time their midwife checked his cervix, he was effacing perfectly, but almost no dilation was occurring. That was a week ago and he’d love to know if there has been progress. He certainly feels like there has been from how hard it’s been to walk comfortably, but only Evelyn will know when she sees him.

While they waited for her to show, Henry started working on some of the labor inducing exercises Evelyn had showed him. All Alex could do was stand by and watch the way his husband moved his hips in circles and continue to tease the absolute shit out of him with how good his body looked with their baby growing inside it.    

Henry caught a glimpse of Alex nearly drooling at the sight of him during the supported forward bend exercise. It’s where he places his legs parallel to each other, hip-width apart and holds on to a support, in this case their dining room chair, and bends his knees while stretching his hips back. He’s moving his hips from side to side, taking long, deep breaths as he lengthens his spine and expands the back of his pelvis and Alex’s head looks like it might snap and roll off his shoulders.

“I simply don’t understand how you could want to be with me right now.” Henry laughed, continuing to move his hips.

Alex appeared taken aback, “Baby, are you joking? You’re fucking beautiful. If I didn’t want to be with you, I’d be a fucking idiot.”

Henry rolled his eyes and pushed himself back into a standing position, “I suppose, but all I’m doing is trying to get this labor started. You’re over there staring at me like I’m a bloody snack, which I don’t feel like at all.” He scrubbed his hands over his face, dropping them down on his giant belly, “I’m so sweaty from how bloody hot it is and I dunno how I’m still wearing anything on my body at all. Not to mention I’m the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been throughout this entire experience. It’s awful.” He whined, tugging at the waist band of his boxers.

“Sweetheart, you’re a five-course meal in my eyes. Don’t ever think so little of yourself and if it makes you feel better, take it all off. Walk around the house naked if you want. I’m certainly not going to complain.” He shrugged his hands up.

“Christ, all you want to do is have sex with me.” He laughed, rubbing his belly.

“With how good you look, of course I do. You’re lucky you’re already pregnant, or I’d be lookin’ to put a baby in you instead of getting one out.” Alex walked over to Henry and grabbed his hands, “But baby, I want whatever makes you feel the most comfortable. You’re sweaty cause it’s almost ninety-eight degrees outside and barely nine o’clock yet. You’re overdue with our beautiful little girl, so of course you’re going to be uncomfortable. It doesn’t make you any less beautiful. In fact, I heard sex can help induce labor. So, it’s not a bad option. I know it’s the last thing you wanna do, but if you’re desperate.” He smiled playfully, resting his hand over their baby’s home.

Once Henry turned thirty-six weeks pregnant, he gave up on sex completely. Everything hurt his body, even the side lying positions. They tried to do doggy style, but the pull on his back was uncomfortable. One leg up on a stool made his hips ache, and reverse cowgirl took too much effort.

“I’ll think about it. Right now, I can’t even imagine doing anything down there that doesn’t involve pushing this baby out of me.”  

“Okay, love. Why don’t you go sit for a bit while we wait? Rest your feet?”

“I’m still really hungry.” He pitifully rubbed at his belly.

“Do you want eggs?” Alex offered and Henry nearly gagged. “Fine, some watermelon then? You’ve been really about fruit these last couple weeks.”

Henry perked up, “Oh, yes! I forgot we bought some!” he gasped, waddling quickly to the fridge. Alex stopped him just as he pulled out the container of the cubed fruit and took it from him.

“Why don’t you go sit down, I’ll put some in a bowl for you and-”

“Can I have a spoonful of that marshmallow stuff in the jar on the side? I think it might taste incredible together and now I can’t stop thinking about it.” Henry licked his lips hungrily.

Alex grimaced, “Gross, but okay. Sometimes I forget how pregnant you are.” He laughed. “Go sit down and I’ll bring it to you.”

“Oh, alright. If you insist.” He rolled his eyes and gathered his things before taking off for their living room. The pregnant former prince took the slowest seat imaginable and eased himself into a comfortable position with a few pillows jammed behind his back. Their daughter shifted, leaving a hard lump in the side of his belly. “Oomph.” He placed his hand over the mass with a grunt and then smiled down at it when it didn’t move.

“What on earth are you doing in there little one?” He giggled and presumably poked at what he could only imagine was her back. “Shall I sign you up now or later for gymnastics?”

“What’s going on?” Alex called from the kitchen.

“Your daughter is cuddled up on the left side of my belly. Come look before she moves!”

Alex rushed over to Henry’s side and his eyes grew wide at the sight of his misshapen belly.

“Does that hurt?” Alex asked, taking a seat so he could continue to watch her pushing around.

Henry shook his head, “Very uncomfortable though.” He explained. “Where is the watermelon?” He looked around, then at Alex with big sad eyes.

“You told me to hurry, so I stopped what I was doing!” Alex laughed and got back up. “I’m getting it now.”

“How long does it take to put watermelon into a bowl?” Henry criticized and Alex reminded himself not to snap back. Being pregnant is hard, and adding discomfort on top of that makes it worse. Upon delivery of the fruit and a large glob of marshmallow fluff, Henry stared down into the bowl with a frown.

“What’s wrong?” Alex questioned, placing his hands on his hips. “Does it look, okay?”

With hesitation written all over his face, Henry peered up at his husband, “Can you add the Tajín to this like you did with the mango the other night? It was so good.”

“You sure? You got really bad heartburn from that.” Alex raised an eyebrow at him.

“Positive, I don’t care.” He grinned, handing the bowl back to him. Alex added a small dash of Tajín and returned the fruit to his husband. The first bite was clearly heaven, written all over his face but then something flipped like a switch and Henry looked like he was on the verge of tears.

“What’s wrong sweetheart?”

“It’s so good.” His lip quivered. “Sorry, I don’t mean to cry.”

“It’s alright, honey. Cry whenever you want. If you want more, you let me know.” Alex kissed the top of his head and left him be. He was fully aware of Henry’s struggles with his emotions all during pregnancy and there were clearly too many big emotions happening at the moment. He’s probably a little scared of labor and having to balance that with all the other things swirling around in his head, it’s a wonder he hasn’t cracked yet.  

“Alex, do we have any of those strawberry yogurts? It would go very well with this!” Henry asked, just as Alex was stepping away.

“I don’t know, I’ll check.” He said and Henry scoffed.

“You’ve been the one going to the market, how do you not know?”

Alex pulled a hand down his face and whipped open the fridge, “Because you may have eaten them all by now, baby. I went shopping on Sunday, it’s currently Saturday.”

“...Well, do we?” Henry called from the couch when Alex stopped talking.

The future father was sweating bullets. This might be the last straw- the final blow that pushes Henry over because they are in fact out of yogurt.

“Um-” Alex debated on lying but-

“We don’t have any, do we?” Alex jumped when Henry suddenly appeared beside him.

“Gah! How the hell did you waddle your ass over here so fast?”

“I’m particularly food motivated these days. Move.” Henry replied, pushing Alex out of the way. “Bloody hell, did you eat my last yogurt?”

“No, you ate your last yogurt.”

“Typical.” Henry frowned, contemplatively rubbing his belly as he rummaged for something else. Before Alex could offer to go get more, the doorbell rang. He went to answer it and Henry made work of going through the pantry to find more snacks when the fridge offered him nothing.

“Hey Evelyn, come on in.”

“How’s everyone doing today?” She beamed, hurrying into the house with a large black duffle bag slung over her shoulder, that was about three times the size of her. She was a little thing, but a force to be reckoned with. Henry took to her quickly because of how patient and kind she was at their first meeting. That and she reminded him of his mother in many ways, which was also comforting.

The choice to go with a midwife for delivery was a rather big and hard decision, but Henry made it very clear he didn’t want to be tied down to a bed with wires and cords while trying to birth their daughter. Alex agreed that it was his decision, but put his foot down when it came to Henry wanting to freebirth.

Henry compromised by saying he’d hire a midwife and get the appropriate checkups in the doctor’s office to make sure he was safe to have a homebirth at least. Alex was thankful for Henry’s compromise and promised that anything after the fact can and will be fully his decision. Evelyn has no problem being present for the birth and letting Henry do his thing, which the pregnant man was very excited about. She offered him a plan for an unassisted ‘assisted’ homebirth to make Alex more comfortable.    

Henry immerged from the pantry with a large bag of Hot Cheetos tucked in the crook of his arm and she immediately stopped in her tracks with a huge smile on her face. “There he is. The man of the hour, come on over to the living room, darlin’ and let’s check out that cervix of yours.” She waved him over and Henry handed off the bag to Alex as he passed him by.

“How are we feelin’ today?” She asked as she got set up. She laid out the handheld Fetal Doppler beside her, a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff.

“Very uncomfortable.” Henry sighed, taking a seat on the couch. Evelyn started by palpating his belly, feeling the baby move under her fingers, and feeling for the position of the head.

“You were barely a centimeter dilated last week. I’m hopeful that you’ve progressed since then. Any signs of your water breaking?”

“No. Mucus plug still intact I think too, but I can’t be sure. There has been a lot of...erm, discharge.” He whispered with a blush. Alex smiled at his modesty and Evelyn patted him on the knee.

“No need to be embarrassed, hon. Labor is one of the most humbling practices on this earth, and also the most empowering.” Her southern drawl coming on heavy, “There is no shame in what our bodies can do.” She said as she snapped a glove onto her hand and applied lube to her fingers. “Alright, let’s lay you back and check you out.” She said, having him drop his pants and get comfortable on the couch. She laid out a disposable chucks pad under his bottom and took hold of his bent knee with her one hand. She slipped the other between his legs and announced, “feeling me,” as she inserted her lubed fingers.  

Henry winced once she was inside of him and patiently waited for the news of his cervix.

“You’re about two centimeters right now.” She said, withdrawing her hand. “The contractions are doing their job, but we’ve got a long road ahead. After grabbing his vitals, which were perfect, she let them have a listen to the baby’s heartbeat.

“She’s beatin’ fast in there. Very healthy and I’m sure just as ready to be out here as you are.”

Alex helped Henry sit up and wipe his belly off from the goop.

“So, is he in labor or-?”

“His body is taking its time. I’m pretty positive your plug is gone. You’re nearly eighty percent effaced. Once you really start having those working contractions, we’ll see some movement. Until then, enjoy these last couple days as a single couple.” Evelyn smiled, patting them both on the shoulders. “I’m a phone call away, boys. In the meantime,” she said, gravitating toward the door, “eat some dates, drink raspberry leaf tea, and enjoy a little ‘fun time’.” She turned and winked before seeing herself out.

Henry hesitantly eyed Alex and wasn’t surprised to find him grinning like a fool at him.

“Piss off. We’re not having sex, Alex.” Henry waddled away from him as quickly as possible.  

“You’re not even willing to give it a try?!” Alex followed after him.

He ate the dates, he drank the tea, consumed spicy food and tried all the exercises over and over again. Three days later and no change to his contractions. Eventually, yet reluctantly, he gave into Alex’s suggestion of trying sex.

There they were, late at night with the lights dimmed, stark naked on their bed while making soft love to “My Love Mine All Mine” by Mitski.

The only comfortable position Henry could tolerate was on top with Alex under him. The heavily pregnant man rocked his heavy body slow and deep. He rode Alex with the intent to gradually come to an orgasm. Alex was patient and let Henry use his body how he see fit. When he wanted more of him, he lurched his body forward with hands planted on Alex’s chest and bounced his hips with an increased, controlled speed. The only downside to sex while heavily pregnant was getting easily worn out, which took no time at all for Henry.

“Need me, baby?” Alex breathed, taking hold of his partners hips. A blissful, focused look washed over Henry’s face as he thrusted his hips backwards. His mouth parted ever so and soft pants escaped him.

“Yeah, oh god, yeah. Fuck me, please.” Henry cried out weakly, face twisting up in intense pleasure. Alex held him steady and bucked his hips up in rhythm with Henry. He expressed that it was too much and pushed up off his husband. He went back to riding Alex slow but taking him down till he bottomed out each time. Alex took hold of Henry’s belly and guided the pregnant man through a very calm and passionate climax after another five minutes of massaging his prostate.

Alex laid Henry out on their bed as he came down from his high. His skin glistening with sweat and flushed from all his hard work.

“You didn’t-” Henry picked up his head, and reached for Alex’s dick that was still hard against his leg.

“No, baby, don’t worry about me. This was all for you.” He cooed, taking Henry’s hand up to his mouth and kissing his knuckles.  

“But Alex...” Henry pouted up at him, steadily drifting off. “Always finish each other.”

Alex shook his head and brushed a hand through Henry’s dampened hair, “Shh, rest my love. How do you feel?”

“Crampy.” He pouted deeper, bringing a hand around the front of his belly to rub at the discomfort settling low in his belly.

“That’s good. Maybe we did something to trigger labor.”

“I hope. I’m so ready to have this baby, Alex.”

“She’s gonna come. Just wait a little longer sweetheart.” Alex pressed a kiss to Henry’s warm belly and couldn’t help the giant smile he had from feeling her move.

Henry was out like a light in no time, so Alex maneuvered him onto his side and tucked him into bed. The next day Alex started the preparations for Henry’s birthing space because sex definitely helped regulate his contractions a bit more. It was going to happen soon enough, so why not be extra ready?

He hung the warm glow string lights around the living room ceiling, placed the various candles around the room where Henry envisioned them to be and waited on Oscar to help him move the furniture around and collect David.

“Right here?” Oscar pointed and Alex nodded.

“Yeah, we just need to make space for the birthing pool. He wants it right in front of the patio doors.” He explained as they started moving the sofa across the room. It opened up the floor plan of the living room, creating a place to set up the pool, set out his birthing ball and quiet down the space.

“I’m kind of surprised he wanted to have a home birth.” Oscar mentioned, lowering the couch onto the floor.

“I’m not.” Alex shrugged, “He hates having all eyes on him. It being just us and our midwife is exactly the type of experience he imagined having.”

“And he’s going to be alright?” Oscar questioned and Alex sensed the hesitation in his father’s voice.

“He’s gonna be just fine.” Alex smiled at him. “I’ll make sure of it.”

“I just worry about you two. That’s all. I know this is what he wants, but I can’t help but be nervous for ya.” He sighed, pulling Alex into a tight hug.

“We love you too, Pa.” He smirked, hugging him back.

The day dragged on and so did Henry’s pain. He sat on his yoga ball for a majority of the afternoon, palms pressed into the tops of his knees and Alex’s thumbs firmly circling into the small of his back. His contractions were coming every ten minutes and lasting about a minute each time.

“I think it’s time to call.” Henry let out a haggard breath on his last contraction and Alex sent the SOS to Evelyn. Henry sat for a while on the ball, rubbing and supporting his belly. His cramps were more intense, and his contractions were very regular by time Evelyn arrived.

“You’re doing great, Henry. Five centimeters is definitely something to celebrate.”

The pregnant man nodded, leaning over the counter while Alex stood behind him holding his belly in his hands. Henry swayed with Alex like that for a while until they moved into the slow dance position out on the back porch. The fresh air was invigorating and gave Henry a boost of energy to keep going. It was warm, but there was a beautiful breeze that was helping to cool his burning skin.

“Ow, ow, ow.” Henry whimpered, gradually lowering out of the slow dance hold. He gripped onto Alex’s arms, stretched his hips back and rocked from side to side.

“That’s it, baby. You’re doing so good.” Alex coached. Henry was deep breathing through the pain, but Alex could tell the panic was setting in a little by how labored and sporadic his breaths were. “Deep breaths, baby. Your body can do this. Focus on what’s hurting and breath into it.”

“My hips, Alex. They’re so tight.” Henry cried out, a bit exasperated and Alex encouraged him to squat. Alex kept a strong hold on his hands and helped Henry swing back and forth in a low squat. When the contraction ended, Henry requested they get the pool ready. While Evelyn and Alex filled the pool, Henry waddled the house, taking breaks to breathe and work through contractions in various places.

Soft music was set low, the string lights and candles were lit up to create a warm glow in the living room in place of the bigger lights. Night was settling in and Henry’s labor was increasing tenfold. The contractions were soon five minutes apart at ninety seconds each. He was in the throes of labor in no time at all.

Once he got into the warm water of the birthing pool, everything seemed to calm down a bit. The glow of the full moon glistened over the lake at the end of their property and became Henry’s focal point through the worst of the contractions. Evelyn performed heartrate checks, vitals and then left Henry to labor for a while without further interruption as requested.

Around one in the morning, Henry got out of the pool to sit and labor on the porch for a bit with Alex at his side. He got down on his knees, on a cushion and hugged the birthing ball around his chest, resting his cheek against the rubber. Alex massaged his hands into Henry’s back, helping him rotate his upper body in circles while using the ball as support. It came as a bit of a surprise to them both when his water finally broke, drenching his calves and Alex’s lap.

“S-orry, love.” Henry panted, hugging an arm under his belly when a fierce contraction ripped through him. “Oh, Christ.” Henry cried out.

“You’re alright, baby. I’m right here.” He assured him as Evelyn came to assist with a towel to help clean Alex and Henry off.

“Should pick up now that your water broke, darlin’.”

“I feel more pressure.” Henry stated.

“Good, means she’s able to come down more.”

“I want back in the pool.” He whined and Alex helped him up. They got him in the water and started on rehydrating him. He sipped from a big water bottle and even got some energy from food Alex prepared. When the deep, longer moans started to accompany his contractions, Evelyn looked to Alex and motioned him over.

“He’s transitioning now, which means he’s in the final stages of labor. We’ll probably be seeing your girl soon. Henry already expressed his wishes of having you deliver her, is that what you would like to do? I won’t leave your side, but I do want to honor Henry’s wishes.”

Alex enthusiastically nodded, “Absolutely, hell yeah, I’m down. Are you kidding me? Of course, I wanna deliver her!”

“Okay great.” Evelyn laughed quietly, and explained everything he may need to look out for when it comes time.

Alex eventually got into the water with Henry and continued to help him through the final parts of his labor. The pain grew more intense with each contraction and Henry expressed that the feeling of stretching and widening in his pelvis was getting worse.

“Your hips are opening up to let her come down more.” Evelyn explained. “Do you feel like you might need to push?” She asked and Henry shook his head, resting it against the pools rounded ledge. He had an arm slung over head, gripping onto the pool and the other pressing down on the top of his belly.

“My body will tell me when.” Henry mumbled with his eyes closed, deep in focus. He requested the music be switched over to his spa instrumentals playlist and quickly fell into a very safe Zen space in his mind. He stopped moaning and started deeper breathing techniques.   

Evelyn draped a cool rag over his forehead and tucked another under the wrist that was gripping onto the pool’s ledge. Alex was sat in front of Henry on his knees, rubbing his hand up and down the one leg that Henry had perched against his thigh to help open his pelvis.

The laboring man opened his eyes, licked his lips and started turning his body over in the water. Evelyn adjusted his cloth and moved it to the top of his head. Henry positioned himself on his back, facing Alex, with his head back against the pool and his hands planted on the floor below him. He kept the same foot he had fixed on Alex’ thigh in place but spread the other leg out to allow space for him to open up still.

“Where ya at, baby?” Alex asked calmly, running his hands over Henry’s inner thighs.

“Mm,” Henry hummed, closing his eyes again. He exhaled deliberately, jumping a little at a strong sensation in his pelvis and tried to open his hips as wide as he could.

“That’s it, she’s coming down now.” Evelyn encouraged, watching Henry’s body language change. He panted quick breaths, squeezing his eyes shut and groaned at the sensation of her finally passing through his cervix.

“Oh god, oh god, ow, ow.” Henry panicked, laying a hand over his tightening belly as the other kept him from slipping down.

“Pushing?” Alex questioned, watching the way Henry curled up a little. He shook his head and shifted his hips in the water with a grunt.

“Pressure, so much pressure.” Henry grimaced, throwing a hand down between his legs and feeling himself opening a little. His eyes opened wide, and a myriad of expressions filtered over his face during his next contraction.

Henry growled out the first word, “God, Alex. Ah-HA!” and ended on a high-pitched screech. Alex dropped his hands quickly between his husbands’ legs in the water, expecting there to be something, but nothing came out.

“What’s happening, honey? Talk to me.” Alex asked, watching the ever-changing expression on Henry’s face.

“She’s coming. I’m trying to...Ooooo.” Henry lulled his head against the pool and closed his eyes for a third time. He kept his hand between his legs and the other on his big belly now. “Coming, she’s really coming.” He nodded, whispering the words to himself as affirmation that what he was feeling was real and not just his imagination. He breathed out long and deep, pushing when his body finally told him to.

“Christ,” he panted, letting the push go. Alex tried to see beyond the water but was having a hard time. Evelyn flicked on the lights they situated around the outside of the pool, which helped to illuminate the water a bit. He looked down where Henry’s hand was covering and waited to see if anything was happening there.

“Is she coming, sweetheart?” Alex spoke sweetly and Henry nodded, opening his eyes so he could see Alex smiling at him with all the love in the world. It easily brought him to tears, and he laid there sobbing quietly while attempting to crown their baby.

“I’m pushing.” Henry groaned, curling in on himself a bit. Alex helped by supporting his legs, keeping them planted against him.

“You’re so amazing, Hen. Keep going, she’s comin’.”

Henry didn’t respond, falling slightly nonverbal by the fourth push. He was back to moaning and shifting his hips until a sudden started yelp escaped him.

“Her head, her head.” Henry tensed, removing his hands all together and bracing them against the floor of the pool. He lifted his bottom up in the water and cried out, “Alex!” Henry exhaled hard and locked his eyes on his husbands. Alex nodded, knowing what he was trying to communicate. He looked down and could see that their daughters head was out. A litany of excited exclamations flew out of Alex’s mouth, and he made quick work of cradling the baby’s head in his heads.

“Hen, she’s almost here. I have her, Hen, I have her, baby. Keep going, she’s safe.” Alex encouraged.

“Don’t let go.” Henry sobbed, bracing his heaving belly.

“Wouldn’t think of it, sweetheart! Holy shit, baby. Holy-”

Henry pushed hard, letting his body take over at the very end when the sensation became too much for him. Evelyn quietly coached Alex, as not to disturb Henry and with a gasp from the pregnant man, a cloud of fluid darkened the water and out slipped their little girl right into Alex’s waiting hands.

“Ha! Ha, Hen! Oh my god.” Alex exclaimed, only to dissolve into ugly, heavy sobs as he held their daughter. Evelyn assisted Alex in lifting the baby out of the water and onto Henry’s chest. Alex was trying to pull himself together as Henry took their daughter into his arms.

“Oh, sweetheart,” Henry cooed, erupting into tears the second they met skin to skin. Her cries filled the once quiet room causing her father's even more happy tears at her show of lively powerful lungs. Henry kissed her head, and Alex moved to sit beside them as Henry cradled her close. Evelyn dipped a fresh towel in the warm water and draped it over Henry and the baby. Alex helped to adjust it and leaned up to press a kiss to his husbands’ dripping forehead.

“I’m so freaking proud of you, H.” Alex cried, marveling their little miracle pressed against his husband’s chest. She calmed quickly upon hearing their voices and blinked up at them.

“Thank you.” Henry grinned, asking Alex for a kiss with a purse of his lips. The two shared a few chaste kisses before turning back to their girl.

“She’s so beautiful. Look at all this hair. Henry...” Alex gawked, touching his hand to her head. “She’s really ours, huh?” His voice softened.

“She is.” Henry smiled, rocking her gently back and forth against his body. “All ours.”

“Ours.” Alex sniffled. “We made this beautiful little girl... You made her.”

“She’s perfect.” Henry added, shaking his head in disbelief. “Absolutely stunning...”

“Congrats boys, she is one precious baby and Henry, that was a magical birth to witness.” Evelyn beamed down at them, casually aiding in delivering the rest of Henry and checking to make sure everything went smoothly.

“Clearly, we know what took her so long. She was perfecting these cheeks.” Henry laughed, running his finger over her plump cheek. “I can’t believe I just gave birth to a literal angel. She’s so...oh god, I have no words. I’m so in love with her.” Henry sobbed.

“She’s everything, baby.” Alex kissed his husband’s head and pressed his forehead against his temple, taking in the moment. “I love you so much.” He whispered.

“I love you too.” Henry sniffled, snuggling her closer.

Evelyn suggested after some time that Henry get out of the pool and shower down while she evaluates the baby. Alex helped Henry into their bathroom, cleaned him off, got him dressed in his postpartum garb and then ran off to prepare an after-delivery meal for him because he was starving after having just burned so much energy giving birth.

Alex quietly entered their bedroom with a small tray of food about twenty-minutes later and stopped short in the doorway. Sat up in bed in the glow of the early morning, tucked away in a sea of comfy blankets and pillows was his gorgeous husband. He lay shirtless with their brand-new daughter snuggled against his warm skin in a baby pink swaddle. Her chubby cheeks squished against his chest, arms tucked under her chin and snoozing peacefully. Henry held her securely against him, pressing soft kisses against her tiny little head full of wispy dark brown curls.

Baby...” Alex’s heart exploded at the unbelievable beauty before him.

“She’s better than anything I could have ever imagined, Alex. Truly a gift.” Henry sighed, nuzzling his nose into her hair. Alex made sure not to make any loud sudden sounds and placed the tray at the foot of the bed. He came around to his husband and daughter, giving both of them feather light kisses. He brushed his hands over her head and leaned half of his body into the bed.

Henry side eyed his husband, lifting an eyebrow, “Nine pounds, six ounces, by the way.”

Alex raised his head with wide eyes at Henry, “We have a chunkster on our hands!” He laughed wildly, flicking his finger over her chunky cheeks again.

“I know. I’m astounded she even made it past my hips.”

“You’re amazing, H... seriously. I hope this doesn’t deter you from wanting more...does it?” Alex winced, pulling back in fear of getting slapped for even suggesting it so soon.

Henry cocked an eyebrow at him, “Are you joking? Look at this masterpiece on my chest. Of course we’re having more of these!”

“Oh good.” Alex giggled, kissing his husband. He settled and laid his head on Henry’s shoulder, “Gosh, she’s so pretty...” Alex blinked, really getting a good look at her for the first time.

“She’s your mini.” Henry grinned brightly, popping a kiss to her head again and rubbing a hand over her back. “A teeny-tiny Alex.”

“She can’t be named Alex Jr. though, so what do we got?” His smile warmed as he ran his fingers through her hair.  

“I thought we settled on Ramona, did we not?”

“Did we?” Alex lifted his head off Henry’s shoulder in thought. “Or did you just say that’s what we’re going with?”

“I dunno.” Henry chuckled, peering down at her. “I suppose she doesn’t look like a Ramona after all, does she?”

“No...” Alex shook his head, getting a long look at her again. “How about Lucia?”

“Neh.” Henry shook his head. “I knew a Lucia; she doesn’t give me Lucia vibes.”

“Well, I don’t know then...please just don’t suggest Gabriella again.”

“Why not? It’s a wonderful play on Gabriel!”

“It’s so cliché, baby. She needs her own identity.”

“What about Rose then?”

“Rose?” Alex perked up.

“Yeah, Rose. Rosie for a nickname?”

Rosie.” Alex’s face softened as he moved the name over his tongue. “Okay, now that’s adorable.” He nodded in agreement.

Henry smirked, “ you want to be named Rose, my love?” Henry spoke down to her, kissing her forehead. She squirmed in his arms before yawning and snuggled closer to him.

Alex had fresh tears in his eyes and had to move away before he started sobbing again.

“Rose it is! I’ll let Evelyn know.” His voice broke toward the end as he left the room.

Henry chuckled softly to himself and shook his head, “We love you so very much, my sweet girl.” Henry let a stray tear fall and pressed his lips to the top of her head and held the kiss a moment. He rested his cheek against her hair and sighed. “So much.”



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Series this work belongs to: