Man arraigned on strangulation, assault charges | News, Sports, Jobs - The Sentinel

Man arraigned on strangulation, assault charges

From staff reports

LEWISTOWN — A 37-year-old man was arrested following a reported assault and burglary.

Travis James Tyson, of Lewistown, was arraigned before Magisterial District Judge Kent Smith Monday on charges of burglary, strangulation, simple assault, criminal mischief and harassment.

According to the report, on Saturday night, Tyson began to call and text message the victim, demanding that they go home.

The report says Tyson met the victim at their vehicle and grabbed them by the hair and dragged them inside the residence, then put his hands around her neck, beginning to strangle her.

Tyson then dragged the victim outside by the feet and pushed their face in the mud, then began to hit them.

The report says the victim made it back into their

vehicle and Tyson proceeded to punch and kick the vehicle, then threw a sledge hammer at it as they drove away.

The report says Tyson began to call again and sent the victim text messages, saying “(they) better get home if (they) wanted to see (their) cat and rabbit again,” with a picture of the inside of the victim’s house.

The report says the victim went back to their home to find a television and box fan smashed. At that time, the report says the assault continued.

The victim stated that they did not report the incident until Monday because Tyson told them he belongs to the Granville Fire Company and “knows all the police.”

Tyson is being held in Mifflin County Correctional Facility, unable to post $10,000 bail. He is awaiting a preliminary hearing set for 9 a.m. May 22 before Smith in Mifflin County Central Court.


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