Curing Malpractice ch-21 : r/NatureofPredators Skip to main content

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Curing Malpractice ch-21


Disclaimer: I have to shorten the words on this one because the chapter had gone on for to long and stole the word count limit. Every person in this section has my deepest and most sincere thanks for the art, memes, and love they have shown my series.

Thank you to:  for proofreading, editing, and this art. Check his fic here!

 for this art.

 for adding Novel to the charismas party he drew.

 for this art.

 for the meme.

 for the comic and art.

 for the meme.

 for the art.

u/United_Patriots for the art.

u/migulehove for the art(s).

u/aMANTEIGAdo for the art.

u/SlimyRage for the art.

Thank you to each and every one of these amazing people!

CW: Accidental Substance Abuse

Memory Transcription Subject: Novel, Kolshian Scientist and Self-Proclaimed “Gamer God”

Date {standardized human time}: October 19th, 2136

The elevator ride took a lot longer than I would have liked, my excitement and anticipation making it difficult to stand still. Ada’s room was almost at the top floor of the building — along with those of the other members of my herd — making it take a bit longer to get to than most of the other Humans’ I’ve visited while here.

Seems they are keeping the various tribes in their own groups. The fourth floor has the Germans, French, Polish, and Austrians, with a few Danes and Swedes mixed in. I wonder if they did that to keep the different tribes from fighting with ones they don’t like? Doubtful really, everyone seems to get along well enough, disregarding a couple jabs here and there. Probably just makes geographical sense to put them together.

My pondering was broken with a soft ding of the old elevator doors opening. I stepped out of the elevator quickly and took in my surroundings. There were very few humans milling about the quiet halls as they went about their business. One human with comfy-looking pelts had noticed me step out of the elevator and had frozen where they stood. After a short, yet still uncomfortably awkward moment, I gave a wave with one of my upper appendages and walked down a different hall.

A few moments later, I pulled out my pad to look at the message Sindre sent me.

Room 441, hailey and i went to get some stuff for the sesh. ada will be there in a bit. see you soon, {censored}

From: Sindre(Human)

I quickly typed out my own message.

Thank you! I’ll meet you there!

From: Me

Stowing the pad, I made my way there. Along the way I encountered several more Humans, each of which having some sort of reaction to my presence. Mostly just freezing in place or casting glances at me as I walked by. Some of them recognized me, either from when we baked together, or when I was in the rec room when the news dropped and gave me a wave in return. There was one case though when a Terran exited their room, saw me, and let out a noise I can only describe as a squeal before diving back into their room.

That last one confused me to no end, as I had never seen that reaction from a human before. I considered knocking on the door before thinking better of it and continuing down the hall to my destination.

How curious… I'll have to ask Ada about that human and why they ran away from me... Heh, prey scaring predators. Not so long ago, such a concept would’ve been seen as the ultimate goal, any real-world examples derided as only that of a dreamer’s fallacy, and yet now… I don’t think I like the idea so much…

I made a mental note to apologize to them if we ever meet again and kept walking, this time with my form hunched and my pace a little faster than before so I could avoid bothering the Terrans as much. It seemed to work, and the humans seemed to look away a little faster than they had previously.

Arriving at Ada’s door, though, I composed myself as best I could, straightening my back and taking a deep breath to calm myself. I knocked on the door a few times, only for it to open a slight amount. Cocking my head in confusion, I listened to the slight groaning of the hinges before I gently pushed it the rest of the way, the door creaking loudly in resistance.

The room smelled of wax and freshly harvested Othll bark, like I had just walked into the home improvement aisle of a store. Walking further inside showed me the source of the smell, which was a set of candles sitting on top of a nightstand in the corner… next to a fire alarm with the battery taken out.

That’s a little concerning… that can’t be safe at least. I should tell her to put it back in when I see her… wherever she is.

Looking around the room some more showed it to be quite unkempt, with pelts and other junk laying strewn haphazardly across the floor. Personal knick-knacks and picture frames sat on shelves and tables around the room, making the places feel a lot more homely than the other rooms I’d been in. A large TV sat on the other side of the room across from the bed, which had been recently used, going by the blanket on the floor and the pillows tossed about. Against the wall next to the bed was a large couch that had clearly seen better paws, the top layer peeling heavily and scattering the little bits of plastic covering everywhere.

Sitting next to the TV appeared to be some sort of Terran gaming console, complete with bright colors plastered across its many faces and with several different wires coming out of it. Far more than there should be, since part of the case it was in had been smashed to fit more cabling into. Tools, used wires, and broken plastic laid scattered next to the patchwork job.

Seems they really did modify it. Makes sense, since I doubt it would normally work on our systems at all… we should really put that fire alarm back in…

Just as I started walking over to inspect it, my lower tentacle caught something soft on one of the suckers. Looking down showed it to be one of the chest pelts Ada had been wearing the paw I met her. Closer inspection showed the whole floor was covered in discarded pelts, including some I had never seen before!

I let out a sigh as I looked around at the mess… I hope she doesn't mind if I cleaned up a bit.

And that's exactly what I did as I waited for my host to return. It did not take long for me to find the garbage can and hamper she used for her used pelts. While I worked though the piles, I took note of the stranger clothes I saw. Most of them were the regular chest pelts that I’d seen every human wear, but others were completely unique or otherwise somehow unusual.

One such example was what I can only describe as some sort of winter gear? It had a very intricate design on the front made of lace and a very soft interior made of a kind of purple fabric. What made it even more strange was that I found several of these scattered around the room, meaning that she was wearing these pretty regularly too!

Hmmm… perhaps it is meant to keep their ears warm? That would explain the strap on the back, as it would be meant to go under their chin. That doesn’t explain why she would be using it though, and to have so many! It must get cold in here when the A/C kicks in, I guess. This place is really old after all.

Either way, they went into the hamper. I left the tools where they were, in case they belonged to different people, but everything else went straight into the trash. The whole process was pretty exhausting, but the room ended up looking much nicer than it had before!

Just as I finished bagging up the garbage can, the door gave a loud creak as Ada stepped in wearing some pretty comfortable-looking pelts similar to the ones she had been wearing a few paws ago, pink prey head slippers and all.

A few {seconds} pass as she starts pulling out clear totes full of what I assume to be her things before I break out of my confusion and flick her a tail wave.

“Hey Ada! Whe-”


She screamed as she stumbled onto her back, causing me to drop the bag and jump in fright. We stared at each other for a moment before Ada spoke up.

“Nov’?! What the fuck are you doing in here?! You weren't… ya Allah, you scared the crap out of me!”

My arms and tentacles raised up in a pleading gesture after I realized what I did. “S-sorry! I-I thought you would see me! And Sindre said to meet you here? F-for the games?”

Ada took a few more moments to calm down on the floor, but eventually, she stood up and took a few breaths. “You’re fine, squiddie… Sindre didn’t mention how close you were so… oh well, doesn't matter I guess. Uh, what’s in the bag you got there? Also… where are all of my clothes?”

At her observation, I picked up the trash bag and held it up for her to see. “Well… your room was a bit of a mess, a-and you were gone, so I did a bit of… cleaning? Nothing major, just throwing away some trash and putting the pelts in the hamper.”

“Oh, well, thanks Nov. I was gonna get to that befor-” Suddenly she stops herself mid-sentence. Her eyes widen as she casts her forward-facing gaze over to the pelts’ bin.

For some reason, the human's usual light brown features darken considerably with a crimson bloom. Ada turned to look at me, and I gave my best happy expression I could muster to put her at ease. This time, the human's face twisted into an obvious forced snarl before she gave up, running a hand down her face.

“Novel, j-just a heads up for the future, it’s considered rude to go through someone's room and touch their… pelts without permission. They are, um, quite personal belongings, and we don’t let other people touch certain ones. Fuck, uh, don’t tell the other two about this either. It would be, eugh…” Ada’s snarl gets larger as she looks back to the hamper, the crimson still blooming across her face. My tail flicked curiously as I looked between her and the pelt basket.

How peculiar… Hailey seemed just fine with dumping all sorts of pelts on me when she was showing them off. Perhaps that's because she studies it, so in that case it’s seen as okay? Maybe it has more to deal with how I came in here without her supervision? Predators are known to be territorial in the wild, and the Humans seem to be that way as well with their many borders. Letting someone into your ‘territory’ must be a pretty personal thing in the first place. Which would mean that she must be upset that I just walked in here and started messing with things! Speh!

A tentacle reached out, or up I suppose, to Ada’s shoulder while my tail signaled my sincerest apologies. “I-I am so sorry, Ada. If I knew, I would have never touched anything! Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone! Do you want me to… put it back the way I found it?”

The human seemed to find my appeasement worthy as she let out a quiet laugh. “No, Nov’, you’re just fine. Thanks for cleaning up too, I guess; I was gonna do it myself, but oh well… not something we need to talk about.” She lets out another laugh as she walks over to the modified console and grabs a controller.

Yet, before she could get a word out, there was a sharp knock on the door, followed by it swinging open to reveal the last two members of our herd. Sindre came in first, carrying several different bags filled to the brim with snacks of all varieties. He gave a simple head nod and rushed over to the table by the TV to deposit his haul, dropping a few on the floor in his haste.

Hailey walked in right behind him with a plastic grocery bag over her shoulder filled with many different colored bottles of drink and a tray of small dark-brown squares covered in plastic wrap. Her free hand gave us both a wave while she walked to the table in a much calmer manner, at least when compared to her compatriot.

We both gave our own wave in return while I spoke up. “Hey guys! Welcome! What did you get from the kitchen?”

Hailey set her things down on the table. “Not much. Some dried fruit, chips, cookies, soda, juice, and even some fresh brownies someone made! I assumed they were for the taking since they had a few trays sitting out to cool down, but we didn’t really have time to ask since we kinda rushed up here. Oh, and the kitchen stinks to high hell for some reason. Might have to tell Emmanual about that.”

My head tilted curiously at the information as Ada and Sindre moved the couch over to where I was standing. Once it was in place, I took a seat at the opposite end from Hailey. “Well, I’m glad you got what you wanted! Do you mind if I take one of those, uh, brownies?”

She gave me a hand wave as I reached over and undid the plastic wrap around the treats. They were still quite warm from the kitchen! I took a small bite out of the corner to get a taste of it, only to then gobble up the whole thing in one bite.

This is amazing! It’s like strayu but… richer? With an almost cough medicine aftertaste mixed with that strange spice? Such a strange and yet fascinating combination!

“Such a weird taste… but definitely a good one! Are there any more downstairs?” I asked while covering my mouth as best I could for the sake of manners.

She took one herself and took a small bite. “Yep, at least a couple more trays from what we saw. Though I bet most of those will be gone once word gets around.”

My head nodded solemnly as I picked up another.

Might as well enjoy them while we can!

Ada walked over to me and flicked the space in between my eyes with her fingers. Her other hand passed me a human game controller before taking a seat right next to me. “Save some for us, ya green goblin! Pretty sure we’re meant to share those!”

The humans let out a soft chuckle while my face warmed in embarrassment. Luckily, they didn’t stay focused on it for long before she pointed to the controller. “So, do you need help with that? It’s not exactly built for you.”

Moving it around in my appendages was more than enough to prove that fact, but I tried to give her a dismissive tail wave while sitting down. “Don’t worry… I should be able to make this work…” I said while using all four of my limbs to hold the piece of plastic. It wasn’t exactly comfortable, but it’ll do the job for now.

“Not the first time I had to do this. There are a lot of different species on Aafa, and some of them have very strange, uh, manipulators… you just have to get used to it.” 

There may not have been a lot, or really any other species in my home town, but that college certainly did. Me and Cloyta used to hang out with a few different herds whenever we had the time. That Tilfish remote was an interesting experience to use. Having to use smells to figure out a puzzle in a game like it was normal was really something else.

The TV and console suddenly turned on with a bright flash as Sindre held out a remote towards them both. He used his controller to navigate to a menu on the system to reveal a vast collection of Human games. I grabbed my pad out of my pack to translate some of the games as Sindre scrolled by.

Doom of Kevsar, Helldivers: Super Dating Simulator, Papa’s Pizzeria, Skyrim 2… all these seem fine, I guess. At least not super violent like I thought… A good sign!

Sindre spoke up first as he continued to look through the archive. “Anyway, we were talking the other day about which game to show you first, but we couldn’t agree on what would be the best showcase. So instead of one game voted in from all of us, we are each going to show you a game we think you’ll like best. Sounds good?”

My tail thumped against the back of the couch in acceptance. “Yup! That actually sounds really great! Get to see a wider spectrum of human ‘entertainment!’ Who’s going first?”

“Sindre is…” Hailey speaks up in between bites of her confection, “His system, his pick… still think it’s a dumb fucking game though.” He says as he stops his scrolling and arrives at a very brightly colored preview with several… Humans? Human-like creatures in what look like Dossur vehicles?

He presses a button to select the game as a grin grows on his face. “Hey, Mario Kart Galaxy 3 is a classic! You’re just mad because you’re bad at it.” Sindre turns his head to me while Hailey leans forward. “You’ll love it, I swear. Really shows off the real Humanity we have to hide from you guys.”

“That's for a good reason, you dolt. But it’s your choice…” Hailey said while wiping her hands on a napkin.

I hoped he was right as some cheerful music started playing.

{Memory Transcription Time Advancement: 19 Terran standard minutes…}

Sindre was right! This is fun!

The upbeat music continues to play as I make another turn around a corner, drifting a little to build up some momentum. The ‘Birdo’ creature in my ‘Kart’ does a little dance as I time it right and get a small speed boost, sending me further down the multi-colored track.

“Hmmhmmmhm, hmhmhmm~.” I tried my best to hum along to the music as I continued with the race.

I never would have thought that a racing game could be interesting. Cloyta and I played a few when we were much younger, but they seemed slow in comparison. Usually had a goal at the end as well, like delivering some fruits to a market, or maybe trading on spacefaring merchant vessels in the more complex ones.

It was super fun though! Competing against each other felt a little off, but I wrote it off as a Human cultural thing. A way of bonding, as with most things for them it seems. Other than that, I found the racing to be a lot of fun! There was so much going on, and yet it somehow managed to really keep you aware of everything going on at all times.

A projectile here, a fruit peel trap there, there was so much to think about that I almost forgot to pay attention to the humans! Which, if I weren’t here to study them, might have been a good thing. There were times the competitive nature of the game seemed to draw something else out of them, something I hadn’t expected.

It was… well…

“If I run into one more fucking banana, I will kick you down a flight of stairs and jump on your head from the top step!”

“How the hell did that hit ME!? Broken fucking hitboxes in this shitty ass game!”



My enjoyment of the game seemed to be pretty one-sided unfortunately. Even by the already high standards of the Humans’ previous banter, this was truly something else. While I was still learning the game and slowly climbed up the leaderboard, the Humans all led the herd by taking the top 3 spots every time. They were so close together in some of the races that it was nearly impossible to tell who would win until the last moment, making their yelling even more vicious and bloodthirsty.

There were times I thought they were about to get physically violent with each other once it got to the final lap, but thankfully, it never came to that, aside from maybe some light pushing. Their… banter? Fighting? Uh… verbal abuse towards each other made learning the game a lot harder too since every time I tried to ask a question, my voice would get drowned out in all the yelling. They did show me the basic controls before we started, but it’s a little hard to ask for pointers when your coaches are threatening severe bodily harm against each other.

As I drifted around another sharp turn, my mind wandered back to what Sindre said when we’d first started:

‘Really shows off the real Humanity we have to hide from you guys.’

Was this supposed to be the ‘real Humanity’? I sure hope not… I think I’d prefer if they actually came to blows instead of continuing this barrage of foulness they are constantly spewing. They don’t even seem to be enjoying it! They have to be doing it for a reason… right?

I continued to think as I continued down the track and finished my second lap. The argument was starting to build up again as the stakes started to rise.

“Oh, yeah, of course you get a red shell in 2nd and I get fucking bananas in 3RD! Gotta love this piece of shit game!!” Hailey shouted, leaning forward like she was about to pounce on the TV.

“Not my fault you can’t aim for shit, dumbass! Just throw better!” Sindre quipped back.

“How about I throw you out a five story window?! I mean, I would if your fatass wouldn't snap the floorboards if I tried!” Ada finished it as he gave her an aggressive shove with his shoulder.

Yet, unlike how I expected, she didn’t push back. That's what makes this all so confusing! Each time they antagonize each other, the other person does it back, and they just stop! Their words sound like they mean it to hurt, and their actions reflect that… but they aren’t acting on it.

Hmm… the ‘real Humanity’, huh… Maybe I’m approaching this the wrong way? Something less about who the Humans are, so to speak, but more how they feel? They’ve been awfully emotional in every interaction I’ve ever had with them… Aggressive, too, admittedly. Maybe… maybe this is a way for them to vent some of that aggression safely? Around people they really trust with a game you can complain about, but demands too much attention to leave them to do more than yell at each other? Things have been rather… stressful, lately.

My tail thumped a few more times against the dilapidated couch, sending a few more puffs of stuffing into the air. The theory kind of lined up with what I knew, but I was here with the primary source for a reason, after all. I would just ask them, but…


They were busy.

They seem pretty angry…  but if it helps them deal with their stress, then I am just fine with it. I’m glad they are getting through it in their own… ‘special’ Human way. 

In any case, it was still better than damming it all up until it overflowed and someone really got hurt. Safe in the knowledge that the Humans (probably) wouldn’t actually attack each other, I just resolved to focus on the game instead. The third and final lap was coming around, and things were starting to ramp up even further. The Humans’ false violence got even louder, and coupled with the occasional and really rather distracting limb shooting out and the rapidly intensifying music, my poor heart was not in the best condition as our racers closed in on the finish line.

But then, all of a sudden, something very strange happened. The Humans simultaneously began to curse louder than ever before, screaming and wailing as an odd blue indicator flashed along the top of the screen, indicating some kind of blue spiky ball rapidly approaching us from behind. All three of them illogically slammed on the brakes, clearly trying to dodge the oncoming projectile, but it was to no avail. The ball flew right past my ‘Kart’ and struck the center of the tightly crowded humans, unleashing an explosion of blue fire that stunned all three.

Allowing my Kart, driving at maximum speed in hopes of any shot at outrunning the projectile, to shoot right past them and cross the finish line first.

Wait… what?

A brief silence hung in the air at what just happened until my arms went up in the air

“Hey, look! I won! Hehehe! I didn’t know I would get so lucky on my first try! Is that sort of thing… common…?”

I stopped my celebration as all the Humans were giving me very intense looks with their stares. They lacked the familiar friendliness most Humans looked at me with, but instead seemed much… angrier.

Speh, right. They are still mad from before, and now I just beat them at their own race… O-okay, they don’t mean it, they are upset and need to let it out. Just have to get through it.

Seeing what was about to happen, I curled in on myself and braced myself for the barrage of verbal slurry coming my way. A moment passed as I waited for the insults to fly but… they never came? Opening an eye revealed the Human’s expressions had changed from fury to… 


“You alright there Nov’? You’re shaking pretty bad… Was that too much?” Ada asked in a quiet voice while patting me on the back roughly. It took a moment for my brain to catch up before I could speak again.

“O-oh, uh, sorry, I thought you all were going to… yell at me? Like you did with each other?” My voice was a little shaky as I unfurled myself.

All of the Germans seemed to wince a little at that. “Yeah… fuck, sorry about that. Mario Kart is a pretty rage-inducing game. Shoulda thought about that beforehand.”

My tail attempted to signal calm while trapped behind me. “N-no, it’s fine… I did learn a lot actually. It was fun too, besides the yelling part. Um, can we move on though? I think I’ve got enough out of this one.”

Sindre exits the game with a nod while the others let out deep sighs. “Yeah, sorry Nov’. It’s one of the most popular party games Humanity ever made, so I figured it would be a good one to show you. Next is… Ada’s pick… we sure we should do this one?”

The woman turned her head to look at Sindre. “Positive. They have a vegan option in the settings, so it’s not going to get us arrested or anything. Plus, it's a cooperative party game! Feds seem to love that whole ‘herd’ thing, and Nov’ liked the last one so I’m sure it’ll be fine!”

She gave a dismissive hand wave before turning back to me. “It’ll be fine, really. I played this game as a kid all the time, no need to panic, right?” She seemed a little worried at the end of that sentence, so I tried to put on a brave face.

“S-sounds great! What’s it about?” I mentally chastised myself for my stutter and reached towards the table to grab another pastry. “Ahem. There’s nothing predatory in it, right?”

She grabs one herself and a glass of an orange fizzy drink. “Nope, none at all! Just some harmless cooking with your friends! You’ll love it!” Her enthusiasm helped me calm down as the game started booting up on screen.

Overcooked 5: Season of Seasoning.

Looks cheerful at least. Cooking is fun too… It’ll be fine, yeah.

I took a bite out of my brownie as the game's main menu music started to play.

{Memory Transcription Time Advancement: 23 Standard Terran Minutes…}

You know… I think I get it.

A soft relaxing track played in the background as the four little chefs on screen ran around doing various tasks needed to keep the kitchen functioning, like preparing vegetables, or washing dishes. A timer at the top of the screen was slowly counting down while a little ‘onion’ next to it with a Human face rambled on about something or other.

Orders start coming in quick, and all of us get to work in a flash… or at least, all of us SHOULD be.

“Can you three stop licking the dust clouds in the vents and actually do something to help me, PLEASE?!”

A trio of Human giggles was my only response as I leaned forward in concentration.

This game. This brahking game. They should use this for testing for intelligence like those quizzes we took back home, since clearly some people go brain dead trying to do literally anything that isn’t getting in my stars-damned way, or otherwise waste valuable time by huffing the gas coming off the stove!

Finishing up one order of seaweed wraps and lettuce salad, I tried to get back to the kitchen, but was immediately blocked by… a plate on the floor.

“WHO-!! Why is there a plate on the floor?! The counter is literally right there! It’s such a simple job to-” A ding rings out, showing several new orders that needed to be filled. The timer started flashing red as we reached the one ‘minute’ mark.

A deep, frustrated growl builds in my throat, causing my Humans to laugh for some reason, incensing me even further! We all get to work in completing the last orders, however. Things were going well as the Terrans seemed to (finally) get it together to actually make some good food. Sindre had just finished cooking the rice while Ada chopped the carrots. Me and Hailey were putting everything together on the other side and sending it through until—

“Is, oh my stars, did you guys really send over raw rice?! It’s not even partially cooked!! Are you all a bunch of mountain dwellers? Do you eat your dry grass with a side of brahking pebbles and pond scum?! Cook it again!” I threw the rice back, hitting Sindre in the back of the head with the pile of rice, causing his character to fall over with a cartoonish thunk sound effect.

The Germans laughed loudly at the scene, which made my face heat up in frustration. The timer was running short as we waited for the rice to actually be cooked this time.

“Nov’, I, haha, I’m sorry. I’ll get it done this time, have mercy! I thought the last one was done so I-”

My head turned just enough for my eye to be focused solely on the pale Human. “IT WAS BRAHKING RAW!! There's a bar at the top that tells you! Do you need eye surgery?? Can you even pass a driving test??”

More laughter.


A ding came from the pot to signify it was done. Ada immediately took it out and walked over to the counter to pass it.

“Perfect, now just- what are you doing?”

She wasn’t passing it over. Instead, she was charging up her throw way more than she needed to. I was just about to say something as the clock flashed brightly ‘till she threw the rice at full force.

Directly at my little chef. The rice beamed directly off the side of my character's head, sending me flying away from the plate and sprawled across the kitchen floor as the rice landed gently on the ground.


The countdown is drowned out by the humans erupting into laughter as I desperately try and recover. Yet, just as I make it to my feet, the countdown reaches zero, and the mission ends. Defeat fills my chest while the onion man does a little dance to tally up our points. 

49600… only two out of three stars…

It’s over…

I slumped against the back of the couch, fury and betrayal stirring in my chest while the predators laughed to each other for several moments. Their raucous, howling laughter eventually started dying down, at least enough for them to actually say something to me.

“Nov’, come on. It’s just a game. I’m, hehehe, I’m sorry okay? We were just having a little fun is all.” She ran her treacherous hands down my back in an effort to calm me, to little effect.

“Dumb game. Stupid… start the next mission…”

She chuckled a bit. “Maybe we should play a different game. You don’t seem real happy playing this one.”

That made my tail flick in light amusement though the frustration. “Now you sound like my Dad…” My anger at the game started to fade more and more, replaced with a growing sensation of guilt. ”I-I think that’s a good idea. Um, sorry about that.”

She removed her hand, but kept her eyes on me and the gooey trail now stringing from her hand. “Eugh… hey, you’re fine. If you can deal with us screaming at each other, then we can handle your little squeaks.” 

The other two smiled and nodded in agreement while I looked at her in confusion, feeling a little offended. “My… squeaks? But, um, thank you... W-what's the next game? Hailey’s turn, right?” 

On cue, she brushes her mane to the side and starts scrolling down. “Yes, actually! Unlike these two walnuts, I actually picked a relaxing game. A classic. An art piece~” Her hands did a slight flair, yet I remained unmoved.

“Hailey, that's what the other two said too. While those games were… fine, I wouldn’t call them ‘masterpieces.’ Are you sure about this one?” I asked while grabbing another brownie.

I keep eating these things, but I just feel more and more hungry… weird…

The Humans chucked as she selected her game. “Hey, have a little faith in me. I haven't met a Human alive that can say this game is bad. Just watch!”

A flash came from the TV as the game's title came into view.

Minecraft: Anniversary Edition.

“We’ll use one of the worlds we were playing on back on Earth so you can get an idea of what it’s really like. And, uh, make sure it's peaceful too, just in case.”

I took a bite of the treat and settled into my spot, preparing myself for whatever was to come.


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{Memory Transcription Time Advancement: 17 Standard Terran Minutes…}

“Okay, one more time please. I think I got it now.”

Ada sighs through her nose. “Right… two sticks, middle and bottom middle."

“M-middle and bottom middle, got it…”

“PLANKS across the top, not logs.”

“That doesn't… o-okay, planks…”

“Now click the pickaxe on the right side, Nov’.”


My cursor went to retrieve my new primitive tool from the ‘crafting table.’

“Okay, I think I got it…”

“You said that the last six times we explained it to you. Are you sure you understand now?” Her voice was a mix of genuine annoyance and playful mirth as she raised the hairy line above her left eye.

“Y-yes, sorry. I get it now. Don’t worry… thank you.” It was hard to meet her gaze again after forgetting how to do this again.

Fortunately, the Terran didn’t press me further, and instead let out an airy chuckle before resuming her own projects she was working on. Those projects being a massive three-story marble mansion built from so many types of blocks that I couldn’t hope to learn them all.

You wouldn’t guess it from just a glance, but this game has such a wide variety of building options. The only real limit is your own imagination… and your ability to remember some 40,000 different recipe ingredients to make them with. Still, fascinating to see what they have made. I bet this game would be very popular once word got around!

Which led me to now. The Humans had taught me how to play the game this time, which was certainly kind of them, but I still couldn’t read anything without my pad. My pace was slow at best, and the controller I was using had become quite slippery after the last game. Worst of all, I started feeling super lightheaded not long after we started playing this game for some reason.

Speh, I really shouldn’t have gone that hard on the cooking game… now I’m paying for it I guess.

All this combined made learning anything a bit of a chore. The only thing I had built was a small dirt shack next to the forest. It even had the ‘green top,’ which the humans informed was ‘not going to look good to the HoA’ apparently, even though I kinda liked it.

My issue must have been very visible to everyone else and Ada tapped me on the arm with her elbow. “Don’t tell me you forgot to open doors again…”

I tapped back playfully like the Humans do. “N-no! It’s, uh… not important right now. I’m trying to figure out how to build something like you guys but nothing is coming to mind…”

“You want some help? I’m not doing anything at the moment.” His character walked out of the mansion and skip jumped over to me, which was apparently the optimal way to move in this game.

Sindre wasn’t far behind her, followed later by Hailey. “Same, just finished up the farms, just waiting for now.”

“Yeah, plus you can actually learn the game while you're at it.”

u/Cummy_wummys avatar

They laughed a little while I sat there in silent shock.

They want to help me? That's… great! definitely a welcome change from the last games. To finally do something with a herd after suffering through all that sounds delightful!

A quick thump of my tail got their attention “Y-yes, please! That sounds like a great idea! I, uh, thank you!”

They each gave a smile, a true happy smile, and went to get whatever supplies they needed. Each of them had already returned to my hovel by the time I cleared a space. With that, we got to work. Unlike before where there was a cacophony of noise, this was much more enjoyable, even peaceful. We worked together as each of us shared our different ideas on what to do, shared resources, and just talked to each other like friends. Like a herd.

Now this is so much better. Actually having all of us play the game and be happy about it? Who would have thought!? While those other games had good parts to them, nothing can beat the feeling of being with good company and relaxing music. Maybe next time I can show them some Federation games… if I can afford them, at least.

With more teamwork and time, the house was complete! A complete replica of a Jaur den done entirely from memory! Jaur are an interesting species that, like the Gojid and some kinds of Verin, prefer to build their homes partially into the ground. Unique to the dirty rodents, though, is the large sleeping room in a basement-like area underneath the main house, which I felt looked cozy with the ambient red torches. Not sure if Ledo would be super convinced by this project, but I was quite proud of us for making it.

“Thank you guys, that was a lot of fun… how do I get-”

“The left trigger.” Hailey said in an amused tone.

“Right, right… thank you.”

They all gave their affirmations with their own laughs before wandering off to their own projects.

Standing atop my creation gave me a wonderful view of the area. Trees went in every direction for as far as I could see, with our little collection of buildings clustered in the center lighting up the night. The Humans ran around in their shiny protective pelts, doing various tasks to improve the homestead. Birds flew from above with the backdrop of the starry night sky behind them.

The stars… brahk, I miss the stars…

u/Cummy_wummys avatar

Venlil Prime, being tidally locked, meant that it very rarely ever had a ‘night,’ and even when it did, it was only on some parts of the planet. Dayside City was, unfortunately, not in those areas, but even then I didn’t realize how much I really missed that until now.

For a while, I simply enjoyed the view, basking in all the blocky sounds and sights. Even through a screen, it all seemed so beautiful to me. Yet, like everything else, it eventually must end as the stars begin to dim and the sun starts to…

The sun…

The sunrise began to take on the many colors of the rainbow above us. Blues, purples, yellows and oranges lit up the night like I haven't seen in {months}. Even though the shining star was the wrong shape, it really felt nostalgic to see.

Just like back home… just with a few less circles.

A small laugh escaped me as I finished watching the sunrise high into the sky, content to just watch for now. Sitting here, together with my herd, playing games from an alien world, eating foreign snacks, enjoying life… I couldn’t help but laugh again at it. 

Oh, speaking of snacks! ...Huh? Oh, all the brownies are gone… wait, how am I even still hungry? I ate, like, 9 of those things and I feel like I’m starving! Whatever they must have put in there, it must not have been very filling. Maybe we can get dinner later then… something salty… heh, yeah that sounds great…

My giggles started to pick up more, though I’m not even sure what I was laughing at. Maybe it was from my situation or the prospect of teaching the Terrans about more Federation food… or maybe it’s just that I finally have a herd after spending such a long time alone.

Tears started to swell in my eyes as the Humans said something I couldn’t understand. Things were kinda blurry and the air started feeling colder than it was before, but I didn’t care. I was just so happy! And cold… but warm too… and really brahking hungry? I don’t really know anymore. It’s fine though, just gotta… calm down... things were fine... just... need to... relax~

{Error: Transcript Interrupted: Unable to load more memories. Finding Cause… Cause Found: (Substance Abuse). Try again at a later date.}

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u/Cummy_wummys avatar

Afternoon everyone!So, been awhile, huh? I really don’t have an excuse other than I was just busy most of that time with other things. I’m back though and I’m already working on like 4 things right now (including another collab!)

Also, to those curious, the brownies were edibles that had 30 mg of THC in each full piece. For reference, 40 mg is considered the recommended daily average one should ingest.

She ate 9 brownies.

On a lighter note, thank you everyone for the amazing support over the past couple of weeks. It has just been absolutely phenomenal to see my silly little squid girl get so much love. 

Next chapter we get to see the very first different PoV from our favorite {REDACTED}!

Advice and comments are greatly appreciated and thank you again for all the support!

Have a great day everyone!

(P.S. I do not do the weed in real life nor do I have 3 weed smoking girlfriends. This information is purely second hand and most likely false.)

(P.S.S Don’t do drugs or you’ll go to hell before you die)

(P.S.S.S. Please for the love of god someone tell me how to fix the character limit for the reddit posts. It does NOT exceed the 40,000 character limit but it keeps telling me that I do and I don't know how to fix it T-T)

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I think you are missing half the people you wanted to say thanks to

u/Cummy_wummys avatar

I know, I'm trying to fix it but reddit is just not working for me, I'm sorry.

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Hehe squid high as a kite