Love like elemental force - “Beloved, great and unspeakably beautiful. I am on fire!” |

Love like elemental force

“Beloved, great and unspeakably beautiful. I am on fire!”

19.05.2024 18:01

Christine Lavant and Werner Berg: A love like an elemental force! The "Krone" series on their long-secret correspondence.

They are united in large format on the façade of the Werner Berg Museum in Bleiburg for the current exhibition - a couple, a picture that never existed. There has been much speculation about their relationship. Few knew what actually connected the poetry giant from the Lavanttal and the painter of the century from the Rutarhof. It is the stuff of which Greek tragedies are woven.

Christine Lavant and Werner Berg. (Bild: Irina Lino)
Christine Lavant and Werner Berg.

In 2023, literary doyen Klaus Amann made an eye-opening start with Wallstein and compiled the poet's correspondence into the grandiose Lavant biography "Ich bin maßlos in allem".

A letter of jealousy from Josef Habernig. (Bild: Irina Lino)
A letter of jealousy from Josef Habernig.

Berg's grandson Harald Scheicher has now followed up "Über fallenden Sternen" and published the correspondence between Lavant and Berg, which was kept under lock and key for decades, for the first time in a 1000-page edition. It reveals only five "shared" years (1950 - 1955), but a "love to the death" beyond convention and mediocrity - full of desire and strength, tragedy and struggle, fulfillment and happiness, tears and despair. A love like a primal force!

Josef Habernig wrote the letter of jealousy. (Bild: Irina Lino)
Josef Habernig wrote the letter of jealousy.

How lightning once struck Saul outside Damascus
It begins on November 10, 1950 at the three-day literature festival in St. Veit, where they collide. Immediately afterwards, the first two letters leave no doubt about the fateful nature of their encounter. And Berg enthuses: "Three of your poems have penetrated the center of my heart and almost want to drive it apart. From the first sight of you, however, I was struck by your beauty, strength of soul and greatness in the same way that Saul was struck by lightning outside Damascus. I have never suspected a force of shock such as that which threw and throws me this time." Lavant, who, "as a sick and deformed child, has always been infuriated by mine", this woman of fire who burns with such boundless emotion, replies: "Since you asked me to remember you seriously, and since I find in myself an almost trembling willingness to do so, it is of course unavoidable that a certain closeness to you arises."

Werner Berg's wife "Mauki". (Bild: Irina Lino)
Werner Berg's wife "Mauki".

Christine Lavant & Werner Berg

Born destitute in 1915 as the 9th child of the miner Georg Thonhauser and the seamstress Anna in Großedling in Lavanttal, eternally ill, Lavant only attended elementary school, was considered a language prodigy and became a poetry giant who died in 1973. Born in 1904 in Elberfeld (Germany) as the youngest of 4 children, he completed a degree in commerce and moved with his wife Amalie "Mauki" Kuster to the Rutarhof in Lower Carinthia in 1931, where the farmer and painter of the century took his own life in 1981.

Just a month later, just before Christmas, his letters, "which come like daily bread", are indispensable to her and she feels "nothing but: Happiness! Happiness! Happiness!" Even then, Berg's wife "Mauki" is spoken of appreciatively. Next Sunday, exhibition organizers Harald Scheicher and Arthur Ottowitz will tell you why she went from being the knowing supporter of this amour fou to its gravedigger and how Lavant's husband Josef Habernig reacted.

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