New Alien: Romulus Production Still Teases Dark Corners of the Station - Alien vs. Predator Galaxy
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New Alien: Romulus Production Still Teases Dark Corners of the Station

The Alien: Romulus promotional circuit continues to heat up as we move into the summer of the film’s release. Movie news and ticketing outlet Fandango has just released a new production photo showing our protagonists ready to venture deeper into the Renaissance station. Rain (Cailee Spaeny) and Tyler (Archie Renaux) hold rifles at the ready as Andy (David Jonsson) stands beside them. If you look at the top part of the image you can see part of the Xenomorph hive resin on the walls and ceiling.

 New Alien: Romulus Production Still Teases Dark Corners of the Station

Fandango also recently posted another summer movie article after polling their fans on the most anticipated films, with Alien: Romulus near the top in multiple categories.

Those with keen eyes may also notice Cailee Spaeny’s character Rain sporting new Reebok footwear, the bug stomping choice of the future. This was commented on by 20th Century Studios head Steve Asbell:

 New Alien: Romulus Production Still Teases Dark Corners of the Station
Thanks to Mike’s Monsters for the news. Keep your browsers locked on Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest Alien: Romulus news! You can follow us on FacebookX, Instagram and YouTube to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums!

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  1. Scott Conover
    Quote from: Local Trouble on May 27, 2024, 07:18:29 AM
    Quote from: Scott Conover on May 27, 2024, 05:45:34 AMAre there any lingering questions with that? Seems pretty cut and dry

    Since I assume Russ Jorden got impregnated with a soldier, we still don't know where the queen came from. 

    I never bought Cameron's explanation that the other colonists went into the derelict after seeing what happened to Russ, so I'd prefer to think that whatever popped out of him captured and eggmorphed at least one other colonist back at Hadley's to produce a queen egg.

    Romulus could show us something like that happening, but maybe without spoiling the reveal of an adult queen prior to Aliens.


    I always just assumed the first Xeno was/became a queen, seems like the easiest and most logical outcome.

    That Cameron idea is a bit too Looney Tunes over the top stupid for my tastes.
  2. SiL
    Quote from: Local Trouble on Yesterday at 12:25:36 PM
    Quote from: SiL on Yesterday at 08:52:03 AMI don't think two things is over complicated.

    No queen? Egg morph.
    Queen? Lay eggs.

    If we want to impose some limits, it's also possible that each soldier gets only one shot at it.

    We could even attach an additional limit and speculate that it's fatal to the soldier, akin to a honeybee sting.
    And we don't even need to invent these limits, it's pretty much the plot of Alien.
  3. Acid_Reign161
    For me personally, as much as I love eggmorphing, even if they don't go that route,  I'd be even happier if they simply showed *growing* eggs in a hive (some smaller than others/developing in resin, as per the Alien 3 prop) - that would finally put the egg on sulaco thread to rest.
  4. Feeds On Minds
    Egg morphing just complicates the life cycle; horror movies never benefit from over-complication.
    Egg - facehugger - drone/queen - more eggs. Simple and effective.
    This series already has enough going on.
  5. Sabres21768
    Quote from: GrimmVision on Yesterday at 02:21:58 AM
    It's a discussion pertaining to the possibility of whether or not we see Egg-morphing on Renaissance station vs. a Queen hidden somewhere with its depths. Which began with comments of the Hive material after a set photo of the hive was released thus informing this conversation.
    I'm not your daddy, but if I was...

    And this is NOT that discussion. It has devolved into how and when the Hadley's Hope colony became overrun.
  6. GrimmVision
    I'm curious to know how long it takes a Queen to fully mature? I assume longer than 24 hrs. with Ripley's gestation time being, what, a week in Alien3?

    How many weeks between the fall of Hadley's Hope and Ripley and co. showing up again?

    The Alien Soldiers wouldn't want to start collecting too early or else they risk everyone who'd been captured attempting escape (or at least just being lousy guests - "Help, help, help me!!" for days on end).


    Ahem, or if she wasn't ready for a couple weeks yet, there's risk of the human hosts dying of dehydration or starvation while cocooned.

    You think they'd want the Queen at Egg-producing capacity before they start making real moves to build numbers.
  7. The Cruentus
    Yep and given that they would realize (even if too late) that they got some sort of infestation on their hands, burning bodies would actually probably be the go to method to be sure.

    Not sure if all bodies were incinerated though, I mean they would have at least burned the initial chestburster victims, not sure about other casualities that may have happend, got to figure that atleast some were outright killed and not used as hosts.
  8. The Cruentus
    The PDT are still active even among the dead, so if there is any outside the hive, then its not showing. There is what 158 colonists? so if the glowing dots are not accurate then maybe its because they got smushed together?
  9. Local Trouble
    "Looks like all of them" doesn't sound very precise, so I can easily accept that at least a few colonists died outside of the nest and were cremated out of an abundance of caution before the place went completely apeshit.  That would account for Russ and Marachuk, specifically.
  10. Acid_Reign161
    Quote from: Local Trouble on May 27, 2024, 04:48:22 PM
    Quote from: Acid_Reign161 on May 27, 2024, 12:33:02 PMPersonal interpretation; Those huggers came from the team that were responding to Annie's mayday. Reason: Whether eggmorphing took place or not, we saw that all colonists PDT's (personal data transmitters) were collectively located in the sublevels of the atmosphere processing station.. how likely is it that colonists with small arms and seismic survey charges could venture in and survive retrieving facegugged comrades when fully armed Colonial Marines barely got out in one piece? Not very. Therefore, those dead huggers dropped off the faces of people brought into medlab the same way Kane was in 'Alien'. Expanded media (whilst not canon) shows that this is the case (see 'Aliens: Newt's Tale').

    Then the aliens must have taken the corpses of Marachuk, etc. back to the nest for some reason.  While it's possible that the PDTs are disabled/extracted from the colonists after death, Drake told Gorman that they found no bodies.  I presume that includes the morgue.  Unless they were cremated, which is also possible.

    Yup, I guess nothing went to waste. Has anyone ever counted the PDT dots on the screen? 🤣
  11. Local Trouble
    Quote from: Acid_Reign161 on May 27, 2024, 12:33:02 PMPersonal interpretation; Those huggers came from the team that were responding to Annie's mayday. Reason: Whether eggmorphing took place or not, we saw that all colonists PDT's (personal data transmitters) were collectively located in the sublevels of the atmosphere processing station.. how likely is it that colonists with small arms and seismic survey charges could venture in and survive retrieving facegugged comrades when fully armed Colonial Marines barely got out in one piece? Not very. Therefore, those dead huggers dropped off the faces of people brought into medlab the same way Kane was in 'Alien'. Expanded media (whilst not canon) shows that this is the case (see 'Aliens: Newt's Tale').

    Then the aliens must have taken the corpses of Marachuk, etc. back to the nest for some reason.  While it's possible that the PDTs are disabled/extracted from the colonists after death, Drake told Gorman that they found no bodies.  I presume that includes the morgue.  Unless they were cremated, which is also possible.
  12. Acid_Reign161
    Let's look at the available facts;

    1). Russ Jordan is facehugged and dragged outside of the derelict.

    2). There are multiple facehuggers found in medlab, two are alive after being removed prior to embryo implantation.

    Personal interpretation; Those huggers came from the team that were responding to Annie's mayday. Reason: Whether eggmorphing took place or not, we saw that all colonists PDT's (personal data transmitters) were collectively located in the sublevels of the atmosphere processing station.. how likely is it that colonists with small arms and seismic survey charges could venture in and survive retrieving facegugged comrades when fully armed Colonial Marines barely got out in one piece? Not very. Therefore, those dead huggers dropped off the faces of people brought into medlab the same way Kane was in 'Alien'. Expanded media (whilst not canon) shows that this is the case (see 'Aliens: Newt's Tale').

    So for point one in the chat debate, no the first alien that burst from Russ did not have to be a queen, there were several xenos loose in the colony prior to establishing a hive.

    Where does the queen come from? Two possibilities;

    1: it was born a queen (as per Alien 3)
    2: it was a regular xeno that went through a metamorphosis.

    This is unclear, as there are so many unknown variables. It's sometimes easy to assume we 'know' things about the creatures life cycle based upon years of exposure to expanded media, but everything in the comics etc followed the life cycle as presented in the second movie.. if we just take what we see in the first three movies alone, and filter the rest out, the truth is it's not so black and white or clear. We can debate it till the cows come home, but there is no definitive answer. Did a regular xeno become a queen? Possibly, we saw that xenos in the second movie continue metamorphosis over time (comparing warriors to big chap, losing their head shell etc) it's entirely possible. Was it born a queen? Also possible, we see a queen chestburster in Alien 3. Why is this not definitive proof that the same happened in 'Aliens'? Because there's also the possibility that the queen was a unique evolution to that particular circumstance/environment, given the creatures ability to adapt/survive, the most 'optimum' method of reproduction if you will. Once it was a queen, it may be the case that it produces others like it (hence alien 3). It could be that regular xenos egg morph hosts, and these special ovomorphs, fed on the nutrients of the dissolving host become a sort of 'royal ovomorph'(Alien 3 assembly cut also supports the possibility of superfacehuggers) as per 'special eggs' in real world ant/bee hives. Hell, we're all assuming that the queen was even born from a human host. Could just have easily been born from a colony pet. We simple do not know.

    My personal fan theory? Russ and the response team were brought into medlab with parasites attached. They removed two, killing the hosts, and opted not to do the same to the other but monitor their conditions. As per 'Alien' we know that those hosts would have 'recovered' with memory loss (their dead parasites placed in tubes to be studied) and likely been distributed around the colony when they popped. (So 4 xenos in the mix) I like to think this played out like 'Alien' - 4 big chaps, taking hosts, perhaps eggmorphing as a means to increase numbers (the last stand at operations clearly wasn't only 4 creatures, especially when we know the colonists successfully eliminated at least one xeno with seismic survey charges) During metamorphosis, one of the 4 began changing into a queen, with the others becoming 'warriors' (hate this term) building the hive. In this form, the queen can indeed lay 'royal eggs' explaining the queen chestburster in Alien 3.

  13. GrimmVision
    No matter how a Queen is implemented into a Hive, it makes sense to have at least a handful of Soldiers in place beforehand to both protect her and bring her hosts when she's ready. Which is where Eggmorphing comes in ;D

    It's probably the most infamous deleted movie scene in history at this point.

    And the hosts don't even necessarily need to be alive either, given Brett's headbite wound. The Alien just needs the meat. I assume the Runner was just the busiest lil guy somewhere in the bowels of the prison facility, preparing the house for mother.
  14. Kradan
    Quote from: Local Trouble on May 27, 2024, 10:40:05 AMI remember that scene differently.  I seem to recall quite bit of time between her stumbling across the nest and that egg opening.

    Speaking of which, I always took it as that Queen was capable to control not only adult ones but facehuggers inside the eggs too. My assumption is that she "ordered" a facehugger to hatch trying to sneakily take out Ripley
  15. The Cruentus
    With a very long tail and if need be, she can detach. And while its eu, queens have been shown to regrow one.

    Either way, the result of was infestation of colony.

    It would sure be nice for the topic to go back to Romules eh?
  16. Local Trouble
    Quote from: The Cruentus on May 27, 2024, 11:19:05 AMAnd my vulnerability statement also included the word colonists. Not marines with explosive tippped rounds that their pulse rifles fire, colonists, civvies with small arms fire. Not much of a threat to a Queen even without eggs.

    The colonists "bagged one of the Ripley's bad guys" with their small arms fire.  And that one was presumably a soldier that wasn't immobilized by a giant egg sack.
  17. The Cruentus
    Because you took it too literally, of course eggs may not open instantly but they eventually will once they have detected a host.
    And my vulnerability statement also included the word colonists. Not marines with explosive tippped rounds that their pulse rifles fire, colonists, civvies with small arms fire. Not much of a threat to a Queen even without eggs.
  18. The Cruentus
    I see the issue, you are being pedantic about my phrase. Took it a little too literally.
    My point was simply thus, colonist find eggs, eggs open, alien drones then exist. I.e a possible reason for how infestation starts.
  19. The Cruentus
    What's your point? the still egg opened. colonists go there to investigate, see the eggs and not having the caution of Ripley who actually knows what they are, would probably do more to trigger the eggs. Ripley was standing very still at first where she noticed them and then started trying to take slow steps back, still didn't help.
  20. Local Trouble
    Ripley didn't get hugged the moment she got close to the eggs.  Why are you assuming the colonists would?

    Eggmorphing gets us a queen egg and an adult soldier to both protect her and bring her hosts.
  21. The Cruentus
    Says who? Her vulnerability is hardly an issue against colonists who would get hugged the moment they got close to the eggs.

    Yes. Eggmorphing makes little to no sense really, unless I am missing something.
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