Augmenting My World, Part 1 and 2 of a Long Story

Augmenting My World, Part 1 and 2 of a Long Story


Post10:19 AM - 11 days ago#1

This is my first attempt at writing something, I've been thinking and planning it for quite some time but could never bring myself to actually start it. 
Once I did though, I couldn't stop writing and I'm still going.
While I've written more, I'm only going to start with the first part for now until I get some feedback, so I can hopefully improve the other parts.

So, here's part 1:
Last few words and there, done for the day and the week, I thought to myself as I hit send on my email, time to get home and have some fun!

My work wasn’t anything exciting, just a mid-level manager position at one of those soul-less mega-companies that dominate the modern world. I’m not complaining here, the position wasn’t particularly hard, my team were great, it paid well and I managed to reach it at only 23, giving me great career prospects.

I headed out of the office, down to the bus stop and waited for the number 7 bus. I’d got this routine down to a science, able to exit my work, say goodbye to security and arrive with around 30 seconds spare, it felt good. As the bus rolled along, landing in potholes or bouncing over speed bumps, I pulled out my phone to start talking to the gang. You see, today wasn’t just any Friday, it was release night for a new dungeon in our favourite online virtual reality game and we had been waiting for weeks for it to arrive.

I started furiously tapping away in our group chat.
“Who’s ready for tonight? Getting excited, it’s been ages since the last mage boss and I’m hoping for a decent challenge”
“I am!”, replied Tom, my best friend of 18 years, “Did you see the drop tables yet?”
“They released those already?” I replied, “I thought they said they wanted this to be a surprise?”
“They did, but some idiot made a leak post for the drops online, but they made it all up and were miles off, so the developers put out this post to clear up the confusion”

I started to get excited, do I look it up and spoil the surprise or just see what happens? I’d like to think this was a long, carefully considered decision but it in reality, it was less than 5 seconds before I was heading to their website to check out the post. They had only listed the drops, nothing about the bosses which meant at least there was still some surprise for tonight. I started skimming through them, until I found the drops from the final boss of the dungeon.
“Tom, there’s some pretty good magic equipment in those drops, some major upgrades for you! Maybe you’ll finally catch up to our level and be able to do hard mode dungeons with us!”.
“Did you see the headpiece?” he replied, not reacting to the comment. “It’s so much better than anything available right now”
“I want it!” came a quick second comment from my girlfriend of 2 years, Mary who was also in the chat, “I can’t make tonight but I’ll do hard mode with you tomorrow”
Mary was almost the perfect girlfriend, smart, beautiful and loved all the same games I did. I say almost, because she lacked one thing that an optical obsessive such as myself would want, a pair of glasses. Mary had 20/20 vision and as only 1 person in her whole 15 family members I’d met wore glasses, and very weak at that, my odds of her needing them later was very low.

I’d thought long and hard about this when we first met, even drawing up a pros and cons list and had quickly realised that while it was a shame, the cons list was very short. So I threw myself into the relationship and 2 years later was happy that I did.

I scrolled down and found the headpiece:
Grand Sage’s Specs
Health +50
Intellect + 120
Increases damage and healing done by spells with a cast time of more than 1 second by 20%
Specs? That word got my attention immediately and I almost forgot to read the rest of the stats.
“Wow, I can see why you guys want that, it’s great for both of you, let’s hope it drops tonight”

About 15 minutes and a bunch more messages later, I got off the bus and started walking home, my mind racing, trying to imagine what the item would look like in game. I was never going to see Mary in glasses but her online character was a good alternative. As I got to my house I was slightly out of breath, I’d been walking as fast as I possibly could without realising it and started to fumble my keys in the lock as I opened the door. I dropped my bag, coat and keys on the table and hit the power button on my computer, grabbed my VR headset and sat down ready to play.
I logged onto the voice chat program we used and said hi to everyone who was there. Tom immediately asked “are you ok? You sound out of breath”
“I am a little, I’m just excited to get going”

I immediately heard 3 different laughs before Tom added “you can be such a try hard sometimes!” This kind of good-natured back and forth was common for us and I just joined in the laughter as I heard the game sounds in my headset, signalling it had loaded and was ready to go. As the world appeared in my headset, I saw the familiar setting of our favourite tavern and my team mates sitting in our usual spot with some food and drinks and I quickly headed over. Tom was on the left in his trademark bright red robes, John with his glistening silver armour complete with sword and giant tower shield and finally Kate, sporting a fancy leather top with some ornate scrollwork around the shoulders.
“New chest piece Kate?” I asked as I walked over
“Yes, I got it yesterday from a random chest, I was pretty lucky actually and a big upgrade from my last one”
The virtual food and drink flowed as we all waited for the server update that would release the new dungeon and with 5 minutes to go, we packed up and headed to the dungeon’s future location.
After the update went live we looked around but only saw 1 other group, not what we’d expected for a major update.
“I figured there would be more people” I commented to the group.
“Well, it is the new hardest boss and a lot of players are still progressing through normal mode, not everyone progresses as fast as we do” said Kate.
“Hmm, I guess, well lets go” I said as I headed off towards the dungeon entrance.
The dungeon itself was pretty standard, waves of enemies, boss, more enemies before another boss, nothing we hadn’t seen before. It was certainly harder than other normal difficulty dungeons, but as we had previously completed other dungeons in hard mode, it wasn’t really stressing out our group. The 2nd boss, however, had a brand-new ability that we’d not seen before. It caught us all off guard, resulting in a lot of damage to our party. Tom, being the weakest was knocked out, leaving us with only 3 members. We quickly stabilised and finished off the boss soon after and were rewarded for our efforts with a slight upgrade for John, which was a nice surprise.

Tom was complaining as we were healing his character but we reminded him we were here for the drops from the final boss, not these other ones, which quickly cheered him up again. 5 minutes later, we reached the final boss room and entered together, a giant circular room lay before us, walls disappeared up into the dark rafters above and everywhere you looked were bookshelves and tables full of books and scrolls.
Suddenly there was a swirling of sparks and fire in the centre of the room and the final boss appeared.

I noticed immediately that she was wearing glasses, but this was different from every other game I’d played, these glasses had actual lenses and very strong ones at that. Her eyes were huge behind the large silver round frames and I could feel my heart start to race. Would the actual item she dropped look the same? What would it look like on Mary’s character? John’s comment immediately broke me out of my thoughts however as he blurted out “wow look at her bug eyes, she’s blind as a bat, this will be easy” and before I could even comment, he was charging ahead of us to start the fight.

He was very quickly shown the error of his ways as the boss launched a high damage spell directly at him, without uttering a word.
“OH FUCK!!” is all we heard through our voice chat as his character took the blast head on, Paladins in heavy armour aren’t known for being particularly agile and the string of profanities that followed let us know that John was not happy.
“Scatter so we don’t all get hit”, I yelled out to the group “She’s a lot harder than other bosses”.
Over the next 5 minutes we were frantically dodging or interrupting spells as much as we could, while poor Kate was working overtime keeping us all alive with her healing. Finally however, the boss was defeated and we let out a collective sigh of relief.
“I can see why she’s the new hardest boss, that was brutal” said Tom as he walked over to the treasure chest that now stood where the boss was previously, “let’s see what the rewards are”.
The chest opened with its usual triumphant sounds and glowing rays and we see 3 popups, showing the contents. A magic users robe, a recipe scroll allowing the user to make a powerful new potion and the item I was hoping to see, the Grand Sage’s Specs. We all congratulated Tom as the robe and headpiece were both a big upgrade to his items, however, I was excited for a very different reason.

“Put them on Tom, let’s see what they look like” I said, trying to not sound too excited, he was the one getting the items after all, not me, the seconds felt like hours as I waited, then his character changed, of course, he put the robe on first. Then a few seconds later, his hat disappeared and the frames appeared on his character’s face.
Immediately after we heard a yell “what the hell was that?“ coming from Tom over the voice chat.
“Are you ok?”, “What’s going on?” we all asked in unison as it sounded like a mix of surprise and pain to me.
“As soon as I clicked that second item, I got a massive white flash in my headset, it was so bright, I’m still seeing spots wherever I look.”
“I’ve never heard of that before, sounds like a nasty bug” said John, I however, while concerned was staring in amazement at Tom’s character, who, just like the boss, now had huge eyes behind the silver frames. I was positively shaking with excitement as my mind started going through so many different questions, does the item drop every time? How long until tomorrow? Will Mary be happy with the normal mode version? How fast can we get here tomorrow?

Other than the sudden surprise, Tom sounded ok so everyone calmed down a little, he was the first to change the topic.
“Wow, my character’s eyes are just like the bosses were, they’re huge, it looks kind of weird. The headpiece is a big upgrade though so I guess I’ll have to keep it for a while. What does everyone else think?”
“I think it suits you” I said quickly “very wizardly, and the new robe is your colour too”.
“He’s right” added Kate “it’s a little different but I like that they’re adding some new different types of items into the game, glasses in games don’t usually have real lenses”
That comment from Kate also caught me off guard, did she have an interest in glasses too? I made a mental note and wondered how I could bring up the topic in future.
“Looks funny” said John “but no more than some of the other items in the game, you guys remember the compensator?”
“The plate legs with the large bulge in the front?” I asked
“That’s the one” he replied, “games are a fun way to do something a bit different, find your own style I say” and with that, everyone started sharing stories of other weird items and congratulating Tom on his new look and equipment.

We headed back to the tavern together; we had no other plans for the evening as you could only clear a boss once a day and spent most of the evening talking and laughing together. I kept looking at Tom’s character, his eyes were huge, I’m not the best at guessing prescriptions but if I had to guess I’d say it was definitely in the double digits, maybe +12 or +14. I wasn’t really paying much attention to the conversation, lost in my own thoughts of Mary’s character wearing glasses like that.

Kate was the first to log off and John followed shortly after, leaving just Tom and me together. We talked about life, the game, work life, nothing of great import. After about another 30 minutes, Tom said good bye and logged off. I was just finishing something on my character, about to log off myself when a frantic Tom rejoined the voice call.
“David, I can’t see” he stammered
“What do you mean you can’t see?” I quizzed, rather surprised by his sudden reappearance.
“I took off my headset after I logged off and I can’t see, everything is a massive blur, what happened?” He sounded scared and confused
“Did you bang your head or something?” I asked, not sure what to say to his statement
“No, I just took off my headset and went to grab my phone but I can’t see it, I’m looking at my desk right now, it’s a massive blur, I can’t see shit, what happened, help me”. He was starting to panic now, I could hear it in his voice.
“I have no idea what this is but just hold on, I’ll be right over.”
“Thanks” he replied, his voice rather quiet now.

I logged off, grabbed my keys and phone and headed out of my apartment. Part of the reason Tom and I were friends for so long is that our families had lived near each other since we were little kids and even after we moved out, we’d stayed close. 2 minutes of rapid walking later, I was at his apartment building, 2 flights of stairs and I was at his door and I knocked on the door.
I waited for him to open the door and while later I heard a muffled thud and Tom cursing, then some fumbling with the keys in the door. Finally, the door opened and there stood my best friend, looking like he always did, no, not quite the same, his eyes were a little bloodshot but nothing glaringly obvious. He immediately started talking at super speed, about how he can’t see, how he tripped over something, how his eyes were fine, but now they hurt a bit, but not that much, not like that time we …
“Tom, stop” I interrupted, “let’s take this step by step, first, we should close the door and go sit down”
He muttered a quick sorry, turned around and very slowly walked towards his couch and sat down. I closed his door behind me, walked over and sat down next to him. In the back of my head, I was starting to guess what caused this but I didn’t want to jump to conclusions.
“You said everything is a blur, can you describe it?” I asked, trying to keep my voice as calm as I could.
“I can’t see shit!” he snapped back, “what do you want me to say?”
“I’m trying to help you” I replied, ignoring the anger in his voice “let’s try something else, can you read your phone?”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, held it at arms-length, then brought it closer and closer, right up to his face.
“No, nothing”
“Ok, next question, how long was your last shift at work?” I knew this was definitely not what I thought the true cause but my mind was working overtime in the background, thinking how I could use this to my advantage. I hated that my best friend was going through this and hated myself for these very selfish thoughts, but this type of thing just never happens.
“I did 2 and a half shifts, my replacement called in sick and then his replacement was stuck due to a car accident”
“Wait, what?” I exclaimed, “you’ve just worked a 20-hour shift, how are you still standing?”
 “I wanted to play with you guys, I hate falling behind in progress, you’ve cleared almost all the hard mode bosses, plus a few mythics and I’ve barely started” he replied looking down, I could hear the sadness in his voice, but selfishly, rather than trying to actually solve his problem, I jumped on this opportunity.
“So, you got up, worked 20 hours, came home, played with us for another 4 hours and then this happened? You’ve not slept in over 30 hours; do you not think it could be linked?” I asked quizzically.
“Maybe, I do feel pretty exhausted” he said yawning.
“Right, let’s get you into bed and if this is still a problem when you wake up, I’ll take you to the hospital”

I helped Tom to his bedroom, making sure to let him know his phone was next to the bed. I then said goodbye and headed out and back home. Tom had done these huge shifts before and would usually sleep for more than 12 hours afterwards so this had bought me some time. It was late at night on Friday, meaning I had tomorrow off and so did Mary. If my guess was correct, I had a chance to use this freak event to my advantage. 
On the way home I wrote a message to Mary.
“Hey darling, we just finished with the new boss, she’s a challenge but we completed it first time. Want to play tomorrow morning? We could probably do both normal and hard mode if Kate and John are around, if not then there are a few others in the guild that have the gear to take it on.”
I looked at the message before sending, did I really want to do this? What if I was wrong, what if this caused some kind of damage, could I live with myself? My stomach was doing flips, I felt so guilty but I still hit the send button, I couldn’t give up on this chance. I saw Mary immediately typing a reply
“Wow that was fast, glad you guys had fun, yes go first thing tomorrow, I’ll be on around 9, see you then!”
I wished her a good night as I walked through the door to my apartment and sat down. My head was swirling with what if’s and I was both excited and apprehensive at the same time. I shook my head and went for a shower and bed, though I got little sleep as my mind wouldn’t stop going over everything. I finally fell asleep from exhaustion, probably around 1am.

At 8:30 my alarm went off and I quickly got up, made myself a simple breakfast and went over to my computer and checked my phone, no message from Tom yet. I logged onto the forums for the game, looked at the news section, no updates there yet about this, more good news. I went into the player messages and almost all of them were complaining about the dungeon being too hard. 
After reading through all the messages, I couldn’t find a single one talking about what we’d experienced, had I imagined it?

Just after 9, Mary joined our voice chat program and we logged onto the game together. I secretly hoped Kate and John weren’t around because I didn’t want them talking about what happened. They weren’t often on this early either and I’d deliberately not sent them a message about it.
“It looks like Kate and John aren’t on, shall we get 2 others and go?” I asked her
“Shouldn’t we wait for them?” She replied, “They know the fight and that’s always useful”
“We could, but I need to pick something up from the store before it closes this afternoon, so if we want to get normal and hard mode done, the more time the better” This was a complete lie but I was saying it without thinking, anything to not lose this chance, I must not panic I told myself, calm down.
“Ok sure, let’s see who’s online” she replied
There were a few guild mates online but I specifically invited only those who wouldn’t need the item, I didn’t want to lose this chance by someone else getting it instead.
I invited the other 2 members and let them know I’d already cleared it last night so I knew the tactics, they were happy about this and were up for both normal and hard mode, more good news, this was all going to plan.

We headed to the dungeon and due to my knowledge of it, we were able to clear through the enemies and first 2 bosses quickly without any issues. Everyone was in good spirits as we headed towards the final boss. This was helped by the fact the basic rewards from the dungeon were pretty generous. As we entered the familiar final room, I could feel my excitement and anxiety growing. What if the glasses don’t drop? what if we don’t kill the boss? what if this was all in my imagination? I again pushed those thoughts out of my mind and instead calmly explained the boss fight to the team.

The boss appeared and it was just like last night, standing in front of us with huge eyes behind round silver frames. Mary spoke up, “those glasses of hers are cool, I hope I get lucky and they drop”. I know she wanted the item for it's stats but it made me feel a little less bad about the whole situation.
“Fingers crossed for you” I replied, “let’s go”.
With that, we started the fight off. Like before, the boss did a lot of damage but as we knew what to expect, it was considerably easier than the previous night. This was also helped by the fact all our members were in high level equipment. 

After only a few minutes, the boss was defeated and the chest appeared. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest in excitement and it took all my effort to keep my voice calm and congratulate everyone. Mary walked over and opened the chest and up popped 2 info boxes, first a pair of leather boots, that’s not what I wanted but then the second item appeared, the glasses dropped!
“Yes!” I shouted, a little too excitedly and I quickly composed myself and congratulated Mary. Now for the moment of truth. Time seemed to slow down as she picked up the item. I was staring right at her, willing her to put them on her character, to hear her exclaim to hear about the flash but nothing, she didn’t equip it, what was going on?
“Aren’t you going to equip the new item?” I asked, frantic at this point
“I’m not sure” she said slowly, “it’s a good item but it’s not much of an upgrade, I figured we should try hard mode first, if the item drops again, then someone else can get this version.”

I quickly muted my microphone and shouted out loud, no, how could this happen, I was so close, just equip the damn glasses, but I couldn’t say that, I couldn’t give the game away.
“Makes sense to me” I replied, calling on the reserves of my sanity to try and sound as normal as possible “shall we go do hard mode then?”

Everyone quickly agreed and we headed back out of the dungeon. This was hell for me, my chest physically hurt, my hands were shaking I was a wreck. My hopes and dreams were right there in her inventory and all she had to do was equip it, but no, her good nature was coming through. This is why I loved her so much, she was such a good person always thinking of others but right now, it was causing me such pain.

We exited the dungeon and set the difficulty to hard mode and headed back in. I immediately noticed a huge jump from the previous dungeon. Where before I could pay partial attention to what was going on, even the basic enemies were a bit of challenge this time, I had to focus. I pushed all my worries out of my head, the quicker we completed this, the quicker I would get what I wanted.

It was taking ages though, 30 minutes later we finally reached the first boss of the dungeon and started the fight. Hard mode gave the boss new abilities and this added surprise proved to be too much for us causing our party to all be knocked out, one respawn and a few minutes of walking through the dungeon, we attempted the fight again and were lucky this time. The chest appeared and I started moving deeper into the dungeon
“Don’t you want to check the loot?” Mary asked.
“What? Oh, ye, sorry the loot, I was just thinking about the next set of enemies, trying to remember what their abilities were”. Another lie, but I hoped it sounded convincing.
The box opened, a weapon and not just any weapon, it was an upgrade for me, I happily picked it up and equipped it, that was a nice surprise. I sat back slightly and took a deep breath, I needed to focus on what was going on right now, not the glasses and one self-pep-talk later we were heading for the second boss.

Right then, my phone buzzed, it was a message from Kate. “Do you want to do the new dungeon again today?”
“Sorry Kate, I’m already in it with Mary, she wanted the new items and I have something to do this afternoon. We cleared normal mode about 45 minutes ago and we’re in hard mode right now. It’s definitely hard, probably on par with some of the first mythic dungeons, we were wiped out on the first boss.”
“Oh, no problem, I was hoping to get the specs drop as Tom has it now”. Now that was an interesting reply, why would she want that? Her character couldn’t use it, it was the wrong type of armour. I pressed her on it.
“You can’t use that type of armour though, what are you going to do with them?” 
“Oh, it’s not for this character, I’ve started a new character about a week ago and it’s for her”.
Another interesting reply, she’s suggesting we boost her character for the reward. Everyone knows boosting is frowned upon, it makes the dungeon way harder as 1 member can barely help and is at high risk of being knocked out by even the weakest enemies. It’s a strategy you only use if you’re really desperate for something. My mind started to wonder, was there more to this comment.

“Are you coming?” asked Mary, breaking me from my thoughts once more.
“Sorry, Kate sent a message asking if we were free to do this dungeon with her but I said we were already in it” I quickly replied.
“Ah, maybe tomorrow” she said while continuing deeper into the dungeon.

We continued on and I was paying far more attention now to what was going on. We got to and killed the second boss without issue, resulting in an upgrade for one of our team mates. 5 more groups of enemies and we were back at the final boss. I was counting down the groups, willing our team to clear the way as quickly as possible and finally, after another 10 minutes we reached the final boss room. I took a deep breath before I typed into group chat to be very careful of the boss’s first spell. I explained all of the abilities of the boss, the high damage spells, which abilities to dodge. I was very thorough, I did not want to screw this up, this was my dream, this is what I wanted more than anything right now.

We discussed how we were going to approach the fight and then headed through the door. A few seconds later, I saw the now familiar light show that marked the boss’s appearance and there she was with her huge eyes and round silver glasses. I looked at her, then did a sort of double take, something was different. I said earlier I wasn’t the best at guessing prescriptions but I could have sworn her glasses were even stronger than before. I used a feature on the VR headset to zoom in slightly and there subtly at the edge of the lens was a line, they were lenticular lenses, they were stronger than in normal mode. I smiled to myself and thanked my lucky stars, this just kept getting better.

We engaged the boss and I fought like my life depended on it, I dodged all the high damage spells, I called out to my team with warnings, whatever we needed to win I was doing it.
As the boss was finally defeated, I leaned back in my chair, my hands were sweating from the fight, but now, was it all worth it? The chest appeared and I walked over to open it, willing with everything I had inside me for the item to be in the list.

4 Items, that’s a good start, item 1, not the glasses, item 2, not the glasses either, I was starting to worry, item 3, GLASSES! I muted my microphone and shouted for joy, who cares what the 4th item was, so I un-muted myself and congratulated Mary. In reality, there were 2 item upgrades for Mary and 1 each for the other 2 players in our group, I didn’t care though, my reward was coming.
“I’m glad I didn’t use the normal mode item, that would have been a waste, do you know anyone who needs it?” she said happily.
Thinking on my feet I replied “I think so, if you trade it to me, I’ll look into it”.
She opened a trade window and handed me the normal version of the Sage’s Specs, I accepted and it appeared in my inventory. I could use the item but the stats were of no use to me, so I just left it for later.
I then looked across at her, crossed my fingers and waited. A few seconds later, I saw her equip the item and heard what I was hoping for, a sudden gasp of surprise from Mary. I looked at her character in amazement, there she was, wearing a pair of super thick plus glasses, magnifying her eyes with the lenses bulging out of the front of the frame and just like the boss, the lenses were definitely lenticular with the distinctive line. 

I feigned innocence “Everything ok Mary?”
She replied, sounding just as confused as Tom was “I just got a sudden bright flash in my headset when I equipped the item, it was weird, like a flash of lightning or something.”
“Wow that’s weird, have you ever seen it before?” I replied, keeping up the pretence.
“No never, I guess we chalk it up to a new boss bug, how do I look?” she asked turning to face me.
“Amazing” I replied with complete honesty.
“You don’t think my character’s eyes are too big? I didn’t think that the effect on the boss would carry over to the actual item too, it’s certainly a new addition to the game”
“Your character always did have nice eyes, if I remember you spent a lot of time on them in the character creation?” I said and could immediately tell that made her happy as she quickly replied “you remember that? I thought it annoyed you because you made your character in 5 minutes and it took me more than half an hour”
“Not at all, I’m just happy I can play this with you” I responded honestly. I was happy I could play with her, but now, I was the happiest I’d ever been.

We thanked the other 2 members for their help and disbanded the party, heading back to the main town in the game, happily talking to each other.
“I’m not sure, but everything in the world seems bigger since I equipped these new glasses” Mary mentioned as we strolled along “It’s nice, it’s like everything has more detail in it and it makes reading signs and the UI easier”.
“That’s great darling, I’m glad you like your upgrade”. I couldn’t bring myself to say your glasses yet, I had to be sure that this had had the effect I desired in the real world too.
“Don’t you have to go soon” Mary asked with concern in her voice.
“Oh, yes, thank you for reminding me” I quickly replied, “The stores shut in 15 minutes, I’d better be quick. I’ll be back on later, bye”. I then logged off and breathed out a sigh of relief, that was a crazy 3 hours with emotions running crazy, I was genuinely tired. I did however, want to get out for a bit so I figured I might as well go do what I said I was going to do. I grabbed my phone and wallet, opened the door and started walking towards town, maybe I should get myself something nice for dinner tonight.

I had a sudden thought as I walked to town and checked my phone, still no messages from Tom, it had been about 13 hours since I last saw him, he was probably going to wake up soon. I switched my phone to loud so I didn’t miss anything.
Town was uneventful, I didn’t see anyone I knew and I’d finally decided what I was going to get so over towards the supermarket I went. Just as I got there, my phone chimed, letting me know there was a message. Ah, Tom must be awake I thought to myself, but no, it was another message from Kate. She’d managed to get a group to help her new character and said I didn’t need to help her out. That was fast, I wonder if she’d worked out what was going on, if so, that means she wanted to wear strong glasses? This day keeps getting stranger by the second but I smiled to myself, maybe she was like me and if so, I was happy that she’d found a way to make her dreams come true.
I started typing up a message. “I’m glad you were able to find a group and get the glasses, I hope they are everything you want them to be”. I was fishing, was this too risky? I hoped the message was vague enough that it could be written off as a friend being happy for her. A quick 2 word reply left me with more questions though; “They are”. 
Like Mary and Tom, I knew Kate in the real world from our time together in secondary school, she lived in the same town as us but on the opposite side as it was closer to her job. I didn’t own a car so I couldn’t just pop over and see her easily but there was a pretty direct bus route that would get me there in 15-20 minutes if I needed to be.

Then, my phone started ringing, it was Mary, I quickly picked up.
“Can you come to my place? I need your help with something, please be quick” and with that she hung up. Her voice had the same worried tone that Tom had used and I knew what was coming so I quickly paid for my items and hurried over to her house. 
Mary lived in a quiet part of town in her old grandparent’s house, we’d talked about moving in a few times but just hadn’t found a good point yet, she kept joking that she’d let me move in when I proposed. If this goes the way I hope it does, I thought to myself, that proposal will be coming very soon. 
I knocked on the door and like with Tom, there was quite a long delay before she opened the door. She looked out at me and immediately squinted furiously, that’s not going to help at all, I thought to myself as she questioningly asked “David is that you?”
“Of course it’s me, what do you mean is that you, can’t you see me, what’s wrong?” I asked trying to sound as concerned as possible and to be truthful I was a little. This had been a huge gamble and now as the time to find out if things had worked out or if I’d screwed up everything.
“Since I stopped playing, I can’t see a thing, everything is a massive blur” she quietly said, a subtle note of panic like before. “What should I do?”
“Well, it sounds like your eyesight has deteriorated a little bit, maybe it’s all these games we play, it’s ok, let’s take you over to an optician and I’m sure they can help, I’m sure it’s nothing serious”.
I played things down as much as I could, full well knowing she was utterly helpless right now and if my wishes came true, would be dependent on extremely strong glasses from this day onwards.
“Thank you” she said and swiftly grabbed my arm tightly for security and shut the door behind her.

Our town wasn’t large but there were 2 opticians, 1 chain and 1 independent. The independent one was closer so I started walking there, it wasn’t far, maybe 5 minutes. I could tell Mary was scared, a car drove past us and she jumped, grabbing my arm even tighter, though she kept quiet the whole time. I kept reassuring her that everything would be fine, that we’ll get this cleared up. I don’t think she believed me as she didn’t reply but I was trying.

We arrived at the opticians shortly and went in together, I asked the receptionist if the optician had any time to see Mary for an eye test and she checked the timetable. “You’re in luck” she said “we had a cancellation and the optician will be free in about 5 minutes, can I get your details please dear?”
Mary quietly gave the receptionist her details like name, address and age. She then asked if she’d ever worn glasses or contacts before, to which Mary replied no. I could see the receptionist’s eyebrows and forehead furrow at that answer, she could tell Mary couldn’t see much but didn’t say anything. I’m sure her years had taught her that the last thing a patient wanted to hear was that something was wrong.
Almost 5 minutes to the second, the optician came out talking to an elderly lady about her test results, I couldn’t hear what they were saying but I wasn’t that interested anyway. He pointed the old lady to the receptionist, probably to help with frame selection. He then looked over at us, smiled and began walking over.

“I’m guessing you’re my next appointment; would you follow me please?” and with that he turned around and headed to the back of the shop.
Mary quickly grabbed my arm again as I stood up and slowly walked to the back of the store, I guided her to the seat and helped her sit down. The optician hadn’t seen any of this as he’d been fiddling with something off to the side but soon turned around and walked over.
“So, what can I help you with today young miss?” he asked kindly and I could see it worked, Mary’s shoulders relaxed slightly before she told him about how she’d stopped playing a game and suddenly couldn’t see anything.
“These new computer games are certainly something aren’t they” the optician said happily, “but they’re not the best for the eyes, let’s see if we can sort this out”. I knew he was expecting this to be a run of the mill low prescription, he was in for a big shock.

He grabbed a trial frame and placed it on her face before adjusting the nose and ear pieces.
“Now, please look over at the chart on the wall and tell me what is the smallest letter you can read”. He turned around to look at the chart as well.
“What chart?” Mary replied, her voice breaking a little as she said so.
That got his attention, he turned to me with a questioning look then turned to his files, “my notes say you don’t wear glasses or contacts, is that correct?”
“Yes” she replied quietly.
“Hmm” he replied, “we’ll get to the bottom of this”. 
He then reached over and grabbed a very high power plus lens and placed it in front of her left eye, he then started to reach back for a weaker lens but stopped as Mary excitedly exclaimed “that’s a lot better, I can see the chart now with one eye but I can’t really see much on it”. Another puzzled look across to me from the optician to which I shrugged my shoulders, pretending to not know what’s going on. I couldn’t see the exact value of the lens but it was from about halfway up the set, so if I had to guess it was around +10.
The optician removed the lens and grabbed another one from higher up the set, I would guess around the +13 mark.
“That’s even better, I can just about see a blurry E now” Mary said, the fear and quiet disappearing from her voice, she was clearly happy that her vision was returning.

Over the next few minutes, the optician went up and up the lenses, asking Mary what she could see. Finally stopping when she could read the 20/20 line. He was clearly surprised by this as he asked her to read something of approximately the same size on a nearby poster, which she read out to him.
He then covered up that eye with an opaque lens and started on the right eye. This time, he started much higher and after a few minutes she was reading the 20/20 line again. The optician then took the trial frame off her face and said he was going to have a look at her eyes with his light, he took a quick look before recoiling very subtly, clearly, he’d seen something he wasn’t expecting. He did the same with the other eye and wrote down a few notes.

He then removed the black lens and put the trial frame back on Mary’s face, I could see just how large her eyes were from where I was sitting and I was getting very excited. He asked her what line she could read and she read both the 20/20 and the 20/15 line, though after she also said “I’m getting some double vision”.
The optician picked up another type of lens and after a few more changes on both eyes, he’d added what I guess were prism lenses as Mary said the double vision was gone.
The optician wrote down a few more notes and then turned back to face Mary.
“I’m not sure what to say my dear, you have one of the strongest prescriptions I’ve seen in my career and yet your vision quality with them is fantastic. When I looked in your eyes however, it seems like any normal eye except with a very thin natural lens, which would explain why you can’t see very well.”
“What does that mean?” Mary asked, a little concerned again
“Well, it means you’ll need to wear glasses to see properly but other than that, I believe you’ll live a perfectly normal life”.
“Oh, that’s ok” she said, “one of my best friends wears glasses and she always looks fantastic.”
“Yours will be a little different” he replied then stopped, clearly not wanting to scare her any more “let’s see what we can do about ordering some, keep that trial frame on for now, I can’t have you walking around without correction, you might trip over something”

I quickly walked over to help her up but Mary just slid out of the chair and started to look around. I think this is the point she started to realise how limited her field of vision was as she was turning her head back and forth to look at things. “Everything is a bigger than I remember” was the only comment she made as she followed the optician out.

I however, wanted to see one thing, her prescription. He’d handed it to her before walking out and I asked Mary if I could see it, my eyes went wide as I read it:
R: SPH +19.25 CYL +0.50 AXIS 140 PRISM Out 4
L: SPH +19.75 CYL +0.25 AXIS 160 PRISM Out 4

This was a dream prescription for me, I guess the hard mode glasses were stronger and I inwardly cheered with happiness.
“Thanks” as I handed it back to her, trying not to grin.

The optician was having a word with the receptionist who was nodding but looking concerned. He turned around to us and said “you’re lucky there’s a lens lab nearby that we work with, it means we’ll be able to get you glasses nice and quickly. If you can choose a frame, you like then I’ll get the order over to them so they can start making the lenses. The owner is an old friend of mine and I’m sure he’ll work as fast as he can” and with that he picked up the phone and headed back to the testing room dialling a number.

I looked around, there were a lot of choices of frames, but, despite me being an optical obsessive, I didn’t have a type of frame I liked, for me it was just one that suited the wearer. I therefore asked the receptionist if she could advise and help us out.
She came out from behind the desk and helped pick 4 frames she thought would look good on Mary. Mary clearly couldn’t see anything when she removed the trial frame so had to rely on us to let her know which looked best. We quickly discounted 2, leaving us with 2 others that both looked great on her. I knew she’d need a spare pare so I told the receptionist we’d take both, she replied that was a good idea as Mary would be helpless without a spare if her glasses broke.

The optician then returned to the front, "I have some good news and some bad news, the good news is that he has some lenses with the power you need in stock and he can get them made up today, the bad news is they are low index lenses so they won’t look as good as some thinner lenses."
I quickly replied that we were very grateful for his help and I that I am sure they will look great anyway. He nodded and took the 2 frames we’d selected, checking out the sizes before handing them to the receptionist.
“Vera, could you take these frames over to Ben, I’ll hold the fort here while you’re gone”. She nodded, grabbed her handbag and headed out the door. “Mary, I’d like to see you back in 3 months from now if that is ok, if you have any issues before that though, please come back straight away”.
I then asked “how much is this going to cost?”, he was a little surprised then chuckled, “yes, we should probably sort that” and then headed over to the till. Mary got up as if to pay and I quickly sat her back down. “you’ve been through enough today, I’ll sort this out, don’t worry”. She asked if I was sure and then sat down. She pulled out her phone and with a little bit of head movement was able to easily read it like normal.

The optician shook his head in surprise at this and continued with the transaction. He quietly talked to me while I was paying “she’s lucky to have you, that prescription is very high and it will likely impact her life greatly. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before but I’m glad she was able to be corrected so well”. 
I nodded and replied “she’s the world to me, it’s just a pair of glasses, we’ll be fine”. He smiled and finished the transaction. It wasn’t cheap but it had been payday recently so I could cover it easily.
I then went back and sat down with Mary and we started to talk like normal, each time she’d look up from her phone, then turn her whole head to look directly at me through the centre of the lenses she wore in the trial frame, I have no words for how excited I was. The time completely flew by, though in reality it had been almost 2 hours when the receptionist returned, thanked us for being patient and handed over 2 glasses cases.

Mary opened up the first case and right there was the frame we’d selected with thick lenticular lenses. She then opened up the second and there was the second frame looked exactly the same, with thick lenticular lenses.  
She carefully took off the trial frame and put on the first pair before walking over to the mirror.
“Oh my god”, she exclaimed, “my eyes are huge”.
“They’re beautiful darling” I quickly replied as I stood behind her, “why don’t you try the other ones”. I handed her the second pair and she swapped them over and looked in the mirror.
She swapped back and forth a few times, before settling on the second pair, a gold oval where the eye size was slightly larger than the bowl of the lenticular, showing off the complete circle.
“Why do the lenses look like that” she asked the receptionist.
“Your lenses are strong, so those types of lenses keep all the power right in the centre to reduce the overall thickness.”
“Oh” Mary replied, I could tell this was taking some getting used to for her, but I was amazed at just how well she was taking it. “I’d like to go home now” she said as she looked at me, she turned and thanked the receptionist, placed both glasses cases in her purse before heading out the door.

We walked back to her house in relative silence, I could see she was still getting used to the glasses as she was turning her head constantly to look at things, she even tried lifting the glasses up at one point before quickly putting them back in place. Each time she looked around, I could see the reflections bouncing off the bulging lenses and especially off the lenticular part that stuck out the front.
When we got back to her house I asked if she’d be ok to which she replied yes. There was a slight pause during which I was lost looking into her now massive eyes, then she asked if I didn’t mind, she’d like to be alone right now. I agreed, gave her a kiss on the forehead and told her to call me if she needed anything at all.

Mary closed the door and I turned around to go home, but as soon as I was out of sight of her house, I threw my hands in the air and cheered in happiness, letting out all my pent-up excitement. This was a dream come true, everything I’d ever dreamed of.


Post4:50 PM - 11 days ago#2

Very good story and I'm looking forward to the next part already. I'm curious to know who Mary was referring to that she mentioned was a glasses wearing friend. Also apparently Kate is now going to be wearing glasses as well. 


Post6:21 AM - 10 days ago#3

I love this story, wow! Being a PC gamer myself made me kinda connected to the characters. In other words, I wish this was real and I got the item, lol.

Looking forward to the next part(s) :D


Post8:26 AM - 10 days ago#4

Here is part 2, thank you for the nice messages on the previous one.

A small note from me, I'd always planned to finish the story at the end of this part, but when I came to write it, I just had so many more things in my head that I wanted to do with the story. So, I'm going to continue the story, but it's going to go in a slightly different direction, I'm therefore going to give it a new name and post it in a different thread in a few days. 

Thanks again and I hope you enjoy part 2!

Part 2
I was lost in my own little world as I walked back to my apartment and without thinking, I reached down to my pocket for my phone and looked at the screen, 3 missed calls from Tom, uh oh. I quickly rang him back.
“Hey Tom what’s up, you tried ringing me?” I asked casually “How are you feeling?”
“My eyes are fucked David, I still can’t see anything, I need you to take me to the hospital. I thought about ringing a taxi but I can barely get around let alone downstairs to a taxi”
“Oh no, I’m sorry, I’ll be right there”. Here we go again, I thought to myself as I quickly walked over to his apartment. In less than 10 minutes, I was at Tom’s, composing myself to try and act surprised, as if I didn’t know what he was about to go through. I knocked and this time, Tom was quicker to open the door and without the crash. “Let’s go” he grumbled as he stepped out the door. “Hold on” I said, let me order a taxi.
“Sure, I’m not going anywhere like this”. He replied.
I quickly ordered a taxi to my location and confirmed, “It’s 7 minutes away” I said, “let’s go down to meet it”. I guided him carefully down the stairs, along the path to the road and then checked my phone again. The taxi pulled up a few minutes later and we got in. “Hospital, right?” the driver asked “yes please” I responded and off we went.
The drive was uneventful and Tom clearly wasn’t in a talking mood, which I wasn’t surprised at. We got out the other end and I tried to cheer him up, saying things will be fine, we’re at the hospital, they’ll sort you out. He muttered a “sure” which wasn’t as grumpy as before, but certainly no rainbows and sunshine either.
I guided him to the front reception desk where a nice receptionist asked how she could help. Tom recounted what happened, including the huge shift, the gaming and the long sleep after, everything except the bright flash from the game, which for some reason, he’d discounted or it had slipped his mind. The receptionist looked a little confused but stayed professional, she let us know that Tom had been booked in and he would be called shortly for an initial screening. Thankfully, eye related issues weren’t common, so the wait times were very low.
I tried starting up a conversation with Tom a few times but to no avail, he wasn’t interested in anything other than fixing his vision, so I gave up trying and we sat in silence. I kept checking my phone, hoping for a message from Mary but instead, another one from Kate came through.
“Are you free Monday” she asked without any further context, to which I replied, “morning yes, afternoon no, I have to be at work then, what’s up?”
“Great, can you come to my place around 9am on Monday?” again, no context, or even acknowledging my question. “Uh, sure I can be, see you Monday”. I had no idea what this was about but this day had already been weird enough, why not 1 more thing.
About 15 minutes later, Tom’s name was called and I carefully guided him towards the room number that was announced, inside was a nurse who happily greeted us both, before losing the smile when she saw Tom’s very obviously unhappy face. She looked down at the notes, then at Tom, then at the notes again and asked “it says here you suddenly lost vision in both eyes?”
Tom snapped back “no, I can see, it’s just a massive blur, I was fine in the day, then I stopped playing a game and now, I can’t see shit”.
“Hey” I said, “she’s just trying to help” I said
“Sorry” he quickly replied, “I’m just unable to see anything”
“And you’ve never worn glasses or contacts” she asked, clearly ticking off the obvious questions
“No, never,” said Tom
“Any history of poor eyesight in your family?”
“Nobody except my grandpa wears glasses and he only got them in his 60s”
“Right, let’s take a look”, she then got out her pen light and magnifier before moving towards Tom “please try and keep your eyes open, I’m going to have a look inside”. She held up the magnifier and the light and looked first in his left and then his right eye. Then back at the left and back at the right. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she had the exact same confused look as the optician earlier, but I played dumb.
“Is everything ok” I asked
“Well, from what I can see, his eyes look healthy, except his lens is very thin, that would account for the poor vision but I’ve never seen anything like this before, we need to get him to over to the vision centre where they can do a more thorough test, are you ok to guide him there?” she asked looking at me.
“Sure, if you can give me directions” I replied, wanting to be as helpful as possible
“Go out here, turn right, follow the yellow line until you reach the lifts, go up 2 floors and follow the signs, you should find it easily enough, they’ll be expecting you.”
“Ok, thanks for your help, let’s go Tom”
Tom mumbled a quick thanks as he slowly followed me out the room.
The next 20 minutes were uneventful, we followed the directions, found the vision centre, explained we were sent by the nurse and booked Tom in for a checkup, before sitting down to wait.
We didn’t have to sit for long before Tom was called and the Dr inside asked Tom to sit up on the chair and after checking the notes, had a quick look in Tom’s eyes with a magnifier. This was now the 3rd person today I’d seen looking very confused it was starting to be a little funny.
What proceeded was an eye test a lot like Mary’s. He started with a strong plus lens and Tom immediately reacted positively. The Dr started increasing the strength but only went up a few more lenses, far fewer than for Mary. He then did the same for the other eye and asked Tom to read the chart. Like Mary, Tom could read the 20/15 line although he also had a little bit of double vision, which the Dr quickly fixed.
“I’m not sure what to say Tom, your eyesight is very poor and it appears to have happened almost instantly. The lenses in your eyes while healthy, appear to be much thinner than they should be, which is causing your poor vision. On the plus side (I chuckled at that unintentional pun) your corrected vision is very good and I can’t see any reason why you won’t be back to normal when you get some new glasses.”
“I don’t want glasses” Tom said, “can’t you just get me contacts or laser me or something?” the Dr responded “unfortunately not, your prescription is not suitable for contacts and your lenses being so thin would make you unsuitable for any kind of surgery, it’s glasses I’m afraid.”
“Great” said Tom, starting to sulk, arms crossed and everything.
“We don’t have any lenses in stock that would be suitable for your prescription, I’m afraid we’ll have to order them and then you, or more likely your friend can pick them up for you when they’re ready. I’ll put a rush on them and they should be done by Wednesday at the latest”
“Wednesday! I can’t see shit; you mean I have to stay like this for 4 days!”
“I’m afraid so,” he replied, before pausing, “wait, maybe not, this is a little unorthodox but hang on a second”
The Dr walked out of the room and came back a few minutes later with a trial frame with some lenses inside it, the lenses had been taped in place so they could not move and it all looked very silly. “Try these on” he said and Tom did as he was told, he looked around and thanked the Dr “at least I can see, even if I do look stupid”.
“We had an old trial lens kit that was damaged a while ago, most of the low power lenses got smashed when someone dropped something heavy on it but the high ones were fine, you can keep those until your glasses come in”
I breathed a sigh of relief, I knew that if Tom couldn’t see anything he’d want me to look after him constantly and while he was my best friend, he was a pain in the arse when he was grumpy and it would not have been fun.
I thanked the Dr, confirmed my number so I could pick up his glasses and started to guide Tom out of the room. Tom tried to take the trial frame off but quickly realised that was a bad idea and put them back on.
“Oh, you’ll need this” said the Dr, handing me a piece of paper, on it was Tom’s prescription:
R: SPH +13.00 CYL --  AXIS --  PRISM Out 4
L: SPH  +13.25 CYL --  AXIS --  PRISM Out 4

I smiled to myself as I realised my first guess for the prescription of the boss had been spot on. I thanked the Dr, put it in my pocket and headed out.
The ride home was quiet as expected and Tom got himself out of the car and walked back to his apartment. When he reached the door, he turned around and said “this fucking sucks but thanks for being there for me”.
“No problem” I said, “if things get worse give me a call, I’ll be right over”
“I really hope not” he said and went inside.
I turned around, now lost in my own thoughts. I’d gone from an optical obsessive with no glasses wearers in my life, to a best friend with a +13 prescription and a girlfriend with a +19 prescription sporting lenticular lenses, life was great. I couldn’t get the image of Mary out of my head, the way she turned her head, the way the light glinted off the bulging lenses and the size of her eyes as she looked right at me, I was head over heels.
I made a decision right there and was about to head back into town, before realising it was late and nowhere would be open.
When I got home, I sat down to watch TV as I didn’t feel like playing any games but I couldn’t stop looking down at my phone, willing it to ring, to see a message, anything but it wasn’t to be. At 10pm, I sent Mary a message
“Good night darling, I hope you’re doing ok, I just wanted to say I love you more than anything and if I can help at all, please let me know”
I looked down and saw that she’d seen the message, she was replying
“Thank you, let’s talk tomorrow”. A bit short, but I decided to leave it at that and went to bed.
Sunday arrived with bright sunshine but no messages. I’d decided last night to let Mary make the first move and instead, decided to go ahead with my plan from last night, heading into town. I headed for the jewellery store intent on buying an engagement ring, I was going to ask Mary to marry me, I was not going to ever let her go.
I’m not exactly loaded with money, but I’d been putting a little away each month specifically for this and had a nice amount saved up. I picked out a ring I thought was nice which just happened to be in her size (I’d looked that up months ago), paid the salesman and put it in my pocket before heading home.
About an hour after lunch, my phone buzzed and I saw a message from Mary.
“Can you come over?”
I immediately replied “on my way” and practically ran out of the door, only checking to make sure I had the new ring with me.
After reaching her house, I quickly knocked on the door and she opened, she’d swapped to her other pair of glasses now, a light brown more rectangular shaped pair that matched her hair. These weren’t as tall as the others so the top and bottom of the lenticular bowl was cut off to make them fit, showing off some of the lens thickness if viewed from above.
She smiled as she saw me and opened the door for me to come inside. I walked in and saw 2 cups of tea on the table, so assumed she wanted to talk there, sat down and waited. My stomach was back doing flips again, I was worried this was bad news.
She sat down and took a moment to compose herself. I took the time to look into her beautiful huge eyes, the lenticular lenses catching the early morning sunshine slightly and glistening like gems.
“I just wanted to start by saying thank you, you were amazing yesterday, you took such good care of me and never once did you say anything bad about my glasses.” My heart jumped slightly when she said my glasses. “I spent the whole evening looking online, trying to find out what happened to me and I wasn’t able to find anything, but what I do know now is I’m pretty much stuck with these for the rest of my life. I won’t be able to drive and I won’t be able to wear contact lenses because of my prism in the prescription”. I continued to stay quiet, it was important to let her get this out.
“I wanted to say though, that this happened to me, not to you and I do not want to be a burden on you, you’ve been so good to me and you don’t deserve to be held back by someone with terrible vision. If you want to break up with me, I understand and won’t hold it against you”.
To say I was shocked was an understatement, I also felt so guilty, I had been partially responsible for this, I could have warned her, but no, I pushed her and now she’s stuck with a very strong prescription for life. This however, was why I loved her more than anything, she was always looking out for others.
I looked at her and said, “I only have 1 thing to say” and reached into my pocket, pulled out the ring case, got down on 1 knee and said “Mary, will you marry me?”
She looked at me, tears forming in her eyes, looking at the ring, then me, then back to the ring (with a lot of head movement each time) before shouting “Yes!” and throwing herself into my arms. In doing so she ended up smashing her glasses into my chest and quickly pulled back, took off her glasses and rubbed the bridge of her nose “ow, that hurt, these are going to take some getting used to”. She then looked at the ring and me again and said “are you sure, I’m disabled now”. My face immediately changed to shock
“Do not ever say that again, you are NOT disabled, you are beautiful and I want to spend the rest of my life with you”. Mary immediately started crying and again threw herself into my chest, though a little less forcefully this time. She stayed there for what seemed like eternity, crying tears of joy. She finally pulled back a little, glasses totally askew on her nose, so I gently reached up and corrected them for her, before kissing her on the forehead, then once on each lens of her glasses.
She looked a little confused, to which I simply said “if these are now a part of you then I love them too”. To which she chuckled and smiled back at me. “Ok, but now they’re dirty, can you clean them?”
“Of course,” I said and gently took the glasses off her face before taking the edge of my t-shirt and gently cleaning both lenses carefully. I took my time, enjoying the feel of the super thick lenses and where the curve stopped as it met the rest of the lens.
I held them up to check if they were clean then leaned forwards and carefully placed them back on my now fiancé’s face. She smiled back at me and then gently pulled me up before giving me a deep sensual kiss. I obviously reciprocated immediately, feeling extremely happy that she’d agreed to be my wife.
We then slowly moved towards her bedroom, where we both began to undress and get into bed. She then started to take off her glasses and I stopped her.
“If you take those off, you can’t see me and that’s not fair, please keep them on.”
“Ok” she replied and replaced her glasses, looking across at me, I fell deep into her eyes, lost in their beauty and size with the light bouncing off the lenses.
We made love all night long and it was like the very first time, no, it was better. We finally ran out of energy and collapsed back onto our respective sides of the bed, exhausted. I turned slightly to look over at Mary. She was lying on her back looking up at the ceiling and from here, I could clearly see the huge bulge of her new lenticular lenses, if I had to estimate, I’d say they were about 1.5cm thick in the middle. I continued to watch and she finally noticed and turned her head to look at me. Normally, she’d have been able to turn slightly but due to the strength of her new lenses, she had to turn almost completely to see me. As she was turning, I was shown all the different views of the lens, from bulging to the clear line between bowl and carrier and blurred lens before her eye finally came into view, I was in heaven.
She then surprised me even more by saying “I guess you really don’t mind these new glasses of mine, maybe this wasn’t as bad as I thought”.
“I love you and I love them” I replied “I am the happiest I’ve ever been right now being with you”. That brought out another smile and a few tears, before she rolled over and began to hug me again. She continued to lie there for a few minutes before I realised, she’d fallen asleep. I moved her very slightly so I could carefully remove her glasses then looked around. There was no way I could reach her table so instead, I put them on my side and then tucked myself in bed and went to sleep.
I slept very soundly, next to my now very hyperopic fiancé, until the next morning when I was awoken by my phone alarm going off, 8am. I thought back to last night and then looked across at Mary, then at my table where her new glasses lay, thick lenses pointing towards the sky.
The alarm had woken Mary too and she started to stir and slowly opened her eyes. Then, started to panic slightly “David, where are my glasses? Please tell me I didn’t go to sleep in them, they might get broken”
“Don’t worry” I quickly replied, “I sorted it, let me help” and I leant over to my table, took her glasses, opened up the arms and gently placed them on her face, before leaning over and kissing her on the forehead. “Good morning”.
I lay there remembering the previous night before quickly snapping slightly awake as I remembered Kate’s message.
“Darling, Kate sent me a message on Saturday asking for help with something this morning, I have no idea what it was but it sounded important so I agreed to help”
“No problem, what time are you meeting her”
“She asked me to be there about 9am” I replied
“Then you’d better get moving, she’s on the other side of town” then she sighed “and I can’t drive any more with these glasses, so you’re on your own”
“You’re right, I’ll see you later” and I then got up and got dressed.
It pained me to walk away from my beauty lying in the bed looking up at me with her massive eyes but I said goodbye and headed out. I quickly headed to the bus stop and grabbed the bus to where Kate lived. I sent a quick message “I’m on my way, are you going to tell me what this is about”
“No, see you soon”. I sighed; I’ll find out soon enough.
At 3 minutes to 9 I reached my stop, got off and headed for Kate’s apartment and knocked on the door. She opened and smiled saying hello and inviting me in and asked me to sit down. I complied, still completely confused as to what was going on.
“I am going to say a bunch of things right now and I want you to tell me if I’m right”
“Ok” I answered, starting to get a bit worried
“When we did the dungeon on Friday, Tom won the sage’s specs as a drop and saw a bright flash when he equipped them?”
“That sounds like what he told us happened”
“He also rang me later that night to say he couldn’t see a thing and that you’d been around and told him to go to bed and try and sleep it off”
“Yes, I did” I replied, not giving away any extra info
“You also went back the next day with Mary and did both normal and hard mode, did the glasses item drop?”
“Yes, both times” I replied
“Are you aware that equipping those glasses in game, ruins your eyesight forever in the real world forcing you to have to wear very strong glasses?”
I paused, not sure how to answer, “Well?” she prodded.
“I thought it might be something like that but I don’t know how”
“Did Mary equip the glasses?”
“Which ones?”
“The hard mode ones”
“And what?” I replied, still not sure where she was going.
“What’s her prescription?”
“+19 point something, I think”
“Wow that’s high, I’m not sure if I want it that high”
“What do you mean, you don’t want it that high”
“I saw a single post on the forums, warning people not to equip the glasses or they’ll ruin their eyes and need glasses like the boss. When I saw that, I became excited and immediately wanted to get some for myself but I wanted to know the outcome first, did you help Tom out too?”
“Yes, he’s only +13 as he only used the normal mode ones”
“Oh, so there’s a prescription difference?” she asked again staring at me
“Yes, I guess so”
“Right, that’s much better”
“What are you talking about Kate, can you please stop talking in riddles”
“David,” she paused, clearly not sure how to proceed, “I am someone who’s always wanted to wear glasses, ever since I was a kid but no matter how much I tried I could never fail an eye test; this is my chance. I guessed that you would know a lot more about this and that’s why I invited you over.”
“Why would you want to wear glasses” I asked, a stupid question, I already knew the answer but I was trying hard to play the part.
“I can’t answer you that, but all I can say is that it’s what I want more than anything”
“Ok, so what are you going to do now?” I asked, again curious about this whole thing.
“Stay there” she said and went into her bedroom, when she came out, she was wearing a pair of strong plus glasses with lenticular lenses. “Tada” she replied, striking a pose.
“You already have glasses?” I replied
“Yes, but no, these are mine, I don’t need them but I can wear them if I wear a particular pair of contact lenses under it. These ones are +12 and therefore close enough to the prescription that you said Tom ended up with. I also have these” and then proceeded to place 3 different cases of glasses on the table before opening each.
“These are +10, a little too weak for my liking, I want lenticular lenses and most places won’t do them in that strength, these” pointing to case 2 “are +15” and right around where I’d like to be if I had the choice. “these” she said pointing to the 3rd case “are +18 glasses and they are a bit too strong when I’ve worn them with contact lenses.”
I was gobsmacked, I had imagined I wasn’t the only person who liked glasses a lot but Kate had gone way further than I’d ever thought possible. How had I gone through the whole of secondary school without realising she was like me?
“So, now that you know my secret, it’s time for you to watch my transformation to the new me”. She then took off her +12 glasses and walked over to her computer, when the screen woke up, I could see her new character with the glasses in the inventory ready to go. She put on the headset and took a deep breath, then double clicked the item in the inventory. I saw a bright flash from the side of the headset, just like the ones Tom and Kate had described and smiled, knowing that Kate just got what she wanted.
She slowly took off her headset and looked around, she immediately started to smile, she then reached over to where her +12 lenticular glasses lay and slowly put them on. “YES!” she shouted with joy, clearly able to see out of the glasses. She then looked around a bit before commenting “something’s not quite right, I’m getting double vision and the strength isn’t quite right”
“I’m not surprised” I replied, both Tom and Mary have prism in their new prescription, I guess you’ll need it too.
“Oh, that’s no problem, I’ll visit the optician tomorrow and get a new pair ordered, these will be fine until then”
I looked over at the glasses on the table “what are you going to do with these now?” I asked, “oh I was thinking of hanging onto them in case my eyesight got worse, but I have another idea, do you want to see what the world is like with +15 glasses?” she smiled, I laughed, I’d been looking for someone with strong glasses my whole life and right here, under my nose was someone who desperately wanted it and had just got it.
“Sure, let’s try” I said
Kate got out a new set of contact lenses and showed me how to put them in, it took a few attempts but I finally got them in. “Wow, this is pretty bad vision and to think that Mary’s is even worse” I said, “here” Kate said passing me the glasses. I slowly put them on and the whole world jumped back into shape from a previously muddy blur. I looked around and, just like Mary, found I had to move my whole head to look at things. It was also a little strange to keep my eyes inside the lenticular bowl but I soon got used to it.
“This is amazing” I replied and wondered to myself, if this is what I really wanted for myself, I then immediately realised that I had a pair of the glasses in the game, ready to go. The thought intrigued me but I still wasn’t sure if this was something I’d want for the rest of my life.
I took off the glasses and slowly, carefully took out the contact lenses and put them in a case in front of me. I thanked Kate for letting me try it out and congratulated her on her new self. She was clearly overjoyed with her new look as she’d spent the last few minutes looking at herself in the mirror or at things out the window.
I said goodbye and headed home, thinking about the last few days to myself, I was going to have to tell Mary about Tom and Kate. She would eventually meet them and instantly spot the new glasses; I’d probably leave out a little bit of the information though about my involvement and knowledge.
I went back to Mary’s house and knocked on the door, she opened it and immediately smiled while my heart jumped at the sight of her and her new glasses. “Is Kate ok? What did she want?”
“Well, I’m not sure how to say this, but she now has glasses like yours”
“What?” Mary exclaimed, “what happened?
On the way back, I’d also started looking up news about this bug online and found there were now a few messages and even an article about it online, I opened up my phone and showed her. As she continued to read, her face became more and more shocked as the realisation hit her, this wasn’t a freak accident it was the game. I thought she’d get mad but she didn’t she just looked over at me and smiled. “Well, I did think it was a little weird but this explains it, I’m also not alone which is nice to know, does this mean Tom also needs glasses too?”
“Yes” I replied though his aren’t as strong as yours.
“I guess that’s better” she replied, still a little in shock.
“You still have the other pair of glasses that I traded you from our normal run, don’t you?”
“Yes” I replied, not sure where this conversation was going. There was a long silence, I could see her thinking about something and internally fighting over whether she should say it.
“What is it?” I said, pushing to find out what was going on.
“Would you equip them for me? You see, I’ve always had a small thing for guys who wear glasses, I won’t feel bad if you say no, but I’d love it if you would.”
“I don’t know Mary” I said, “I’ll have to think about it”
“I’ve seen how you look at me in these glasses, I think you have a thing for glasses too and that sex the other night was unreal.”
“You’ve got me, I love how quick you are, you read me like a book”
Another pause, she was thinking of what to say next.
“I’ll make you a deal, you equip the ones you have and I’ll do something for you.” She said, her face grinning from ear to ear and her huge eyes flashing behind the thick lenses.
“Go on” I replied
“Mythic mode” she replied and left the words hanging there. I was confused at first, then I started to realise what she meant, she’d worked out that the hard mode item resulted in stronger glasses than normal, so I had to ask.
“So, you’re saying, if I do this, you’ll do mythic mode for the glasses, equip them and need even stronger glasses?”
“Bingo” she said, grinning from ear to ear
“I’ve always been a bit curious about glasses but never really did anything about it, I knew I liked guys in them, but I never thought I’d like wearing them myself, it took a little getting used to but I’m so glad it happened to me”
I could not believe what I was hearing and could not keep my emotions in check, I was excited, anxious, concerned and slightly hyper all at once.
“I’ll do it” I said, “but we’ll have to be fast, there are already posts about this and it will be patched out soon”
“Tonight then” she replied.
“We’ll need a very well geared group” I replied “though I’m sure Kate will be willing to join us, we just need 1 more, maybe John will join us.”
I rushed back home and grabbed my laptop and headset before running back to Kate’s house. We set my laptop up on her kitchen table and I logged in. I then heard Mary sound confused “uh, how am I meant to play with these glasses? The headset won’t fit on”
“Good question” I replied, “how about you fire it up and try it”
“Sure” she said, taking off her glasses and handed them to me. I took a quick look at them before placing them carefully in arms reach of her sitting position and waited.
“It works!” she exclaimed “I can see in game without glasses, hmm, let me try something”. I could see what she was doing on her computer screen and she opened up her character screen and unequipped the glasses. “I knew it, if my character is wearing the item, I can see in game, if she’s not, I can’t see either, this is really weird”
“Let me call Kate and see if she can help” I said, going to pick up my phone, walking out of earshot from Mary and dialling her number. She picked up almost straight away.
“Hey Kate, I need you online now, we’re going after mythic mode of the new dungeon”. There was a pause as she took in what I’d just said.
“Mary knows about the bug?”
“She does” I replied
“Who is the run for?” she asked
“Mary” I replied “we made a deal, she wanted me to also wear glasses in exchange for her equipping the mythic ones.”
Kate simply replied “Wow, I didn’t see that coming, she’s brave, I’m in, who’s our 4th?”
“John if I can get him, though he knows nothing of this whole thing and I think we should keep it that way for now”
“Agreed, see you in 2 mins”
I walked back into the main room and told Mary that Kate was coming, she said thanks and I quickly fired a message to John on our messaging group chat. “Hey mate, we want to try and get the new boss in mythic mode, nobody’s cleared it yet, we want to be the first, are you in? It’s me, Mary and Kate so far, we just need a frontliner like you”
“Oh hell yes” he replied, “I’ll be on in 2 minutes I’d hoped someone was going to ask me to do this, that dungeon is a real challenge”
2 minutes later, our group was on voice chat, heading to the dungeon, chatting together about how we were going to approach the fight. I looked over at Mary’s character and saw her walking along happily sporting her lenticular lensed silver glasses proudly. I then looked over at Kate and suddenly realised that her character was not wearing the glasses in game. I quickly sent a message to her privately. “Your character isn’t wearing glasses, how are you able to see in game?”
Her response came back quickly “with difficulty, don’t ask”
“Thank you” I simply responded
“You’re very welcome :-)
We selected mythic difficulty and entered the dungeon, the whole group focussed on the task at hand, though for 3 of us, it was for a very unique reason.
The initial enemies and first boss dropped without issue, followed rapidly by the next enemies and 2nd boss. Upgrades were dropping like crazy, as if the dungeon wanted us to win and as we started on the pre-boss enemies, we each had at least 2 upgrades to our gear, with John being the luckiest of all and getting 4.
We reached the final room and simply stood there for a minute taking it in.
“This is it” I simply said and all 3 of the group responded positively, though each for their own reason.
Like before the boss appeared in a flurry of sparks and light, except this time, the boss stopped for a moment. She then looked directly at Mary and started to speak.
“Back again I see”
Mary, caught off guard a little by this interaction quickly responded “yes I am”
“Are you happy with the results?” another question, directed at Mary’s character
“More than you could know” Mary replied with a smile.
The boss replied “Good, then let us test your resolve one last time” before turning around and taking up her spot in the middle of the room
“That was weird” said John “maybe this is because we’re the first to arrive here”
“Must be” I replied, though Kate and Mary both looked at me and smiled.
After that a simple “let’s go” was all we needed to start the fight.
The fight was brutal, the boss had bigger and stronger spells that before, she had also gained a teleport, allowing her to appear behind us and launch a surprise attack. Several times we each got to single digit % of hitpoints remaining on our characters but held on. John’s paladin special ability that saves him from death once per fight was even triggered. We fought like our lives depended on it and it honestly felt to me like it did, this was what I wanted, this was what Mary wanted, this was our future together.
After a gruelling 15-minute fight, the boss was defeated. Before disappearing, the boss turned once more to Mary and said “May these bring you all the happiness in the world” before disappearing.
The first thing we all saw was a game message, announcing to all players on the server that we were the first group in the world to defeat the new boss at mythic difficulty. We immediately got flooded with private messages from players congratulating us on our success and John was revelling in it, he secretly loved the attention. We however, were here for a different reason and we slowly walked over to the chest in the middle of the room.
When we opened it, the first item that appeared was the item we were here for:
Grand Sage’s Specs (Mythic)
Health +150
Intellect + 210
Increases damage and healing done by spells with a cast time of more than 1 second by 35%
At the bottom of the item description was an extra piece of text that simply read:
With these, I am whole
We handed out the other loot and John congratulated Mary on another upgrade. I looked over at Kate and wasn’t sure what to make of her expression, so I sent her a quick message.
“Are you sure the normal mode ones are enough?” I said on the voice chat while looking at Kate.
“You know what, I don’t think they are.”
“We will help you tomorrow, I promise” I replied and Mary agreed.
She simply responded “Thank you”
I thanked John and Kate for their help, John said good night and logged off saying he had had enough challenge for one night, but Kate stayed logged on.
“Are you ready?” was all she said
“Yes” is all it took to reply.
“We both click on 3” I said out loud, knowing both Kate and Mary could hear me
“We did it” I said, knowing that Kate was listening in.
“Congratulations both of you” she said and logged off.
I took off my headset and was met with a wall of blur, this was going to take some getting used to. I very carefully walked over to Mary and could just about make out her putting her glasses back on.
“Wow, these glasses help but there is still a lot of blur, I wonder what the difference in my prescription is, oh, why don’t you try my glasses out and see if they help” and she took off her glasses and handed them over to me.
I put them on and while it was a bit better than before, I’d swapped one blur for another.
“These are too strong for me; I’ll need my own”
“Fair enough” she replied, can I have them back? “Without glasses before I could still just about make out shapes, now, I can’t even do that”
“Of course,” I replied and hurriedly gave them back to her.
“Well, I think we’d better go and visit the opticians again” I said jokingly “though I don’t think we should both visit the same one, he might begin to suspect something is up”
“I agree, I’ll go to the one I went to before, how about you go to the chain one in town and we’ll meet up later to compare results?” she said in what sounded like a happy tone, though I couldn’t tell by looking at her.
“I can’t see shit, but before we started, I think it was about 1pm, so they should still be open, let’s go”
We kissed goodbye and headed in our own directions, I had already come up with my own story for why I didn’t have glasses, I’d lost them while on a boat and they sunk before anyone could grab them, a simple enough story but sometimes, simple is the best.
I reached the optician about 20 minutes later, normally, I could have done this in under 10 minutes but I had to be especially careful around the roads and when walking so I didn’t trip. I walked inside.
“Hi, I wonder if you can help me, my prescription is in the double digits and I just lost my glasses while on a boat, could you get me booked in for your earliest test and order me some new glasses?”
“Oh my, of course yes, can I just say though, you’re being very calm about this, most people with your prescription freak out when they can’t find their glasses” replied the receptionist.
“Thanks, when is the earliest I can be seen?
“Oh um, let me check, well one of our opticians is free right now, let me take you to him” and with that the receptionist carefully guided me to the room where I would have my first eye test, I was confident I knew enough about the test that I’d get through it without giving away I was a first timer.
The receptionist quickly explained what was going on and I sat down in the chair they guided me to.
“Do you know what your old prescription was” asked the optician
“I think about +12, though it was a while ago and I’m long overdue an update” I replied trying to sound like this was perfectly normal to me.
“That is strong, let’s get you sorted”
15 minutes later, I was walking out of the optician’s office with my new prescription on a card, though I couldn’t read it. I headed back to the receptionist who took a look at the card, gasped a little before catching herself and lead me over to the frames.
“Is there any type of frame you prefer” she asked
“Not really, I’ve had a bunch of different styles over the years, I’m happy to go with whatever you think looks good, it’s not like I can see enough to comment” I laughed, lessening the tension a little.
I think she nodded and then wandered around with a tray, taking off different frames until she had around 5. She then led me back to a table and started to try different frames on me, she would make agreeable or not so noises as she looked at each, occasionally cocking her head to the side or getting up and standing next to me. After a few rounds of this, she narrowed it down to 1 frame and put the others to the side.
“Now shall we talk about lenses for your glasses, I’d recommend the highest index we have, this will reduce the thickness of the lenses and make it more aesthetically appealing”
“No thanks” I responded “I’d like low index, done as lenticulars”
“Oh, are you sure, I’ll have to check on that, be right back” and with that she disappeared off. About a minute later she came back with the optician who asked “my colleague here said you don’t want the high index lenses and instead want low index, is that correct?”
“That is correct” I replied “I do not like high index lenses and I’ve been wearing lenticular lenses for years, so I’m very comfortable with them”
“Great”, he replied, “Stacy please process them as the customer requested”
“But they’ll look horrible” she blurted out, clearly without thinking first.
“I’m so sorry sir, Stacy is new and still learning about things, I apologise if this offended you in any way, let me give you a discount to make up for it” he then turned to Stacy “please never say something like that to the customer again, appearance can be a very personal thing, also, this is a great opportunity for you to learn. With low prescriptions, the type of lens generally only affects the thickness, however in high prescriptions like this gentleman’s it can result in undesirable visual effects. Please remember, they have been wearing glasses for a very long time and know what they like.”
Stacy apologised and then said “let’s get these processed for you with a nice discount, they should be ready in about 2 weeks or about 5 days if we put a rush on them”. The optician leaned back in and pointed to something on the screen and said “click this and here, that will override the normal choices and put these as highest priority” then he turned to me and said “we should have them in by Friday at the latest, can we please have your number so we can contact you”
I’d stayed silent for this whole exchange and found it rather amusing, though I tried not to show it. I thanked them for their help and then it hit me, that’s 4 days without glasses, this was going to be hard. I think the optician understood the look on my face and suddenly said “I’ll be right back”. A few minutes later he returned and placed a glasses case on the table, he then opened it up, took out some glasses and placed them on my face.
Immediately the vast majority of the blur disappeared, though I could tell they weren’t quite right and I had a little double vision.
“These belong to another customer who’s away on holiday until next week, they are only +10 but they are a lot better than not having any correction, if you are careful with them, you can borrow them until your glasses come in.”
“Thank you so much” I replied “this is a lot better than no glasses”. He nodded and smiled which I could now just about make out and I got up to go and pay for everything. They had applied quite a hefty discount because my glasses came in at less than half of what 1 pair of Mary’s had cost the other day.
I managed to get back to Mary’s house a lot faster than it took me to walk there and found out that I was the first to arrive. True to my word, I hadn’t looked at my prescription card since I got it, I then placed it face down on her computer desk and went and sat down to wait.
I didn’t have to wait long as 20 minutes later, Mary opened the door, walked through and said hi. I asked her how it went and she told me how the optician was very worried about how her prescription had changed again and by such a large amount. She then stopped and walked right up to me and pointed at the glasses “how did you get those so quickly?”
“Oh, these aren’t mine, the opticians leant me someone else’s until mine are in, they were very worried for me”
Mary crossed her arms and pouted a bit “not fair”. It lasted about 1 second before we both burst out laughing and she continued with her story. She said how he had tried many times to get her to go to a specialist but Mary had declined. Unfortunately, this time, even their friend at the lens lab couldn’t get her glasses done quickly but she said they’d put a rush on them. I asked her how much they cost and she replied “it doesn’t matter, this is me now” and I simply smiled back.
“My prescription is on your desk; I haven’t looked yet” I said, pointing to her desk.
“Ooh, I have mine here, but I think you’ll have to read them both, I can’t see anything”
“I’ll give it a go” I said “you first”.
“Fine” as she handed over her prescription card. I slid the glasses away from my eyes and this increase was just enough to make the card clear enough to read. I looked down an let out a gasp, followed immediately by a small cheer and hugged Mary, “What is it, tell me!” she begged, “ok” I said and read out the following:
R: SPH +27.75 CYL +1.50 AXIS 140  PRISM Out 6
L: SPH +27.0 CYL +1.25 AXIS 160  PRISM Out 6

Mary was silent for a few seconds but then looked up at me and asked “are you happy?”
“More than you could ever know” I replied, immediately hugging her and smiling so broadly that my cheeks hurt.
“Your turn” she said happily and I went over to her desk, grabbed my prescription card, flipped it over and read out loud.
R: SPH +14.0  CYL +0.25 AXIS 70  PRISM Out 4
L: SPH +14.75 CYL --        AXIS --     PRISM Out 4

“I can live with that” Mary said as she smiled and hugged me again, before adding “Thank you”.
We settled down for the evening, though there wasn’t a lot we could do as I could only just see and Mary was in a very blurry world, so we retreated to the bedroom and had an early night.
The next day we were rudely awoken by my phone ringing, I groggily reached over to grab it, before realising I can’t see a thing, put it down, grabbed my borrowed glasses and tried again. I saw the name, it was Kate, I put her on speakerphone
“Good morning lovebirds” she started, which made us both laugh “it’s my turn, get your asses online, I have a 4th member ready to go”
“Ok, but how did you know we’d be together” I asked
“Call it an educated guess” she laughed back.
“Give us a few minutes” and I hung up. I looked over to Mary who had now put on her glasses and was looking back at me and smiling. I loved how she looked but I was very excited to see her new glasses when they arrived.
“I suppose we should go help her” Mary said and we both took that as the signal and rapidly got out of bed, got dressed and headed to our respective computers, fired them up, put on our headsets and logged onto voice chat.
“About time” was the first thing Kate said when I logged on. “We don’t know how long we have before they patch this, we’re on a timer, let’s go, let’s go”
“I’m already outside the dungeon, Mary will be here in a second”
Right as I finished my sentence, Mary’s character appeared next to me and I looked over and I was amazed, her lenses were super thick and the lenticular bowl was now very noticeable compared to the hard mode version. I guess this is a preview of what was to come and it made me very excited and happy.
I think Kate was thinking the same thing as she immediately started talking “No, I’m not going that high, hard mode is more than enough for me, let’s go” and with that she started to walk towards the dungeon entrance with the 4th member following her in.
I unequipped the glasses item from my character as it didn’t provide any bonuses and immediately my world fell into a giant blur, I took my headset off and tried to wedge my glasses into the headset, it sort of worked but it was very uncomfortable, this is what Kate must have done the other night. I quickly gave up, took them back off, re-equipped my glasses in-game and followed after everyone else.
The next hour went by fast; we were very experienced with the dungeon by now and this was only hard mode, not mythic. We entered the final room, ready to take down the final boss and she appeared like before, except this time there was another bonus interaction. The boss looked over at Mary and her now super obvious, 2cm+ thick lenticular glasses and smiled at her. No words this time, just a nod of acknowledgement, it made me happy just seeing it.
The boss fight was easy and like every time before, the glasses dropped as an item. Kate thanked us for our help, said goodbye to the random 4th player and we headed back out.
“Any guesses for my prescription” joked Kate as we reached the exit
“+21” I said without thinking
“Oh, that’s a bit higher than I’d like” Kate responded “I’m hoping for more like +18”.
“Let us know as soon as you do, ok?” said Mary
“Of course, I won’t keep you waiting, now, for the moment of truth, drumroll please” we all laughed and then saw a subtle flash on Kate’s character and heard her exclaim “I’ll never get used to that, but it’s done”
“Congratulations” we both said in unison, “we now have a complete collection” I joked, “normal, hard and mythic prescriptions.”
“I can’t tempt you to go up to hard mode too?” Kate asked looking directly at me. Just like Mary before I could now see the lenticular lenses in her glasses and her huge eyes filling most of the bowl, it looked amazing.
“Maybe” I responded quietly
“Oh really?” exclaimed Mary running over, “would you?”
She looked up at me, I looked down. While Kate’s hard mode glasses had lenticular, they weren’t that obvious unless you looked towards the edge of the round frames. Mary’s however, were very obvious. The round frame was around 50mm in diameter, but the bowls were closer to 35mm, leaving a large carrier around the edge. Her huge eyes filled the bowls, with only a slight bit of the edges showing. I can’t believe it, she was using her new glasses against me, she knew she had the power and I knew I was defenceless.
“I’ll sleep on it” sheepishly
“Well, you’ll have to, we can only do this once a day, unless you want to skip right to mythic and join Mary?” Kate said with a large amount of encouragement in her voice.
“Bye Kate” I replied.
“Fine, bye, I’ll tell you what my prescription is when I know” and with that she logged off and left Mary and I alone.
“Did you mean it” Mary asked quietly
“I did, I’m thinking about it”.
“I don’t mind what you pick, I like the ones you have now, but I would prefer it if you did go a bit stronger, I’d like us to have prescriptions that are closer together.”
This was all said with her still staring up at me and me staring down, lost in her huge eyes, any defences or resolve I had was melting away by the second and she knew it, I was so proud.
The rest of the day was uneventful though I did get 2 calls from the optician and hospital to say Tom and my glasses would be in tomorrow for collection, I couldn’t wait.
First thing in the morning, I got up, kissed Mary and headed into town, I headed for my own glasses first and when I arrived, was met by the same optician from before. He handed over a case and again apologised for what his colleague had said.
“Oh, don’t worry about it, it’s not every day you see a prescription like mine”.
“Well, funny you should say that, I saw a young lady just yesterday with an even stronger prescription than yours”
“Oh” I exclaimed, “how high?”
“I can’t say, sorry, confidentiality”
I figured he was talking about Kate so I just had to push “I understand, can you just answer this, was it stronger than +20?”
He looked a little confused but responded “yes it was, just a bit over that, good guess, now, let’s get these fitted to you” he then opened up the case for my new glasses. As I looked down, I saw my new frame, fitted with the lenticular lenses I requested and it made me very happy. These were my glasses, this is what I wanted, this was the first day of my new life.
The difference from the borrowed weaker glasses was very noticeable. When looking around I actually started to wonder if I had better vision now than I did before all this, maybe that’s why I ended up with a stronger prescription than Tom, maybe I used to need glasses and never realised.
While the optician was adjusting my glasses, I couldn’t help but think of Kate, if that prescription was hers, she’d gone way past what she wanted. Oh well, there was no going back now, she wanted stronger glasses and she’s got them.
“These are great, thank you” I said after the optician made the final adjustments, handed back the borrowed glasses and headed out to the hospital to pick up Tom’s glasses.
I spent the next 25 minutes looking at everything around me, turning my head to look at things close up and far away. Everything was super crisp and I could agree with Mary’s statement that everything was bigger and easier to see. I was still getting used to the lenticular lenses, my eyes were occasionally straying outside the visual bowl.
One bus ride later, I was at the hospital and went to the front desk, informed them I was here to pick up Tom’s glasses, which they handed over after asking me to sign for them.
I thanked them and headed out the door on my way to Tom’s but not before opening the case to have a look.
I cringed a little to myself when I saw the glasses, this was definitely a 1 frame fits all type of deal and I didn’t think Tom would like them. Inside was a thick black frame with cable temples and lenticular lenses like mine, the lenses also hadn’t been mounted too well. I shrugged, closed the case and headed over to Tom’s.
When I got there, I knocked and he opened up, still wearing the trial frame, though it was looking a little worse for wear now with the tape fraying around the edges.
“What the hell, you need glasses too now?” he exclaimed loudly
“Yes, the same thing that happened to you, hit me too” I replied
“Wait, what?”
“Didn’t you hear” I replied “about the bug with the new dungeon?”. He shook his head, clearly, he’d not looked into this in his time at home, so I quickly brought him up to speed, about how we’d all been affected, though I glossed over a few points and made up a few others. I told him how Mary wanted the item but didn’t get it until Mythic difficulty and how Kate got the hard mode and gave it to her other character.
“What about you, the glasses aren’t good stats for you, why did you equip it?”
“Oh, just messing around, I wanted to see what I looked like and nobody wanted the item from normal mode”
“Bet you regret it now” he said
“Nah, not really, anyway, here are your glasses from the hospital”
“Oh great, thanks” he said which was quickly followed by “what the hell are these” as he saw the frames inside. “I can’t wear these” he protested.
“You’d rather wear the trial frame taped together?”
“No” he replied in a resigned tone and then proceeded to take the glasses out and put them on before wandering over to the mirror.
“Maybe they’re not so bad, I could pull this off if I grew my beard out a bit” he laughed and he was right, while they weren’t exactly flattering, he had just the right face shape to maybe pull it off. The lenticular lenses were quite obvious but with the imposing frames, it kind of all fit together, like it was yelling, look at me!
I said goodbye and headed back to Mary’s and upon entering I was immediately greeted by Mary holding a phone with Kate on the line. “He’s back” Mary said.
“Well?” Kate shouted, “are we going hard mode or not?”
Mary looked over at me, though she said nothing, I could see the wish in her eyes and at that point, any remaining resolve melted before my lenticular wearing goddess.
“Yes” is all it took.
The next 7 days flew by, Kate shared her new prescription:
R: SPH +21.50 CYL +2.50 AXIS 10  PRISM Out 8
L: SPH +21.50 CYL +2.75 AXIS 15  PRISM Out 8

Although I’d had a bit of an early warning both Mary and I gasped when we saw it, Kate had blown right past where she wanted to end up and now sported the second highest prescription amongst all of us and though it was higher than she wanted, I think secretly she was proud of it. She’d gotten by for the week it took her glasses to arrive by wearing the ones she already owned, though by her own admission, the vision quality was very poor and the lack of prism gave her some nasty headaches.
I had equipped the hard mode glasses and then immediately panicked as every optician in town and in the hospital knew me, so I ended up heading to the next town over with Mary in a taxi. Mary by this point had also collected her glasses and I longed for the time when I could see clearly again so I could take in the beauty of my fiancé.
My own prescription landed bang on +20, leaving me with the 3rd highest prescription.
R: SPH +20.0  CYL +0.25 AXIS 70  PRISM Out 6
L: SPH +20.25 CYL --        AXIS --     PRISM Out 6

During the ride, I got a message from Kate with a link to an article about the bug, Mary had to read it out and it explained how this was a freak accident that nobody could have predicted, however, the developers promised that it had only affected a very small number of players and that the players were not unhappy with the results. It went on to explain how they had now fixed the bug and the dungeon was now safe for all players.
“We did it just in time” I said to Mary and she nodded, “I’m really glad we did.”
The article continued with them announcing a new challenge mode version of the dungeon, that promised even greater rewards.
As Mary read that part, she looked across at me and though I couldn’t see her properly, I guessed she was wondering what the rewards are, we promised to give it a try when we returned that evening and we did, with John and Kate joining us again. There was no interaction by the NPC this time but the glasses did drop. We gave them to Mary again and thanked John for his help. He logged off as usual and we all stood there in silence, everyone wondering what to do, I broke the silence.
“Are you sure you want this; you don’t need to do it for me”
“I don’t know, maybe a little, but my last jump was huge, I don’t know if I want another big one”
“You’re the highest out of all of us, you’ve got nothing to prove” I gently said.
“I know, but it’s a rush, I love the idea of stronger glasses but the reality is different, my field of vision is tiny now, I have to really be careful. That said, a little more wouldn’t make that much of a difference, right?”
“True” I replied “but don’t do iii..” is all I got out before I saw the glasses on her character’s face change, instead of silver, they were now gold but, there was no telltale flash and no exclamation from Mary.
“I guess they really did fix it” she said, sounding genuinely disappointed. “Well that solves that, we’re all stuck with what we’ve got, the blind trio” and with that, we all laughed out loud, true laughs that came from a deep acceptance of who we now were, I simply added “With these, I am whole” and we all started to smile.
3 months later, Mary and I were poring over wedding brochures and books, trying to find out what we wanted to do for our wedding. Kate was there too and any onlooker would have been thoroughly confused by 3 people all sitting around table, with the lowest prescription being +20.
It was a bright day and the lenticular lenses in each of our glasses were flashing away each time they caught the light, it was a wonderous display for any optical obsessive.
To this day I still found it hard to take my eyes off Mary, her new glasses were everything I’d hoped for and more. She looked amazing with her huge eyes, almost completely filling the bowls of her lenticular lenses that bulged proudly from the front of her frames. I truly loved this woman more than words could say.
Suddenly, Mary’s phone beeped with a message with no sender name, which simply said:
“Congratulations to you both on your upcoming wedding, I would like to offer a gift to you both and your friend. If you’d like a little bump in your prescription, all you need do is ask.
Your game developer friend.”
Mary immediately showed us both and we were shocked into silence.
Kate was the first to break the silence, “maybe I could use a little top up, what about you guys, new glasses for the wedding?”
I looked at Kate and Mary, Kate looked between us both and Mary just stared at me, we were all thinking the same thing.
Kate clearly couldn’t handle the tension “look, we’re a trio, let’s use that, how about we all add +3 in honour of your upcoming wedding”
I looked to Mary “that works for me”
She nodded and started to type a response to the email with Kate grinning like a little schoolgirl with eyes glinting behind her own super thick lenticular lenses.
The message read:
“Thank you for everything you have done for us, we will gladly take you up on your gracious wedding offer, my friends would each like a bump of +3 and I want +5!”
Kate grinned as she saw the message, “well you always did want more than the rest of us.” I didn’t complain and immediately started daydreaming about what her glasses would look like.
A reply came back almost immediately
“Your wish is my command, see you in-game, be prepared for a flash after login”

Mary walked off and came back with her prescription card, “I’ll be officially over +30 now and I’m happy to stop here, now I’ll be:
R: SPH +32.75 CYL +1.50 AXIS 140  PRISM Out 6
L: SPH +32.0 CYL +1.25 AXIS 160  PRISM Out 6”

“I wonder what your optician will say” I asked
“Oh, don’t worry about him, I mentioned last time I saw him that I was looking forward to future increases and I think he finally understands”
“I don’t think anyone else can truly understand, but this is us and we are happy”


Post3:46 PM - 10 days ago#5

This is quite a decent story and I am glad to see a new writer on the block.  On thing I would like to suggest is that even if you have the idea's to take a story further it is not a good idea to do that. I do write some sequels or the odd story with more than one part. But what I do try to do is I write the complete story and then break it up into easily readable segments that pretty much are a complete story without reading any of the other segments. Since I am not as well informed on plus prescriptions I am not even sure that the high prescriptions in your story are even attainable, but the story was definitely interesting and very readable.


Post8:01 PM - 9 days ago#6

This is some great feedback thanks, I'm going to take another look at the follow up, so it is more of a stand alone in addition to being a follow up, rather than purely follow up, it'll take a bit more time to sort this though.


Post1:57 PM - 9 days ago#7

I thought that it was a brilliant story, and really enjoyed reading both parts.

Well done

Take care and best wishes



Post11:41 AM - 7 days ago#8

I loved your story. What a treat. As a hyperopia obsessive this caused so much envy in me. I really wish this would be possible. Great story, great prescriptions as well. And I also really loved the prism touch. With such a prescription (even the "weak +20dpt one") due to the enlargement of the eyes the prisms, especially the 6 pdpt base out would make for an already noticeable cross-eyed look. Congrats to the story. 
Also, just to add or to stress: I love that you write about hyperopic topics - beautiful. Thank you!!!


Post12:21 PM - 7 days ago#9

canpaixano wrote:
11:41 AM - 7 days ago
I loved your story. What a treat. As a hyperopia obsessive this caused so much envy in me. I really wish this would be possible. Great story, great prescriptions as well. And I also really loved the prism touch. With such a prescription (even the "weak +20dpt one") due to the enlargement of the eyes the prisms, especially the 6 pdpt base out would make for an already noticeable cross-eyed look. Congrats to the story. 
Also, just to add or to stress: I love that you write about hyperopic topics - beautiful. Thank you!!!
Thank you for the wonderful comment. I'm glad that you enjoyed my story, I am a plus glasses fan and have spent a long time both researching and wearing them with GOC, so many of these were things that I have personally felt or experienced and I wanted to really put that personal touch into the story.

There's another story with 3 chapters that extends on this one, ready and waiting for you! Enjoy.