History for Trivia/ThePartridgeFamily - TV Tropes

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History Trivia / ThePartridgeFamily

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Added: 256

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Old Shame is In-Universe only

* CreatorBacklash: For at least some of the original cast members. Indeed, Susanne Crough (Tracy) once described the (fictional) group in an interview as "the original Music/MilliVanilli". (Creator/SusanDey absolutely refused to take part in any reunions.)

* OldShame: For at least some of the original cast members. Indeed, Susanne Crough (Tracy) once described the (fictional) group in an interview as "the original Music/MilliVanilli". (Creator/SusanDey absolutely refused to take part in any reunions.)

Added: 155

Changed: 153

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* TheOtherDarrin: A kid named Jeremy Gelbwaks was originally cast as Chris for the first season. He was replaced by Brian Forster after his family moved to West Virginia.


* TheOtherDarrin: TheOtherDarrin:
A kid named Jeremy Gelbwaks was originally cast as Chris for the first season. He was replaced by Brian Forster after his family moved to West Virginia.
