Day of decision - Chance of the century, gray hair and strong women! |

Day of decision

Chance of the century, gray hair and strong women!

19.05.2024 11:00

Fans, players and club management have been tense for weeks. The day of decision has come for Sturm in the title fight. Kathrin Jauk and Melanie Schicker previously spoke to the "Krone" newspaper about their nervous husbands and the sloping house blessing.

"It's the beginning of the week and we've already had our first marital row," winks Melanie Schicker. The reason for the lopsided house: "Andi took the car, but I had an important appointment. Andi isn't as attentive as usual at the moment, he's fully focused on the title fight." In the meantime, however, everything is back to normal for the young couple - the wedding bells rang just last December.

Andreas Schicker with his sweetheart Melanie and junior Matteo. (Bild: Marleneb.rk)
Andreas Schicker with his sweetheart Melanie and junior Matteo.

The Jauk household didn't have a "crash" before the nerve-wracking title decision, but there's no question of normality either: "Christian has been on 1000 for days and isn't the cool banker. He's totally tense. You can tell there's something in the air. I'm no better, I'm already pretty nervous and can't wait for Sunday," says Kathrin Jauk, not turning her heart into a murder pit.

Kathrin Jauk is always at the home games. (Bild: Foto © by der Plankenauer)
Kathrin Jauk is always at the home games.

Kathrin Jauk and Melanie Schicker are the strong women behind the black bosses. It goes without saying that the thrilling thriller for the champion's plate does not leave them unscathed. "The last match in Linz gave us a few gray hairs," they both say in unison.

"Even dreaming"
While the head of sport's sweetheart watched the 2-2 draw in Linz with her two-year-old son Matteo a week ago, the president's wife was there. "I even dreamt about the game the night after, I was so annoyed that the header at the end wasn't in," smiles Kathrin.

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Matteo is already clapping along and noticing a lot. When he spots the club emblem somewhere, he already says 'Sturm da'.

Melanie Schicker

Against Klagenfurt, however, Melanie will be cheering with her son in the stands. "Matteo is already joining in the clapping and noticing a lot. When he spots the club emblem somewhere, he already says 'Sturm da'," says the native Upper Austrian, who used to be a Ried fan. "But now my heart beats only for Sturm. I'm fully involved and can get really annoyed. When I watch a game alone at home, it's sometimes better if you can't hear me," laughs the Ried woman.

The Head of Sport celebrates the Cup trophy with his wife Melanie. (Bild: Andreas Schicker)
The Head of Sport celebrates the Cup trophy with his wife Melanie.

Kathrin is no different. Her heart beats in black and white, and not just since the Sturm boss has been by her side. "I've been a fan since I was a teenager. I often boil inside when I feel a decision is unfair. I'm a person who needs harmony, but my temper gets the better of me during games."

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I often boil inside when I feel a decision is unfair. I'm a person who needs harmony, but temperament gets the better of me during games.

Kathrin Jauk

With a mom jersey
The day of the decision has now arrived. The nerves of both ladies are aching for a rest. As always, Kathrin will be cheering on the Ilzer team with her Sturm scarf, while Melanie receives special jerseys as a gift from her "hubby". "Flocked with our anniversary, and since Matteo's birth sometimes with mom." With the strong women in the stands, nothing can go wrong. "This is an opportunity of the century for Sturm!" says the president's sweetheart.

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