Discover China! Cheap flights from Dublin to Chengdu from €489 - Ireland Travel Deals - cheap flights, hotels, holiday packages

Discover China! Cheap flights from Dublin to Chengdu from €489

  • 18.05.2024 17:15
  • Eugene
China Chengdu pixabay

Travel to one of the most interesting regions of China! Book Hainan Airlines flights from Dublin to Chengdu starting at €489 for a round trip.

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Chengdu’s unique combination of cultural attractions, natural beauty, and delightful cuisine makes it an exciting destination for travelers looking to experience the best of China.

Here are some of the top tourist attractions of Chengdu:
Giant Panda Breeding Research Base: Chengdu is famous for being one of the best places in the world to see giant pandas. The Base is a conservation centre dedicated to the protection and breeding of these adorable creatures. Visitors can observe pandas in a semi-natural habitat, learn about their behavior, and even have the opportunity to participate in volunteer programs.
Jinli Ancient Street: This lively street is an excellent place to experience traditional Chinese architecture, taste local snacks, and shop for souvenirs. Jinli Ancient Street is known for its vibrant atmosphere, with street performers, teahouses, and craft shops, making it a favorite spot among tourists and locals alike.
Wuhou Shrine (Wuhou Memorial Temple): This historical site is dedicated to Zhuge Liang, an esteemed military strategist from the Three Kingdoms period. The temple features beautiful gardens, ancient architecture, and cultural relics, providing a glimpse into Chinese history.
Wuhou Shrine Jinli: Located adjacent to the Wuhou Shrine, this extension of Jinli Ancient Street offers visitors a seamless blend of history and culture. You can find traditional handicrafts, artworks, and delicious Sichuan snacks here.
Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding: This is another panda reserve in Chengdu where visitors can see pandas in a more natural environment. The base focuses on research and conservation, and it’s an excellent place to observe the adorable creatures up close.
Qingcheng Mountain: Situated just outside Chengdu, Qingcheng Mountain is one of the most famous Taoist mountains in China. The area is known for its lush greenery, ancient temples, and serene atmosphere. Visitors can hike the mountain trails, explore the temples, and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Sichuan Cuisine: A trip to Chengdu wouldn’t be complete without indulging in its famous spicy Sichuan cuisine. Sample dishes like hotpot, mapo tofu, dan dan noodles, and kung pao chicken to experience the true flavors of the region.

Travel dates:
August – September 2024

Example dates:
27 Aug – 7 Sep, 3-14, 8-14, 10-21, 17-28 Sep

Dublin – Chengdu – Dublin

Baggage allowance:
One Hand Luggage and 23kg Checked Luggage per person.

Please note: All the information on this page is correct at the time of publication. If you are checking out the deal at a later date, the price and the availability may no longer be as advertised. Prices are subject to change. To ensure you never miss our deal again, sign up for our Telegram deal alerts.

Hotel €45/double

In Chengdu we encourage you to stay at the well-rated 4*Park Inn by Radisson Chengdu Wuhou Shrine

Park Inn by Radisson Chengdu Wuhou Shrine

This is an example booking for one night. You can easily adjust the duration and the number of travellers.

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