Modern Family - E4 +1 | TV Guide

Modern Family

8:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Friday 17 May

Haley's 21st Birthday

Season 6 Episode 10 of 24

Haley turns 21, so the adults hit a bar, where Claire is desperate to appear more of a pal than a nagging, uptight mum, and Cameron and Mitchell are distressed when their 'cool' credentials come up short. Phil and Jay's quick pitstop to buy a present takes a disastrous turn, too, while back at home, Alex, Manny and Luke are left to babysit Lily

Modern Family airs on E4 +1 at 8:30 PM, Friday 17 May. (Subtitles.)
Movie ➝ Drama
Ed O'Neill
Sofia Vergara
Julie Bowen