Starbucks Faces Revived Labor Board Bid for Court Injunction (2)
May 16, 2024, 2:43 PM UTCUpdated: May 16, 2024, 7:42 PM UTC

Starbucks Faces Revived Labor Board Bid for Court Injunction (2)

Robert Iafolla
Robert Iafolla
Senior Legal Reporter
Peter Hayes
Peter Hayes

Starbucks Corp. and the National Labor Relations Board must return to federal district court for further debate over what discovery the company can get to defend against the agency’s bid for an injunction, a federal appeals court ruled.

The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit on Wednesday vacated a Trump-appointed New York federal judge’s decision that denied the NLRB’s petition for an injunction against Starbucks as a sanction for what he deemed were the agency’s efforts to frustrate his discovery order.

The ruling is a qualified win for the NLRB. While the appeals court revived the agency’s request ...

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