WESTPORT — She’s guided your entertainment choices for decades, over the television and radio waves, in old-fashioned print and online.

This Saturday, a documentary about Westporter Susan Granger’s eight decades of involvement in the entertainment industry will be shown at the Ridgefield Independent Film Festival.

The title is “It’s A Hollywood Life!”and the screening scheduled for Saturday May 18 will be the film’s premiere.

There will be a question-and-answer period after the screening that will feature Granger and some of the people involved in the film, including Keir Dullea, Mia Dillon, and co-directors Laurie Valentina Gomez Acosta and Maya Weldon-Lagrimas.

Longtime film critic Joe Meyers will moderate the discussion.

“The story of longtime film critic Susan Granger, who has been in and around the movie industry for more than 80 years. The interviewees in “It’s A Hollywood Life!” include Juvenile Oscar winner Margaret O’Brien, actors Keir Dullea and Mia Dillon, author and film historian David C. Tucker, critic Joe Meyers, and Gary Cooper’s daughter, artist Maria Cooper Janis,” the Ridgefield Independent Film Festival website reads.

“I’m delighted that our film will have its local premiere at the Ridgefield Independent Film Festival, which has built up a solid reputation in such a short time,” Granger told the Westport Journal.

“As a journalist, I was always taught — you are not the story. And now I am, which is a bit unnerving but for which I am profoundly grateful.”

Tickets to the premiere of “It’s A Hollywood Life!” are available here.

Robert Osborne and Susan Granger — Photo TCM