Disney’s Zodiac Zoo: Disney characters through the zodiac lens - Times of India

Disney’s Zodiac Zoo: Disney characters through the zodiac lens

Discover how Disney characters embody zodiac signs' traits, reflecting unique characteristics like Mulan for Aries and Tiana for Taurus.
Disney’s Zodiac Zoo: Disney characters through the zodiac lens
In the enchanting realm of Disney, the characters are not just the animations, they are also embodiment of certain archetypes and personalities. Much like constellations above, zodiac signs encapsulate unique traits that can be found in the tapestry of Disney core. Let’s figure out which character suits your zodiac the best.
1. Aries: Mulan
A natural born leader with bold and courageous temperament – Mulan.
Like Aries, Mulan has an adventurous streak in her body and fearlessly fight her battles.
2. Taurus: Tiana from ‘The Princess and the Frog’
Tiana – A hardworking and determined young waitress turned into entrepreneur. Just like Taureans, she is practical, dedicated and steadfast disposition. They share a common thread of working hard towards their dream.
3. Gemini: Genie from ‘Aladdin’
Qualities such as wit, charm and versatility are in the blood of Genie and Geminis. They have ability to transform into any version like an adaptable quirk with their ever-changing moods.

4. Cancer: Nemo from ‘Finding Dory’
A heart of gold figure – Nemo, reflects her compassionate, empathetic and sensitive nature with Cancerians. The emotional depth and resilience possessed by Nemo is embodied by Cancer individuals with their unwavering determination.
5. Leo: Simba from ‘The Lion King’
A charismatic royal – Simba, who is destined to rule the Pride Lands exudes confidence and strength. Like Leos, Simba carries noble behaviour and striking courage to his pride.
6. Virgo: Belle from ‘Beauty and the Beast’
Virgos are renowned for their attention to detail and love for knowledge. The bookish beauty – Belle represents Virgos by her curious heart, compassion and love for literature.
7. Libra: Elsa from ‘Frozen’
Diplomatic and charming Libras, resonate with the snow queen – Elsa. Like Libras, Elsa embodies calm demeanor with grace and poise.
8. Scorpio: Maleficent
The powerful fairy – Maleficent, with her intensity, dark past and fierce determination encapsulates the passionate souls of Scorpios. With their unswerving loyalty to their beloved, they possess a powerful yet magnetic presence.
9. Sagittarius: Moana
The adventurous spirit – Moana, a young chief’s daughter who sets a sail of an audacious journey to save people. Like Sagittarians, Moana encompasses a free-spirited disposition with optimistic allure.
10. Capricorn: Bagheera from ‘The Jungle Book’
Bagheera, a wise and pragmatic black panther has a disciplined approach towards life. Like Capricorns, Bagheera epitomizes strong sense of duty and a reliable guardian. They carry a common thread of perseverance and patience.
11. Aquarius: Ariel from ‘The Little Mermaid’
The eccentric mermaid princess – Ariel embodies innovative, adventurous and rebellious demeanor. Like Aquarius, Ariel exhibit originality, curious and unconventional spirit.
12. Pisces: Rapunzel from ‘Tangled’
The imaginative Rapunzel, a young princess has boundless creativity, desire to connect to mysteries of life and compassion disposition. Like Pisces, Rapunzel is a natural healer and understands struggles.

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