
  • Ella Purnell's role in Invincible Season 2 as Jane hints at a potentially significant return in Season 3.
  • Purnell, alongside Chloe Bennet, offers a star-studded cameo in Invincible, sparking interest in their future roles.
  • Purnell's diverse acting skills shine in voice acting as seen in Arcane and Invincible, teasing more to come.

Ella Purnell has had an incredible 2024 after Fallout's massive debut, but she also quietly appeared in one of the year's most successful superhero projects so far. With Marvel and DC having a relatively slow start to the year, 2024 hasn't been filled with many superhero projects, but Purnell did feature in a critically acclaimed superhero show. Although she already has an impressive resume, Ella Purnell's Fallout adaptation has become one of the most talked about shows of the year, giving her a bigger spotlight than ever with her role as Lucy MacLean making her an instant fan favorite.

Lucy is one of the show's three central characters, which made Purnell a massive star. Her transition from an innocent vault dweller to a hardened yet moral survivor really helped explain the brutal world of Fallout in a TV format, with Purnell putting in a convincing and compelling performance. Although Fallout is undoubtedly the highlight of Purnell's 2024, the actress' involvement in a huge superhero show has seemingly gone under the radar. While her character may have only had a small cameo, Purnell could have a big future in the show and therefore become attached to another massive franchise.

Seasons 1 and 2 of Invincible are currently available to stream on Amazon Prime Video alongside Invincible: Atom Eve.

Ella Purnell Voiced Jane In Invincible Season 2

Ella Purnell's Jane Has A Small Cameo At The End Of Invincible Season 2

Despite only having a small role, Ella Purnell appeared in Invincible season 2 as Jane. Jane's only cameo came in season 2's final episode when she discovers Ka-Hor's temple alongside her friend, Riley. There isn't a lot known about her character other than that she is a keen explorer and her dad went missing, but given her appearance comes at season 2's climax, it is possible her role could become important. With Ka-Hor being one of several villains Invincible has teased for season 3, Jane's involvement in awakening him creates a lot of interest in her character's future.

Invincible isn't Purnell's first experience with voice acting, as her role as Jinx in Arcane is one of the actress' most iconic performances of her career.

Invincible isn't Purnell's first experience with voice acting, as her role as Jinx in Arcane is one of the actress' most iconic performances of her career. Her previous voice acting work has been incredible, and while Invincible season 2 only offers a glimpse of what she is capable of, there is no doubt she could portray another memorable character if given the chance. Fallout may have overshadowed this Purnell role, but having one of 2024's biggest stars associated with Invincible is exciting, even if it proves to be nothing more than a fun, one-off cameo.

Ella Purnell's Jane Appeared Alongside Another Major Actor

Riley (Chloe Bennet) protecting Jane (Emma Purnell) in Invincible season 2

While Purnell quietly appeared in Invincible season 2, she wasn't the only big name to do so. Purnell's Invincible debut came alongside Chloe Bennet, who voices Jane's friend, Riley. Although they both have the same screen time, Riley seems slightly more distinguishable as she reveals she has super strength due to her grandmother's powers. This may be nothing more than a simple explanation as to why the explorers manage to enter Ka-Hor's temple, but it could also be a pivotal story point. Ka-Hor features briefly in seasons 1 and 2, indicating Jane and Riley could be important by association.

Having Bennet and Purnell involved in the show adds another two big names to an already star-studded cast. Bennet is best known for her central role in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., but she has appeared in numerous other projects with plenty of voice-acting experience. It is still unclear if either actress will return as the Invincible season 3 cast hasn't been confirmed other than the major characters, but it would be a huge waste for two big names to have such a limited role. Thankfully, their small cameo does provide a bit of promise for their season 3 chances.

Invincible Season 2's 10 Biggest Changes To The Comics

Invincible typically sticks pretty close to the source material, but these 10 comic book changes had a big impact on Invincible season 2.

Invincible Sets Up Ella Purnell's Jane Potentially Appearing In Season 3

Jane Could Have A Potentially Significant Role In Invincible Season 3

Riley (Chloe Bennet) lifting tomb door in Invincible season 2

Although nothing is confirmed, Invincible season 2's ending sets up Purnell's Jane for a return. Ka-Hor has been used mainly as a gag so far, but it seems inevitable he will have a bigger role at some point. It is possible Invincible season 2's tomb joke was nothing more than a bit of humor to pay off Ka-Hor's season 1 appearance since the comics don't feature this plot in any capacity. However, this would feel like a huge waste of potential, especially given the talented actors involved, and it would make far more sense to give Ka-Hor a meaningful role.

This would be the perfect way to bring back Purnell and Bennet's characters. Having them survive the collapsed tomb, learning about what happened to Jane's father, and potentially helping Ka-Hor find a male host would be a compelling side story. Invincible has already made some big changes from the comics, many of which are for the better, and adding in a new plot that features some big actors would be exciting. Despite the whole thing being presented as a joke, there is also a lot of potential to make it an emotional story that could help elevate Invincible season 3.

While their fate is unknown at the end of season 2, Riley's super strength does mean she could have potentially saved herself and Jane. This sets up a possible season 3 return, and they could even become antagonists since Mark Grayson unintentionally caused the cave-in. Given there is still a lot more story to tell, Invincible season 2's finale sets up the possibility of Purnell returning as Jane and playing a major role in the Ka-Hor story.

Invincible season 3's release date hasn't been confirmed.