Verissimo's Weekend Guests: From Celebrities to Personal Stories

Verissimo's Weekend Guests: From Celebrities to Personal Stories

Verissimo's Weekend Guests: From Celebrities to Personal Stories
2 Minutes of Reading
Saturday 11 May 2024, 14:31
It's Saturday and like every weekend it's time for Verissimo. From Teresa Langella to Andrea Dal Corso, passing through Eleonora Giorgi and Tommaso Stanzani, there will be many guests in Silvia Toffanin's living room. Among these also Rosita Celentano, in the studio with her life story. Verissimo, from Ermal Meta to Eleonora Giorgi, passing through Lorella Cuccarini and Emanuel Lo: all the weekend guests. Rosita Celentano was born in Milan on February 17, 1965 (she is 59 years old) and is the daughter of Adriano Celentano and Claudia Mori. She made her acting debut at the age of 10 in one of their films, Yuppi du. In 1986 she acted in the film “Yuppies - The successful young people” by Carlo Vanzina. She then acted in several films and television series, including “La scorta”, “Il maresciallo Rocca” and also, in “La figlia del capitano”. In 1989 she made her debut as a presenter at the Sanremo Festival and established herself as such in the nineties. In 2007, Rosita Celentano began hosting the radio program “Senza vergogna” on RTL 102.5. In 2015, she also began hosting the radio program “Chiedimi se sono felice” on Radio 24. She also participated as a juror in two episodes of the evening show of the sixth edition of Amici by Maria De Filippi. Moreover, she has also written books, the first published in 2009, Grazie a Dio ho le corna, published by Salani and based on a personal experience. In 2010 she hosted a special on Milan Fashion Week on Sky Uno. She also made her debut as a theater actress in 2015 in the comedy "Qualche volta scappano", directed by Pino Quartullo, on tour until the following year. In the past, she was married to the dog trainer Angelo Vaira, but the marriage ended in 2022. She has no children and is currently single. But she assures that it is not a problem, indeed. In a very recent interview, she stated that for her it represents "A marvelous state. Both physical and mental. It makes me smile that people who see me living alone, look at me with astonishment and tenderness. I have never been better". About a previous relationship, she also made a startling admission. "An ex left me in a mean and superficial way, I thanked him for this", she reveals. But she does not name names, does not say who it is.
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