Weald Clay Formation Mini-Environment | Frontier Forums

Weald Clay Formation Mini-Environment

Here's the start of my mini-environment based around the Weald Clay Formation, containing Baryonyx Walkeri (Suchomimus), Iguanadon bernissartensis, Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis (Dominion Iguanadon), Horshamosaurus rudgwickensis (Polacanthus), Valdosaurus canaliculatus (Dryosaurus), An unknown Sauropod (Camarasaurus) and possibly Leptocleidus superstes (Liopleurodon).

I have currently only added the 2 Horshamosaurus and the 2 Sauropods and I haven't fully landed on a style for my mini-environment, so ideas and suggestions would be very much appreciated.

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Jurassic World Evolution 2_6.jpg
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