The Bottom Line : ALJAZ : May 20, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive Skip to main content

tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST

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that we've seen with protests in the past and does that make this a difficult time? well, in fact, in this situation, i think people tend to unite more. because it's, it's in the moment of sunrise in baltimore moment of morning just in case that some analysis of this we thought of cost differences wouldn't ever be bridge for now, given the fact that the gap is big and actually it's, it was in the time of president, right, you see that these, these demonstrations, especially after the, the, the death of my so, i mean, he came through the streets of course, prior to that, there were also all the demonstrations in the time of president for jaime. and you know, so this situation is there and you're on and this, this may, is that on the gap between both of the population and the system under establishment is, is fast. even some people, i can say that live in the bubble. because the fact that they feel that they don't
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have the, the chance to a change in, within the system. so they just prefer to sit the side. okay. and what about outside or on what about the regional implications of this? again, we, we don't know for sure what's going on here, but if things stay the same as they look at this moment, then what all the implications do you think? well, the fact that the uranium foreign policy is stable because it's not taken. it's not something that the president decides, so it's something that the stablish wins makes. and you know, decisions in your role and i can say are enriched, are made manufactured and they're not taking sites. so it's about an individual man does create a clear line with respect to the policies with respect to the region of the nations . these for example, right now, we know that the americans and the radians are meeting in directly together. this is not going to be impacted. this is not going to be affected. a change in the
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presidency or in the front of ministry, what to change the policy of the country. it would change. maybe there is partic, the way they talk. because this defense on the personality of the lead to all the presidents, all the personality of the context of the front of minister, both the lines, the policy isn't going to change because this policy is adopted within the supreme national security call. so it's where, you know, the establishment meets that the government, the supreme need, uh, the ministry, the security, they all meet over there and make these decisions. so i don't think any, something will change with spectrum as long as i approach how shortly. however, the way some countries dealt with this situation is going to be really in it, they're going to to, to deal with that with these countries in and maybe in a different positive way. so that it'd be uh, offered to help the kids have. egypt also showed some solidarity. you're ok. i
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think this is going to make things maybe a bit easier and to reach it. right. okay, well we don't know exactly what's happened. let's just have a quick recap of what we know so far. the risk is at the sides of the crash of a helicopter. save it, so there is no sign of life. as far as they can tell, the wreckage seems to be intense. the cockpit reported to be a band taught with a significant damage and no sign of life, but we still are waiting at official confirmation to visit. not a you being monitoring the situation using pictures of the have you called the site . just tell us again what you've seen, why we just saw pictures from the drawing screen, showing the wreckage of the of the helicopter. it looks like completely destroyed only the thing is that me and that we doesn't give indications of life and it's not what we all say. actually it was the it was, it's sorry,
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it was what the radiant television was saying. it was what the red crescent is saying that the no signs of life around the headache. all right, and this, this convoy of 3 helicopters, would that be a typical way of the presidential entourage to travel around? we were seeing some pictures of him yesterday. the president present res, yesterday with the president bestbuy john at the time that they were in all great doing it. and so it would be typical for them to fly around from place to place in this the small part of helicopter. is that right? well yeah, it says it's something that he's been doing for a long time and actually present choice has been traveling a lot inside the country. aside from his external or putting visits. and you know, in your, on that, on the 13th provinces and the right, you see how 2 visits each province once a yeah. so 30 visits to 50 provinces and he, what he's has been active. and in this regard now with respect to this area,
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which is you sent us out of age on that as you can see, it's montagnier said moving around that reaching the boulder, i think need him to fly through a helicopter. because if you have to take your call to reach the goal, that would have taken him ages. all right, we'll leave that for the moment. i have some thanks very much for joining his hair on set. let's take a closer look at the a vision reco safety record, where on there being at least $22.00 faithful crashes since the year 2000 and according to our on site vision safety network, those have killed more than 1200 people. right, and government officials and generals are one of those who died. i think hiring this bullets minutes to crash law, so that can be one of his advises. and in 2006 minute treat jet crashed, killed a commander of the revolutionary god. that much of the blame is main points that us sanctions, which has made it difficult to import new aircraft or even spare parts. and that's force around to ground molding hoff. it's a civilian across,
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and so the culture itself involved in the crash. let's have a closer look at that president rice in his own thrush with thoughts of being traveling in the us manufactured bell helicopter. the 2 blade at croft has a capacity for 15 people, including the pilot. it's on say exactly how many credit security pass the on board at the time. but we do know that the president to the, for a minister for sure, were on it at any of my colleagues, are at johnston's bite to kyle bailey and aviation. i list pilots in the form as a safety team representative. they said that the weather kind of being a key contribution to the crash, but the age of the helicopter may also play the role. i think the weather right now is the key here. uh, you know, this has a very familiar resemblance to the crash that was very high profile here in the us several years ago with the n b, a super store copy. brian, that's what comes to my mind when i, when i, when i see what this is turning into,
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so typically far lower visibility rein. possibly since now there's a, is that combined with a helicopter flying and blurry, rough map? when is rain is really a recipe for disaster and then on top of that, we're dealing with a helicopter that's decades old with decades old technology technology. pretty much like the perfect storm of everything coming together. and again, this is just speculation. at this point. you mentioned the technology, the immunization sector in iran has been on the severe pressure when it comes to sanctions and even trying to find spare parts for red cross. does this play a part in terms of the age of the call? yes, it does. even the technology, i mean, what we're seeing now where there is not any kind of a distress signal or call from the aircraft. you know, the question is the, the emergency locator transfer that should be on there. and i'll look after is it functioning? wasn't even working before the crash. these are all questions or the investigators
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we're going to have to answer they're, they're simply uh, you know, pretty much way behind the 8 ball technology wise and even with spare parts. uh, they might find it difficult to even getting uh parts to keep the airframe no worries. so what about your ran in president abraham were you see he was born in 1960 in the northeastern highly city from a shot and went on to study. see all the g and islamic jurisprudence racy, has served as parents prosecuted. general deputy chief of the judicial authority and national prosecutor general exec place with the supremely that i had told many, then took power as president in 2021. it's enough for me to decide who's a political and listen, a jump professor at the university to iran. he says, iran, it's in shock. and i think the talk statement that'd be, have been heard from the raining of officials, goes to the supreme leaders who said that people should not have laurie and the situation and the state of affairs bank to ronnie continue to run in
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a cd smooth way on that basis also be heard a lot of risk, similar statements by all the remaining and officials showing sort of, uh, sold a dire to unity amongst them, added to that is the gatherings of people in defense, public squares and losses, who are praying for the house of their presidents, so it takes place uh at the time then iran regional link list is increasing by this . so we have to pay close attention to the fact that the foreign policy behavior of your braun is formulated on a very complicated let's say dynamics, then invest foreign minister, our president is our just single actor. so i'm slowly convinced that whatever takes place at the end of the day, we're going to observe sort of a continuation of form for foreign policy behavior. we knew wrong. there is not
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going to be a such and such a thing. guess a paradigm shift. so to recount the latest developments out of iran at red crescent search and rescue teams have arrived at the crush sides of the helicopter . caring present, right? you see that's off to a huge search and rest of it in the east as the budget on problems over run. as a country waits for news it president readies wellbeing radians into iran and across the country. it's got the pres, supremely, the files that will be no disruptions to how the country is run. the, on the day that the us national security adviser is in his trails and thoughts on the board on casa israel continues to carry out, intensified and crowd attacks across the strip, 3 palestinian to being killed and 8 others injured. in the latest is really bumming and guns are residential department and natal. also 10 neighborhoods west of
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roughly in the south. the strip was talking to the survivors were taken to the q 8 hospital in rafa. it follows the us national security advisor holding a series of talks in israel on the war on cancer with, intensified and ground attacks coming across the strip in central draws that palestinians a morning at least 31 people who were killed in an overnight strike on a house in under that refugee camp, women and children were among the dead in interest. they were taken to l. x. hospital and follow which is struggling to cope at all a that's not something that i constantly hear. stories from survivors who were pulled from under the rubble. but this is the 1st time in my life. i came so close to death. my sister was lying next to me under the debris. she was crying. i was totally helpless. my grandmother, she's a very old lady, she's also deaf. she was asking me what was happening around her. she didn't understand. my house was full of my relatives. the entire neighborhood was leveled
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to the ground. let's say now from honey my mood, who has more from the scene of the attack and no visit i, that we are the side of this bond residential home from overnight to pack. and as you can see from the picture, not only the targeted residential form has been destroyed completely, but the surrounding building, just to say a great deal of devastation and damage to the point they are becoming uninhabitable . this particular residency house 5 display, its families evacuated old, away from the northern part of the gaza strip all the way throughout the city. and as is really military expand, it is military maneuver and operation and rough uh this particular family evacuated and was pushed into further enforce this place. been all the way to honda. and if it has not been on the site right, refugee camp in the central area seeking shelters, and protection from the unpredictable is really full in bonds,
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only to get killed here. 26 people out of the 30 people in this particular residency were killed as a result of the relentless error strikes on this particular residential building. the us national security advisor jake sullivan, has been holding meetings in his role about the country's bore and cause, including with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the focus has been on his rails operations regarding rafa, that's according to a statement from netanyahu's office to us present. j biden's as a war on tanza, has broken his and his families kautz. he was speaking at the graduation ceremony for students at atlanta is more house college, despite protests outside. it's all graduates and stuff that is administration was working around the clock on the issue. but there was any one long term solution to to come i'm working to make sure we finally get a 2 state solution. the only solution to appraisal interface
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is one of the hardest, most complicated problems in the world. there's nothing easy about it. i know what i heard and frustrates many of you, including my family. most of all, i know it breaks your heart, breaks might as well to mexico where security experts say criminal groups are looking to the presidential election next month as an opportunity to seize more power and influence violence in organized crime. and mexico will be big themes in sundays presidential debate. the main question is whether they next had a states for managed to cut violence in the country. russell reports now from mexico. cities in mexico is experiencing a search in vines protests against force, disappearance, violence against women, and a soaring homicide rate are taking place regularly. security experts are warning
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that the current election season now in full swing, is creating a perfect storm for even more violence was relief in music. one couldn't see the all forms of violence in mexico have increased their can. all of them are recently political, electro valleys has grown more. the next president does not have a new plan. they were and even more serious trouble than we are today. in just the last month, homicides in the country, averaged $85.00 per day, and a tax against candidates for elected office have been on the rise and the lead up to the 2024 election ended mexico. the vast majority of killings are never solved. many cases are never even investigated. i think we've come to normalize violence and it's no longer shocking to us, is it no longer affects us. it's gonna go on with our daily lives and we no longer stop to analyze it. it no longer causes a so much pain, but these levels of violence are very cruel, very high, and extremely serious. as the presidential elections mere how to bring the cycle of
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violence to an end is a central issue on the minds of voters. and on sunday, mexico's leading presidential candidates will be asked that very question. during the 3rd and final debate before voters had to the polls on june. second, though many are doubtful, the candidates will outline any concrete status or we can see the whole, cuz he said the whole debate. it's a spectacle. we're more focused on small details on facial expressions of what the candidates are wearing the ideas that letter. so the last thing i would say is that i would like to know if any presidential candidate has any idea how to reduce impunity and i get the impression that they do not security experts say the strategy to combat violence has been the same since 2006, with mexico declared a war on drugs. since then, the country has suffered nearly $400000.00 homicides with an average homicide rate
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4 times higher than the global average. the stakes are high for mexico's next president and the leading presidential candidates will be under extreme scrutiny to provide a roadmap to peace, or at least a plan that's different than the past 3 presidential administrations. when was it happened to al jazeera mexico city? the warranties in the ukrainians, the difficult keeps a russian selling is killed at least 11 people. $25.00 others were injured in 2 separate attacks on the northeastern region, on sunday, rushing forth as low as an offensive, and have been found to be on the crane. second largest city. and the last week, thousands of civilians have been evacuated from concave region. while ukraine has lost a series of long range drain strikes and damaging rushes, oil industry creating government sees drains is a vital weapon to disrupt the russian economy and military operations. it set the target to produce 1000000 unmanned aircraft this year from home. and as more from
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case a long range of training on monday, across, slamming into buildings in yellow. bu, good, tough. it's the country stuff is reported. striking to russia. $1300.00 columbus is from the buddha. low moraine strains have now become a vital part of ukraine's will machine, in particular, enabling it to attack russia's will infrastructure, trying to effect its energy sales and fuel for its on a set of keys. crowd fund or organization collects donations and turns them into weapons for the army, explains why they using low range drugs. we how know a lot of the styles that's, that's the trouble. and every time when we ask about some styles from german partners, so fragile, really show united states, so they need to waste the long time to discuss about everything. so that's why we can produce a long range ad roles. he's one of the above bed. you a, the,
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with the reach of a 1000 kilometers, it can fly up to 7 hours like of this, it's kind of cause a meant to crush into its target and not come back. like i said, such weapons, very tough to stop. says petro got a ukrainian manufacturer. what will work with those issues to it is difficult for the enemy to defend against such strikes for several reasons. quite important. reason is the large territory that the enemy has to protect. the defense is capable of covering such a large territory from a massive drone attack, and i think it will be tough for russia to save its economy from ukrainian drum strikes. sure to write instructions for use on the front lines. the rules are constantly evolving. this is the newest moto from guns company rex. it's never been filled by media before it can identify targets itself and then attack them. we've whichever of the 8 different types of munition that it's built to carry. it's hard
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to overestimate how important drones on now, in this rule for recognizance for strikes around the front lines and for a tax on each countries infrastructure and energy supplies. they've really become integrity to, despite the frames, to build a 1000000 drugs just this year. they've become so important the victory will perhaps just survival depends on john home and i'll just say to you cry the in the a 6 week long general election is entry is final stages for the 5th phase of 18 being held on monday among the regions going to the polls is live act, which she has a border with china and we've practiced on it st. most of protests cooling for statehood. indian government has not ground diseases developed into his genesis recovering the election from outside the country. if to send my grand foot as this
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report now of the human lee and region of le duck located some 3000 meters above sea level has been a buzz with the election rhetoric candidates from the governing b. g. p. opposition congress and an independent party had been trying to drum up support for the own from the region. it's the 1st election since the doc was separated from india and administered kashmir in 2019 the controversial move by prime minister. no ranger mode is government angered many. and how do you hunting for john is tapping into this discontent. and the muslim majority district of kind of getting to your left to enjoy it. i'm the girlfriend and people you're taking this election as a referendum. these elections will send a strong message to the governments that we strongly oppose what was done in 2019 and the people dock were not taken into consideration. and the region was converted into a union territory without any democracy or legislature. in the buddhist dominated
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district of lay the issue of statehood resonates with voters. the region initially celebrated the union territory status, but now is wary of losing its autonomy. the governing b. j. p says that it will address the issues about it manifesto maybe before point the agenda. good. i'll get, you know, a manifesto. we have a full point agend of the donkey democracy. we will resume dialogue off to the formation of the government and it will strive to achieve a constructive resolution that keeps the logic interests of life dock site. for months, local leaders and civil society mentors has been holding protests. they went to the docs inclusion under a special section of being didn't constitution that protects areas with tribal and indigenous populations. it's an effect in 4 states in the northeast of india. experts believe what's been happening in the region will have an impact that isn't protesting. let out, especially the state that was for sticks, you do and state that will definitely, you know,
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have an impact on election resistance. but typically the ruling party that for me is to succeed doing pull it up, not just once but twice. so that's why people are ending, you know, the dock is strategically important since the board is china and focused on the indian military maintains a strong presence in the region in 2020 a standoff between indian and chinese troops killed at least 24 soldiers the dock has long been divided onregional and religious lines. but now the selection seems to have united voters on their demands. if this i'm getting food algebra more than 70 people have been killed and another 150 missing in central afghanistan had been rain caused severe flight in goal and part of the provinces in the center of the country agency said people desperately need humanitarian assistance. i'll sweep more than 300 people were killed by floods in north enough kind of stuff. french
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forces have made some progress clearing barricades on the highway, making the capital of new caledonia to his main effort. at least 6 people being killed in hundreds injured. many a week of practice found like electoral reforms you called at the nearest uh, pacific island territory allies between australia and fiji. and it was colonized by the french in the mid 19th century level. has this report now, the often mass of a week of unrest and the french pacific territory of new caledonia on the ground in the capital, new media, hundreds of lead security forces and police officers deployed by the government in paris to restore order. they launched a major operation to re take control of a highway linking the city and the international airport. protests began on monday when m. p is in paris, voted to allow the french citizens who lived on the island for 10 years to vote
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in the local election. as you know, we see electronic probably something we uh, will be getting more non citizens onto the airport road suite. 2 between a number of people here and getting the candidates and that said critics will erode the voice of parties who've been fighting against french rule for decades. although several independence referendums held over the years, have failed to show significant support for a break. with paris, the indigenous cannot community believes the government, the latest proposal will dilute the voice of the island as they have looked at our court law. and they were supposed to be suspended or controlled so they just haven't taken it to the street. so since monday night, when we went to the last one or somebody to baptist and it seems i would go down without a pen and hit his brass with the police forces. under ro,
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of the territory has a population of about 280040 percent of whom are indigenous cannot. they say the proposed electro reform undermines, then we see that different states you forcing the only that we see that as a kind of requirement is ition of our people or the estimated cost of the damage runs into hundreds of millions of dollars. the trial of destruction includes towards public buildings, businesses and cause and looted shops. supplies of food and medicine are hard to come by. a state of emergency and overnight because you have been in place since friday and flights are suspended dozens of barricades put up along the 60 kilometers a stretch of road to the airport had been removed. but will sorry. the site's not open yet because the breeze still needs to be cleared, which is like you to take several days, mike level, which is 0. so now
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a recap of our top story. the latest developments out of iran and red crescent search and rescue teams are right across side of the helicopter. caring president. abraham, receive this for a minute so you can see the site right. very great. sway the child steep down the side of a mountain there. and the tailor still intact to look at those pictures. it's hard to see how anybody could have survived and be writing president. and for a minister who's saying i'm here at the end the government around he says as a by john, province and other officials. and for the gods, rome boards the helicopter, when it came down, but some 18 hours ago and more, they were traveling back from a trip to around the border with us by chance, with no great time with us measurements, president e m a. they have a still no official confirmation the at me while the country is waiting for news of a president re c, and they have been gathering for pres,
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supremely to the overall process. they will be no disruptions to how the country is run, the in full throated battle cry fight has charge out from the hidden positions. for the moment, however, their enemies imagined and their rifles on real venue recruits to the people's defense rules put through the paces in the baking heats. these are skills which will keep them alive before they can break for food. the pledge of allegiance, since the new conscription laws came into force, thousands of young men and women come down into the jungles to join the pro democracy forces and raw the fights against the military. john to join the ranks based forces. conscription makes resistance force stronger. now what accepts that road? so you, so now joining the people's defense forms instead of being constricted by the
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military. these volunteers, tang and sweat, then hardship to that belief in a democratic future. belief for which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives. hard hitch, i mean to be used as the i r c suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful. you hear the story on talk to how does era sectarianism is terry? it seems that unity within india is vibrant tapestry. as election for the sweeps, the nations to childhood friends find their relationship unraveling as that the 2
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opposing poles can the friendship survive the political divide in the world's largest democracy. india is fractured. witness languages, era. the rescue workers find the wreckage of the crush helicopter of around the president abraham lasix and his foreign minister. but don't find any sign of life. the other on the ground visits out. is there a light from dough ha, also coming up, right. see and is for administer, we're on the way to the city of companies in northern there on the border with us or by john oh,
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destination price for the president around. supremely the balance that will be new disruptions to help the countries will.


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