Dangerous Stunts on Naples' Seaside: A Call for Immediate Action

Dangerous Stunts on Naples' Seaside: A Call for Immediate Action

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Sunday 19 May 2024, 16:06
2 Minutes of Reading
They ride their motorcycles 'wheelieing' and have their friends film them to then post on social media. This happens on the Naples' seaside, reports Green Party deputy Francesco Emilio Borrelli, and it is 'a phenomenon that must be stopped immediately'. In the footage that has been sent to him 'you can see very young riders speeding and wheelieing, standing up on the scooter's seat while others around them film their stunts with mobile phones'. According to Borrelli, 'the challenges that are going viral on social media should be monitored by the Postal Police, who need to trace back to the protagonists, including those who film and encourage them, to identify and severely penalize them. Starting with the seizure of the vehicles and imposing monetary fines appropriate to the severity of their actions. In one of the videos sent, the scooter races and wheelies on the Seaside just a few meters away from where Elvira Zibra was run over and killed', the parliamentarian says. 'Where common sense, intelligence, and a sense of responsibility fail to reach, there must be the presence of the State which - he concludes - must intervene in an exemplary manner to prevent new deaths through territory control, web patrolling on challenges, and exemplary sanctions for the criminals'.
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