News Forum - 'ISIS Dry Run'? We Know How Two Jordanians <br/>Tried to Infiltrate a US Military Base <br/>in Virginia

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'ISIS Dry Run'? We Know How Two Jordanians
Tried to Infiltrate a US Military Base
in Virginia

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Posted By: ladydawgfan, 5/18/2024 1:41:21 PM

It looks like the incident at Quantico Marine Corps Base Quantico on May 3 might have been a test run for radical Islamic terrorists. Two individuals tried to infiltrate the base, driving a box truck. The pair attempted to enter the base by identifying as Amazon drivers. Security didn’t buy it, and without further valid identification, they were directed to a holding area for further vetting. The men tried avoiding the area and gaining access to the base before being apprehended. Both are Jordanian nationals, with one allegedly being on the terror watch list.


Thanks, Dementia Joe, you decrepit old phart!!!

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Italiano 5/18/2024 1:46:08 PM (No. 1720289)
Shoot them both.
15 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Northcross 5/18/2024 2:17:00 PM (No. 1720302)
I know. Let's invite about a million Palestinian newcomers. But don't vet them. That would be racist.
11 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: PostAway 5/18/2024 2:22:22 PM (No. 1720304)
If we were a serious country we would hang the two Jordanians after a quick trial. Next, we would execute those responsible for enacting and enforcing the illegal practice of allowing an invasion of our country. But we won’t and they will continue their dirty work unhindered and someday we will all pay for their treasonous dereliction of duty.
13 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 5/18/2024 2:27:03 PM (No. 1720306)
For those of you who have read Kurt Schlichter's book, "The Attack", you would conclude, absolutely yes, this is a dry run.
10 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Skinnydip 5/18/2024 2:42:11 PM (No. 1720317)
Deported? Throw them in the worst prison we have and let the inmates know what these two were up to. That would be justice.
7 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Birddog 5/18/2024 2:59:07 PM (No. 1720330)
Why use the term "Jordanian"? They are Palestinians...just ones recently residing in Jordan, rather than Israel, the west bank, Gaza, Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iran, Lebanon or any of the other places "Palestinians" claim as "Theirs". There is no mention/clarification about if they were actually employed by Amazon, or if they had a genuine delivery...and to whom. Or if they were there to Pick up/load something to carry away from the base...what was it? If they did have an Amazon contract....who hired them, where? When? How did they get from the Texas border to VA, have commercial drivers licenses, ID's and the truck rental/lease monies in a matter of mere months? If they didn't rent/lease/own the Truck...who provided it?
11 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: smokincol 5/18/2024 4:23:52 PM (No. 1720371)
this incident should never have gone public .... the infiltrators should have been taken to some remote area of Quantico and dispatched to meet their 34,000 virgins and sit with allah in his mansion in the hereafter this is war and anyone who is connected with it as an adversary is subject to immediate cessation of their very existence
5 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: red1066 5/18/2024 4:28:17 PM (No. 1720373)
A trial? Just shoot them. Or better yet, tie them to a couple of posts, and use them for target practice on the gun range.
3 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: mc squared 5/18/2024 5:56:44 PM (No. 1720415)
James Woods said he saw a dry run days before 9-11. These won't end until every damn illegal and many visa holders are expelled and dropped in the ocean. Other than that, I have no opinion.
3 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: DVC 5/18/2024 6:26:07 PM (No. 1720436)
Trees and ropes, readily available for use.
3 people like this.

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'ISIS Dry Run'? We Know How Two Jordanians
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Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2024 1:41:21 PM Post Reply
It looks like the incident at Quantico Marine Corps Base Quantico on May 3 might have been a test run for radical Islamic terrorists. Two individuals tried to infiltrate the base, driving a box truck. The pair attempted to enter the base by identifying as Amazon drivers. Security didn’t buy it, and without further valid identification, they were directed to a holding area for further vetting. The men tried avoiding the area and gaining access to the base before being apprehended. Both are Jordanian nationals, with one allegedly being on the terror watch list.
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