Sugar - Blogs & Forums
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This is an 8 episode series on AppleTV, starring Colin Farrell, Amy Ryan, and James Cromwell.  "Private detective John Sugar investigates the disappearance of Olivia Siegel, the beloved granddaughter of Hollywood producer Jonathan Siegel. As Sugar tries to determine what happened to Olivia, he unearths Siegel family secrets, old and new". Even though this takes place in present day, it has a film noir, forties vibe, Sugar has a love for forties cinema, with some scenes in black and white. I have only watched one episode so far, the performances and episodes have been well received. Im not sure what I think about this yet, but I'm willing to see more. 

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I've seen the whole series, and I won't give anything away, but just be prepared for one weird plot twist in the second to last episode.  Excellent performances and very stylish, and true to the noir heritage.

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Registered: ‎05-11-2010

I am watching this. It is very well done. I am a fan of Colin Farrel, I watch most everything he is in. 

I have to go back and watch Episode 6. I think I missed the end of that episode. 



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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

I finished it and am not interested in a season 2.

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Posts: 14,419
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

After the first episode I didn't know how I felt about the series. I watched the remaining 7 episodes all in one sitting today and was glad I stuck with it. It sure did take a twist that I thought was coming after seeing episode 6.