Arc Length Calculator - Free Online Calculator

Arc Length Calculator – Free Online Calculator

Last Updated : 16 May, 2024
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Arc Length Calculator: When you need to find out how long a curve is, especially in a circle, you’ll want to use an arc length Calculator. This GeeksforGeeks free online tool is essential for students, engineers, and anyone involved in fields like geometry and physics, where understanding the properties of curves is crucial. Whether you’re calculating the curve of a bridge or the circumference of a circle in your math class, this calculator simplifies the process. By inputting the radius of the circle and the angle of the arc, the calculator quickly gives you the length of the arc,

How does Arc Length Calculator Works

An arc is like a slice of that pizza. The arc length calculator takes two things into account:

  1. The size of the whole pizza (circle’s radius).
  2. The angle of the slice (how wide the slice is).

Using these two things, the calculator figures out how long the crust of the pizza slice is (the arc length).

What is an Arc Length Calculator?

An arc length calculator is a tool that helps you find the distance around a curved part of a circle, instead of the whole circle. Imagine a slice of pie – the crust is the arc, and the calculator can figure out how long that crust is!

Arc Length Calculator Formula

An Arc Length Calculator uses a specific formula to find out how long a curve is on a circle. This is especially useful in fields like geometry and physics. The length of the crust edge of that slice is the arc length. To find it, we use a formula that considers:

  • Radius (r): How far from the center the slice goes.
  • Central angle (θ): The size of the pie slice angle (like a number of degrees on a protractor).

There are two versions depending on how the angle is measured:

  • Degrees: Arc length = θ × (π / 180) × r (pi times theta in degrees divided by 180, all times the radius)
  • Radians: Arc length = θ × r (theta in radians times the radius)

Arc Length Calculator Table

Here’s a simple table to help you find the arc length for common angles when the radius is 1 unit:

Angle (degrees) Angle (radians) Arc Length
30° π/6 π/6
45° π/4 π/4
60° π/3 π/3
90° π/2 π/2
180° π π
270° 3π/2 3π/2

These values are based on a circle with a radius of 1 unit. If your circle has a different radius, you can multiply the arc lengths by the radius to get the actual arc length for your circle.

Arc Length Calculator Example

Example 1: Finding the Arc Length of a Circle

We have a circle with a radius of 5 units. We want to find the length of an arc that subtends a central angle of 60 degrees.

Using the Arc Length Calculator, we input the radius (5 units) and the central angle (60 degrees). The calculator tells us that the arc length is approximately 5.24 units.

Example 2: Calculating the Arc Length of a Sector

We have a sector of a circle with a radius of 8 inches and a central angle of 45 degrees.

To find the length of the arc corresponding to this sector, we enter the radius (8 inches) and the central angle (45 degrees) into the Arc Length Calculator. The result is approximately 5.03 inches.

Example 3: Determining Arc Length in Real Life

We’re planning to build a curved pathway in our garden. The radius of the desired curve is 10 feet, and we want the arc to cover an angle of 90 degrees.

Using the Arc Length Calculator, we input the radius (10 feet) and the central angle (90 degrees). The calculator tells us that the arc length will be about 15.71 feet. This helps us estimate the amount of material needed for the pathway.

Practical Question on Arc Length Calculator

1. How can I use the Arc Length Calculator to find the length of an arc on a circle?

2. If I have the radius and angle of a sector, can the Arc Length Calculator help me determine the length of the corresponding arc?

3. Can the Arc Length Calculator assist me in calculating the distance traveled along a curved path, such as a segment of a track or a bend in a road?


Using an Arc Length Calculator can help you quickly find the length of an arc without needing to do complicated math. It’s a handy tool for anyone working with circles or curved shapes. With the formula and table provided, you can easily calculate arc lengths for various scenarios. Whether you’re studying geometry or using it for real-world applications, the Arc Length Calculator simplifies the process and saves you time.

Arc Length Calculator – Free Online Calculator – FAQs

What is an Arc Length Calculator?

   An Arc Length Calculator is a tool that helps you find the length of an arc, which is a portion of the circumference of a circle. It’s useful when you need to measure curved lines or distances on circular objects.

How do I use an Arc Length Calculator?

   Using an Arc Length Calculator is simple! You just need to input the angle and radius of the circle, and the calculator will give you the length of the arc.

Why would I need an Arc Length Calculator?

   If you’re working with circular shapes or objects, knowing the length of an arc can be important for various tasks like construction, engineering, or even recreational activities like designing a race track.

Can I trust the accuracy of an Arc Length Calculator?

   Yes, most Arc Length Calculators are accurate. They use a well-established formula based on the angle and radius of the circle to calculate the arc length, so you can rely on the results.

Are there any limitations to an Arc Length Calculator?

   While Arc Length Calculators are great for finding the length of arcs in circles, they might not be suitable for other curved shapes. Additionally, they may have limitations when dealing with very large or very small angles or radii. Always double-check your inputs and results for accuracy.

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