The Eyes Have It: Understanding the impact of binge-watching on eye health - Times of India

The Eyes Have It: Understanding the impact of binge-watching on eye health

Binge-watching can harm eye health, leading to digital eye strain and myopia risks. Dr. Abhijeet Desai advises breaks, screen adjustments, and consulting an eye care professional for persistent symptoms.
The Eyes Have It: Understanding the impact of binge-watching on eye health

In our modern world of streaming services and on-demand entertainment, binge-watching has become a prevalent pastime for many. Yet, amidst the allure of binge-worthy shows and captivating storylines, it's essential to recognize the potential toll it can take on our eye health. The eyes, often referred to as windows to the soul, are delicate organs that require care and attention.
Here's a closer look at how binge-watching affects your eyes and what you can do to safeguard your vision.
1. Impact on eye health and potential diseases: Prolonged binge-watching sessions can lead to a variety of eye health issues. One common concern is digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome. Symptoms include dry eyes, blurred vision, headaches, and neck or shoulder pain. Furthermore, excessive screen time has been linked to an increased risk of developing conditions such as myopia (near-sightedness), astigmatism, and even retinal damage.
2. Effects on vision: Binge-watching often involves long periods of uninterrupted screen time, which can cause eye fatigue and strain. Staring at a screen for extended durations can lead to a decrease in blink rate, resulting in dry and irritated eyes. Additionally, focusing on a screen at proximity for hours can disrupt the natural ability of the eyes to adjust between near and far distances, potentially leading to vision problems over time.
3. Blue light can keep you from falling asleep: Blue light does affect the body’s circadian rhythm, our natural wake and sleep cycle. During the day, blue light wakes us up and stimulates us. But too much blue light exposure late at night from your phone, tablet or computer can make it harder to get to sleep.

How to minimize eye strain
To mitigate the negative effects of binge-watching on your eyes, it's important to take regular breaks and practice the
20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus your gaze on an object at least 20 feet away. Additionally, ensure proper lighting in your viewing environment to reduce glare and adjust the brightness and contrast settings on your screen to more comfortable levels.

Do’s and Don’ts while watching TV

Do position your screen at eye level and maintain a comfortable viewing distance (about arm's length away)
Do take frequent breaks to rest your eyes and stretch your body
Don't watch TV or use electronic devices in complete darkness; ambient lighting can help reduce eye strain
Limit screen time two to three hours before you go to bed.
Don't forget to blink regularly to keep your eyes moist and lubricated
Don't ignore any symptoms of eye discomfort or strain; if problems persist, consult an eye care professional for guidance
In conclusion, while binge-watching may offer temporary entertainment and escapism, it's crucial to prioritize the health of your eyes. By understanding the potential risks associated with excessive screen time and adopting healthy viewing habits, you can enjoy your favourite shows while safeguarding your vision for the future. After all, when it comes to eye health, prevention is always better than cure.
(Article Courtesy: Dr. Abhijeet Desai, Head Clinical – Services, Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital, Borivali - Mumbai)

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