The One Who Knocks Things Off Counters

Post11:14 PM - May 16#76

Punisher wrote:
5:54 PM - May 16
KAT Chuut-Ritt wrote:
5:30 AM - May 16
Punisher wrote:
9:17 PM - May 15
KAT Chuut-Ritt wrote:
6:20 PM - May 15
Punisher wrote:
6:03 PM - May 15
Dannytoro-01 wrote:
2:02 AM - May 15
Yeah, kill the Jews. The new Democrat policy. Normal.
Not really. You'll find very few democrats with that sentiment.
visit a liberal campus
How many of them are democrat and actually vote democrat?
Not sure but the KKK sure has a long history of doing that.
Not sure? Well it seems that the radical left doesn't have the same connection to the left as the radical right does with the right.

Might want to look into that =)
LOL try again and brodcast your findings from a college campus 

It will look something like this:

Post11:17 PM - May 16#77


Post11:38 PM - May 16#78

Punisher wrote:
11:34 PM - May 14
verrip1 wrote:
1:50 AM - May 13
A disgusting bucket full of assholes.
No more than the 'river to the sea' folks.
uh huh. 
Nuh uh.  



Post12:09 AM - May 17#79

Punisher wrote:
7:54 PM - May 16
KAT Chuut-Ritt wrote:
6:21 PM - May 15
Scorpio wrote:
6:06 PM - May 15
Dannytoro-01 wrote:
2:02 AM - May 15
Yeah, kill the Jews. The new Democrat policy. Normal.
Seems to me that there are foreign influences that want to turn both radicals against the jews.  Israel's safest bet for support these days is the political middle.  You've got the radical HAMAS lovers on the left and Putin's influence with Neo Nazi's on the right... Israel is a thorn in his side for a number of reasons and an adversary to Russia.

So I'm in no rush to "forsake" Israel.  The US was making a lot of good mainstream progress on Israel and arab states like Saudi Arabia etc...  For decades that alliance of strange bedfellows has been a thorn it the side of Iran (and Russia) ...  So they have retaliated with their own strange bedfellow approach .... HAMAS and the radical left ...  the adversaries of the US are now keen enough to use radical left and right groups in the US against our country.

While not a member of HAMAS or connected directly to Iran Omar is a prototype of the way they have gone about influencing the left in the US ... 

She has been around for a while. I see her as playing the  "the foot in the door" role ... she's been sorta quite lately after the HAMAS attack but has slowly reemerged with some choice comments she might be censured for via Congress ... lol ...

Ilhan Omar’s 'pro-genocide' Jews remark sparks House censure effort

The right leaning  NAZI's have been replaced by a left wing deal that's even stranger than they were ...  I mean muslims are Fundamentally conservatives.  But conservatives in America are historically CHRISTIANS.  Hence the paradox plays into the breach.  
The Nazis (National Socialists) considered themselves to be "progressive"
The Nazis considered themselves the enemy of the left. 
It's complex ...  

The Nazi's grew initially from the left but in modern times has little of that leftover ...  the slow shift started in the 1930's ...

"Large segments of the Nazi Party, particularly among the members of the Sturmabteilung (SA), were committed to the party's official socialist, revolutionary and anti-capitalist positions and expected both a social and an economic revolution when the party gained power in 1933.[57] In the period immediately before the Nazi seizure of power, there were even Social Democrats and Communists who switched sides and became known as "Beefsteak Nazis": brown on the outside and red inside.[58] The leader of the SA, Ernst Röhm, pushed for a "second revolution" (the "first revolution" being the Nazis' seizure of power) that would enact socialist policies. Furthermore, Röhm desired that the SA absorb the much smaller German Army into its ranks under his leadership.[57] Once the Nazis achieved power, Röhm's SA was directed by Hitler to violently suppress the parties of the left, but they also began attacks against individuals deemed to be associated with conservative reaction.[59] Hitler saw Röhm's independent actions as violating and possibly threatening his leadership, as well as jeopardising the regime by alienating the conservative President Paul von Hindenburg and the conservative-oriented German Army.[60] This resulted in Hitler purging Röhm and other radical members of the SA in 1934, in what came to be known as the Night of the Long Knives.[60]

Before he joined the Bavarian Army to fight in World War I, Hitler had lived a bohemian lifestyle as a petty street watercolour artist in Vienna and Munich and he maintained elements of this lifestyle later on, going to bed very late and rising in the afternoon, even after he became Chancellor and then Führer.[61] After the war, his battalion was absorbed by the Bavarian Soviet Republic from 1918 to 1919, where he was elected Deputy Battalion Representative. According to historian Thomas Weber, Hitler attended the funeral of communist Kurt Eisner (a German Jew), wearing a black mourning armband on one arm and a red communist armband on the other,[62] which he took as evidence that Hitler's political beliefs had not yet solidified.[62] In Mein Kampf, Hitler never mentioned any service with the Bavarian Soviet Republic and he stated that he became an anti-Semite in 1913 during his years in Vienna. This statement has been disputed by the contention that he was not an antisemite at that time,[63] even though it is well established that he read many antisemitic tracts and journals during that time and admired Karl Lueger, the anti-Semitic mayor of Vienna.[64] Hitler altered his political views in response to the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in June 1919 and it was then that he became an anti-Semitic, German nationalist.[63]

Hitler expressed opposition to capitalism, regarding it as having Jewish origins and accusing capitalism of holding nations ransom to the interests of a parasitic cosmopolitan rentier class.[65] He also expressed opposition to communism and egalitarian forms of socialism, arguing that inequality and hierarchy are beneficial to the nation.[66] He believed that communism was invented by the Jews to weaken nations by promoting class struggle.[67] After his rise to power, Hitler took a pragmatic position on economics, accepting private property and allowing capitalist private enterprises to exist so long as they adhered to the goals of the Nazi state, but not tolerating enterprises that he saw as being opposed to the national interest.[51]  (wik)

Once that happened Germany pushed the socialist message in Nazism farther and farther down the ladder with each year and expressed and boosted racism, militarism,  and nationalism.  He still used the socialist pseudo message decoratively but in reality the message was really anti socialist in the extreme ...

"As early as March 1933, two months after Hitler was appointed Chancellor, the Sturmabteilung began to attack trade union offices without legal consequences. Several union offices were occupied, their furnishings were destroyed, their documents were stolen or burned, and union members were beaten and in some cases killed; the police ignored these attacks and declared itself without jurisdiction.[2] These early attacks occurred at random, carried out spontaneously by rank-and-file Nazis motivated by a desire to destroy Marxism,[3] and the Nazi Party leadership only implemented a general policy in May. On 2 May, 1933, trade union headquarters throughout Germany were occupied, their funds were confiscated, and the unions were officially abolished and their leaders arrested.[4] Many union leaders were beaten and sent to concentration camps, including some who had previously agreed to cooperate with the Nazis.[4]"  (WIKPEDIA)

Now more than half a century  NEO Nazi tends to be more aligned with the right  than the left in America because Liberalism lead the charge on Civil Rights in the 1960' and only until just recently (with this Palestinian invasion of their ranks), have turned a over a new "flavor" ...  attracted by the left's "diversity" credo I think many arab types see more opportunity for their style of racism there (since they are not considered "white") as long as the targets aren't black or Hispanic.

Now things are a genuine mess.  Seriously.

Messy messy ....


Post12:36 AM - May 17#80

noem dog 666.jpg (90.38KiB)


Post1:55 AM - May 17#81

Nah. Neo-Nazis glomb onto anything they get horny over. Lately that is the Jew hating left. Groups are not set in stone as your post explains.

Just like the Neo-cons getting the boot out of the GOP.


Post7:14 AM - May 17#82

Dannytoro-01 wrote:
1:55 AM - May 17
Nah. Neo-Nazis glomb onto anything they get horny over. Lately that is the Jew hating left. Groups are not set in stone as your post explains.

Just like the Neo-cons getting the boot out of the GOP.
Lately?  Jew Hating is an old mantra really for Nazi's.  Todays NEO Nazi's focus more on a wider range targets.   Also as genetics became more accurate and accessible it became clear that Ashkenazi Jew were more German than any the ethnicity in Germany other than Germans themselves. 

The Palestinian hate for Jews isn't based on race but religion and the post WWII placement and resurrection of the Jewish state by European Powers following the holocaust.  And somewhat due to jealousy since the Palestinians achieved hardly anything for all the centuries they lived there other than get conquered and dominated century after century.  The infusion of  Ashkenazi and other Europeanized Jews brought a huge amount of change and innovation into the area including Dry Farming (such as its called)

"History of Desert Agriculture in Israel

"Israeli company Netafim invented modern drip irrigation technology in the 1960's. This allowed the precious and scarce water resources of the desert to be used at extreme limits to grow crops."

I sorta miss the NEOCONS ...  I'll take then over the MAGA's by a longshot.  But you are right as to what happened to them.  


Post12:19 PM - May 17#83

Scorpio wrote:
7:14 AM - May 17
Dannytoro-01 wrote:
1:55 AM - May 17
Nah. Neo-Nazis glomb onto anything they get horny over. Lately that is the Jew hating left. Groups are not set in stone as your post explains.

Just like the Neo-cons getting the boot out of the GOP.
Lately?  Jew Hating is an old mantra really for Nazi's.  Todays NEO Nazi's focus more on a wider range targets.   Also as genetics became more accurate and accessible it became clear that Ashkenazi Jew were more German than any the ethnicity in Germany other than Germans themselves. 

The Palestinian hate for Jews isn't based on race but religion and the post WWII placement and resurrection of the Jewish state by European Powers following the holocaust.  And somewhat due to jealousy since the Palestinians achieved hardly anything for all the centuries they lived there other than get conquered and dominated century after century.  The infusion of  Ashkenazi and other Europeanized Jews brought a huge amount of change and innovation into the area including Dry Farming (such as its called)

"History of Desert Agriculture in Israel

"Israeli company Netafim invented modern drip irrigation technology in the 1960's. This allowed the precious and scarce water resources of the desert to be used at extreme limits to grow crops."

I sorta miss the NEOCONS ...  I'll take then over the MAGA's by a longshot.  But you are right as to what happened to them.  
An act of survival. Neo-Nazis today cast a wider net to catch more dumb arse retards in their recruiting efforts.

It is disingenuous and dishonest to say they are part of the GOP. Much less that they are invited. Like how Nick Fuentes was shunned.


Post4:51 PM - May 17#84

Dannytoro-01 wrote:
12:19 PM - May 17
Scorpio wrote:
7:14 AM - May 17
Dannytoro-01 wrote:
1:55 AM - May 17
Nah. Neo-Nazis glomb onto anything they get horny over. Lately that is the Jew hating left. Groups are not set in stone as your post explains.

Just like the Neo-cons getting the boot out of the GOP.
Lately?  Jew Hating is an old mantra really for Nazi's.  Todays NEO Nazi's focus more on a wider range targets.   Also as genetics became more accurate and accessible it became clear that Ashkenazi Jew were more German than any the ethnicity in Germany other than Germans themselves. 

The Palestinian hate for Jews isn't based on race but religion and the post WWII placement and resurrection of the Jewish state by European Powers following the holocaust.  And somewhat due to jealousy since the Palestinians achieved hardly anything for all the centuries they lived there other than get conquered and dominated century after century.  The infusion of  Ashkenazi and other Europeanized Jews brought a huge amount of change and innovation into the area including Dry Farming (such as its called)

"History of Desert Agriculture in Israel

"Israeli company Netafim invented modern drip irrigation technology in the 1960's. This allowed the precious and scarce water resources of the desert to be used at extreme limits to grow crops."

I sorta miss the NEOCONS ...  I'll take then over the MAGA's by a longshot.  But you are right as to what happened to them.  
An act of survival. Neo-Nazis today cast a wider net to catch more dumb arse retards in their recruiting efforts.

It is disingenuous and dishonest to say they are part of the GOP. Much less that they are invited. Like how Nick Fuentes was shunned.
No more disingenuous and dishonest to say that flies are attracted to shit.  The GOP has changed.  There are still good people there but they have been overwhelmed for now.  It may change again still ...   but it is what it is.

Godless Pagan Freak

Post7:31 PM - May 17#85

verrip1 wrote:
11:38 PM - May 16
Punisher wrote:
11:34 PM - May 14
verrip1 wrote:
1:50 AM - May 13
A disgusting bucket full of assholes.
No more than the 'river to the sea' folks.
uh huh. 
Nuh uh.  

That was an agreement uh huh. 

Word up. 

Post7:34 PM - May 17#86

KAT Chuut-Ritt wrote:
11:14 PM - May 16
Punisher wrote:
5:54 PM - May 16
KAT Chuut-Ritt wrote:
5:30 AM - May 16
Punisher wrote:
9:17 PM - May 15
KAT Chuut-Ritt wrote:
6:20 PM - May 15
Punisher wrote:
6:03 PM - May 15
Dannytoro-01 wrote:
2:02 AM - May 15
Yeah, kill the Jews. The new Democrat policy. Normal.
Not really. You'll find very few democrats with that sentiment.
visit a liberal campus
How many of them are democrat and actually vote democrat?
Not sure but the KKK sure has a long history of doing that.
Not sure? Well it seems that the radical left doesn't have the same connection to the left as the radical right does with the right.

Might want to look into that =)
LOL try again and brodcast your findings from a college campus 

It will look something like this:

How about you argue based on reality and not memes =)

Post7:35 PM - May 17#87

It's complex ...  
It is complex, but, ultimately when you sort it all out, the Nazis were a extremist right-wing ideology and considered their ideological enemies to be predominantly on the left. Of course, anyone who didn't toe the Nazi line were also enemies. 

The One Who Knocks Things Off Counters

Post7:48 PM - May 17#88

Scorpio wrote:
12:09 AM - May 17
Now more than half a century  NEO Nazi tends to be more aligned with the right  than the left in America because
I don't think so...anti-fa is probably even more neo-Nazi  than most

Post7:49 PM - May 17#89

Dannytoro-01 wrote:
1:55 AM - May 17
Nah. Neo-Nazis glomb onto anything they get horny over. Lately that is the Jew hating left. Groups are not set in stone as your post explains.

Just like the Neo-cons getting the boot out of the GOP.
The GOP is currently the MAGA RINO Isoloationist (as in  nazi sympathizer America First movement Charles Lindbegh) party.
trump_rhino__rino__by_rogue5_dcfdzq2-fullview.jpg (220.37KiB)


Post8:45 PM - May 17#90

Scorpio wrote:
4:51 PM - May 17
Dannytoro-01 wrote:
12:19 PM - May 17
Scorpio wrote:
7:14 AM - May 17
Dannytoro-01 wrote:
1:55 AM - May 17
Nah. Neo-Nazis glomb onto anything they get horny over. Lately that is the Jew hating left. Groups are not set in stone as your post explains.

Just like the Neo-cons getting the boot out of the GOP.
Lately?  Jew Hating is an old mantra really for Nazi's.  Todays NEO Nazi's focus more on a wider range targets.   Also as genetics became more accurate and accessible it became clear that Ashkenazi Jew were more German than any the ethnicity in Germany other than Germans themselves. 

The Palestinian hate for Jews isn't based on race but religion and the post WWII placement and resurrection of the Jewish state by European Powers following the holocaust.  And somewhat due to jealousy since the Palestinians achieved hardly anything for all the centuries they lived there other than get conquered and dominated century after century.  The infusion of  Ashkenazi and other Europeanized Jews brought a huge amount of change and innovation into the area including Dry Farming (such as its called)

"History of Desert Agriculture in Israel

"Israeli company Netafim invented modern drip irrigation technology in the 1960's. This allowed the precious and scarce water resources of the desert to be used at extreme limits to grow crops."

I sorta miss the NEOCONS ...  I'll take then over the MAGA's by a longshot.  But you are right as to what happened to them.  
An act of survival. Neo-Nazis today cast a wider net to catch more dumb arse retards in their recruiting efforts.

It is disingenuous and dishonest to say they are part of the GOP. Much less that they are invited. Like how Nick Fuentes was shunned.
No more disingenuous and dishonest to say that flies are attracted to shit.  The GOP has changed.  There are still good people there but they have been overwhelmed for now.  It may change again still ...   but it is what it is.
In reaction to the mostly progressive pukes who leads the democrats around by the nose. Politics is nothing but dynamic. Why in the past I supported now extinct Blue Dog Democrats.

Godless Pagan Freak

Post12:38 AM - May 18#91

KAT Chuut-Ritt wrote:
7:48 PM - May 17
Scorpio wrote:
12:09 AM - May 17
Now more than half a century  NEO Nazi tends to be more aligned with the right  than the left in America because
I don't think so...anti-fa is probably even more neo-Nazi  than most
You hear much about antifa now a days?

Most analysis of Antifa (which is rather disorganized and disjointed) doesn't classify them as a significant risk of domestic terror. Neo-nazi groups are a different story. 


Post1:18 AM - May 18#92

Nah...The problem with Antifa is a follow the money exercise. The very same asshats who gave us George Flyod and soft on crime politicians also fund Hamas and Black Lives getting McMansions.


Post1:50 PM - May 18#93

Punisher wrote:
7:31 PM - May 17
verrip1 wrote:
11:38 PM - May 16
Punisher wrote:
11:34 PM - May 14
verrip1 wrote:
1:50 AM - May 13
A disgusting bucket full of assholes.
No more than the 'river to the sea' folks.
uh huh. 
Nuh uh.  

That was an agreement uh huh. 

Word up. 
Nuh uh, redux.

Godless Pagan Freak

Post5:43 PM - May 18#94

verrip1 wrote:
1:50 PM - May 18
Punisher wrote:
7:31 PM - May 17
verrip1 wrote:
11:38 PM - May 16
Punisher wrote:
11:34 PM - May 14
verrip1 wrote:
1:50 AM - May 13
A disgusting bucket full of assholes.
No more than the 'river to the sea' folks.
uh huh. 
Nuh uh.  

That was an agreement uh huh. 

Word up. 
Nuh uh, redux.

The One Who Knocks Things Off Counters

Post5:52 PM - May 18#95

Punisher wrote:
5:43 PM - May 18
verrip1 wrote:
1:50 PM - May 18
Punisher wrote:
7:31 PM - May 17
verrip1 wrote:
11:38 PM - May 16
Punisher wrote:
11:34 PM - May 14
verrip1 wrote:
1:50 AM - May 13
A disgusting bucket full of assholes.
No more than the 'river to the sea' folks.
uh huh. 
Nuh uh.  

That was an agreement uh huh. 

Word up. 
Nuh uh, redux.
Because it is being run by leftist more than ever, not the most original lot.  The best they can do is make snow white's dwarves normal sized drag queens these days.  Remaking classics and making them not only worse but ridiculous is their forte.

Godless Pagan Freak

Post6:12 PM - May 18#96

KAT Chuut-Ritt wrote:
5:52 PM - May 18
Punisher wrote:
5:43 PM - May 18
verrip1 wrote:
1:50 PM - May 18
Punisher wrote:
7:31 PM - May 17
verrip1 wrote:
11:38 PM - May 16
Punisher wrote:
11:34 PM - May 14
verrip1 wrote:
1:50 AM - May 13
A disgusting bucket full of assholes.
No more than the 'river to the sea' folks.
uh huh. 
Nuh uh.  

That was an agreement uh huh. 

Word up. 
Nuh uh, redux.
Because it is being run by leftist more than ever, not the most original lot.  The best they can do is make snow white's dwarves normal sized drag queens these days.  Remaking classics and making them not only worse but ridiculous is their forte.
Write a basic paragraph movie synopsis. Any genre, new or remake.

I'm curious what you'd come up with.

The One Who Knocks Things Off Counters

Post7:56 PM - May 18#97

basic paragraph movie synopsis
Not sure exactly what you mean but I'll try...

Forest Gump:  A film celebrating stupidity and luck.  Gets what he wants in the end to get used by a goldigger after she sleeps with everyone else

Star Wars original trilogy:  Hints of incest and patricide, frozen chocolate bar with a big fat worm, furry midgets unexpectly save the day

12 Angry Men  Fantastic jury room drama but no nominations for best lead actress  could be related aspects

Casablanca:  Fighting nazis more important than having a married man's sloppy seconds.

Saving Private Ryan:  Pentagaon bad at math sacrificing an entire squad for one guy

Jaws:  Fishing trip gone mostly awry, taxidermist disappointed

LOTR Trilogy: 500 year old deformed and smelly midget saves the world by taking a hot bath

Titanic:  She will want to eat part of your ordered dinner but damned if she will share a piece of wood.

Shrek:  Guy meets real woman and falls in love despite the misleading Profile picture on the dating app, best friend is a total ass.

Batman: the guy with the coolest toys wins

Nightmare on Elm Street:  Kids learn to believe in their dreams after being advised by blue collar worker with a skin condition

Home Alone 2:  Fantasy film featuring Donald Trump breifly not being an ass for once.

The Bridge on the River Kwai: Despite initially good intentions Eirini loses focus and hurts his cause

Ben Hur:  Team White beats Team Black and surprisingly no woke outrage

The Sound of Music:  Demostrates that the Jews could have all escaped the Nazis and the holocaust been avoided if only they had been more musically talented

Patton:  Woke outrage removes America's best military field general thus prolonging the war and getting more people killed

The French Connection:  Keep out of Chicago as drugs money has made getting on the road hazardous

Amadeus:  Religious guy gets revenge on young asshat, but it doesn't provide satisfaction in the end

Platoon:  Raising your hands to God allows you to take so many more bullets.

Dances with Wolves:  Most union soldiers were also racist assholes

Unforgiven:  Don't mess with a mean drunk

Schlinder's list:  Capitalism saves thousands of Jews during holocaust

Braveheart:  Man unfaithful to the memory of his wife seeks comfort in the arms of another woman and destroys the current English Dyansty.

Gran Tornino:  Brutally honest hardworking man with no filters doesn't hold back and brings down bad guys saving community after being accepted for his no woke mannerisms by people who could think to get past that to the benefit of all

Rocky:  White Italian American lets black Guy beat the hell out of him for big paycheck, 

Rocky II:  White Italian American beats up same black guy without claiming "this is MAGA Country".  Will likely soon be a remake replacing the now deceased Carl Weather with Jussie Smollet and that previous oversight will be corrected.

How do those work for you?


Post8:19 PM - May 18#98

Punisher wrote:
5:43 PM - May 18
verrip1 wrote:
1:50 PM - May 18
Punisher wrote:
7:31 PM - May 17
verrip1 wrote:
11:38 PM - May 16
Punisher wrote:
11:34 PM - May 14
verrip1 wrote:
1:50 AM - May 13
A disgusting bucket full of assholes.
No more than the 'river to the sea' folks.
uh huh. 
Nuh uh.  

That was an agreement uh huh. 

Word up. 
Nuh uh, redux.
I say that often. They can not even replicate the string of well wrote teen movies of the 1980's.


Post9:01 PM - May 18#99

KAT Chuut-Ritt wrote:
7:56 PM - May 18
basic paragraph movie synopsis
Not sure exactly what you mean but I'll try...

Forest Gump:  A film celebrating stupidity and luck.  Gets what he wants in the end to get used by a goldigger after she sleeps with everyone else

Star Wars original trilogy:  Hints of incest and patricide, frozen chocolate bar with a big fat worm, furry midgets unexpectly save the day

12 Angry Men  Fantastic jury room drama but no nominations for best lead actress  could be related aspects

Casablanca:  Fighting nazis more important than having a married man's sloppy seconds.

Saving Private Ryan:  Pentagaon bad at math sacrificing an entire squad for one guy

Jaws:  Fishing trip gone mostly awry, taxidermist disappointed

LOTR Trilogy: 500 year old deformed and smelly midget saves the world by taking a hot bath

Titanic:  She will want to eat part of your ordered dinner but damned if she will share a piece of wood.

Shrek:  Guy meets real woman and falls in love despite the misleading Profile picture on the dating app, best friend is a total ass.

Batman: the guy with the coolest toys wins

Nightmare on Elm Street:  Kids learn to believe in their dreams after being advised by blue collar worker with a skin condition

Home Alone 2:  Fantasy film featuring Donald Trump breifly not being an ass for once.

The Bridge on the River Kwai: Despite initially good intentions Eirini loses focus and hurts his cause

Ben Hur:  Team White beats Team Black and surprisingly no woke outrage

The Sound of Music:  Demostrates that the Jews could have all escaped the Nazis and the holocaust been avoided if only they had been more musically talented

Patton:  Woke outrage removes America's best military field general thus prolonging the war and getting more people killed

The French Connection:  Keep out of Chicago as drugs money has made getting on the road hazardous

Amadeus:  Religious guy gets revenge on young asshat, but it doesn't provide satisfaction in the end

Platoon:  Raising your hands to God allows you to take so many more bullets.

Dances with Wolves:  Most union soldiers were also racist assholes

Unforgiven:  Don't mess with a mean drunk

Schlinder's list:  Capitalism saves thousands of Jews during holocaust

Braveheart:  Man unfaithful to the memory of his wife seeks comfort in the arms of another woman and destroys the current English Dyansty.

Gran Tornino:  Brutally honest hardworking man with no filters doesn't hold back and brings down bad guys saving community after being accepted for his no woke mannerisms by people who could think to get past that to the benefit of all

Rocky:  White Italian American lets black Guy beat the hell out of him for big paycheck, 

Rocky II:  White Italian American beats up same black guy without claiming "this is MAGA Country".  Will likely soon be a remake replacing the now deceased Carl Weather with Jussie Smollet and that previous oversight will be corrected.

How do those work for you?
Very amusing!  😃

Godless Pagan Freak

Post11:14 PM - May 18#100

KAT Chuut-Ritt wrote:
7:56 PM - May 18
basic paragraph movie synopsis
Not sure exactly what you mean but I'll try...

Forest Gump:  A film celebrating stupidity and luck.  Gets what he wants in the end to get used by a goldigger after she sleeps with everyone else

Star Wars original trilogy:  Hints of incest and patricide, frozen chocolate bar with a big fat worm, furry midgets unexpectly save the day

12 Angry Men  Fantastic jury room drama but no nominations for best lead actress  could be related aspects

Casablanca:  Fighting nazis more important than having a married man's sloppy seconds.

Saving Private Ryan:  Pentagaon bad at math sacrificing an entire squad for one guy

Jaws:  Fishing trip gone mostly awry, taxidermist disappointed

LOTR Trilogy: 500 year old deformed and smelly midget saves the world by taking a hot bath

Titanic:  She will want to eat part of your ordered dinner but damned if she will share a piece of wood.

Shrek:  Guy meets real woman and falls in love despite the misleading Profile picture on the dating app, best friend is a total ass.

Batman: the guy with the coolest toys wins

Nightmare on Elm Street:  Kids learn to believe in their dreams after being advised by blue collar worker with a skin condition

Home Alone 2:  Fantasy film featuring Donald Trump breifly not being an ass for once.

The Bridge on the River Kwai: Despite initially good intentions Eirini loses focus and hurts his cause

Ben Hur:  Team White beats Team Black and surprisingly no woke outrage

The Sound of Music:  Demostrates that the Jews could have all escaped the Nazis and the holocaust been avoided if only they had been more musically talented

Patton:  Woke outrage removes America's best military field general thus prolonging the war and getting more people killed

The French Connection:  Keep out of Chicago as drugs money has made getting on the road hazardous

Amadeus:  Religious guy gets revenge on young asshat, but it doesn't provide satisfaction in the end

Platoon:  Raising your hands to God allows you to take so many more bullets.

Dances with Wolves:  Most union soldiers were also racist assholes

Unforgiven:  Don't mess with a mean drunk

Schlinder's list:  Capitalism saves thousands of Jews during holocaust

Braveheart:  Man unfaithful to the memory of his wife seeks comfort in the arms of another woman and destroys the current English Dyansty.

Gran Tornino:  Brutally honest hardworking man with no filters doesn't hold back and brings down bad guys saving community after being accepted for his no woke mannerisms by people who could think to get past that to the benefit of all

Rocky:  White Italian American lets black Guy beat the hell out of him for big paycheck, 

Rocky II:  White Italian American beats up same black guy without claiming "this is MAGA Country".  Will likely soon be a remake replacing the now deceased Carl Weather with Jussie Smollet and that previous oversight will be corrected.

How do those work for you?
They work great! Thanks for playing along =)

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