Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds Converter - Free Online Calculator

Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds Converter – Free Online Calculator

Last Updated : 16 May, 2024
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Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds Converter: An inch is a unit of length measurement in the imperial system, commonly abbreviated as “in”. A pound is a unit of weight measurement, abbreviated as “lb”. In the context of torque. A foot is a unit of length measurement in the imperial system, abbreviated as “ft”. This GeeksforGeeks free online Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds Converter is a tool for anyone needing to convert torque measurements from inch-pounds to foot-pounds, which are common units used in engineering and mechanical tasks.

Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds Converter

Converting inch-pounds to foot-pounds manually involves a simple mathematical process:

  • Determine the conversion factor: 1 foot-pound = 12 inch-pounds.
  • Divide the number of inch-pounds by 12 to obtain the equivalent torque in foot-pounds.
  • For example, to convert 36 inch-pounds to foot-pounds: 36 in-lb ÷ 12 = 3 ft-lb.

What is an Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds Converter?

An Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds Converter serves as a practical guide for individuals seeking to convert torque measurements between these two units. Whether you’re a mechanic, engineer, or hobbyist, this converter simplifies the process, allowing for quick and accurate torque calculations.

Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds Converter Table

Below is a conversion table illustrating various conversions from inch-pounds to foot-pounds:

Inch-Pounds Foot-Pounds
12 1
24 2
36 3
48 4
60 5
72 6
84 7
96 8
108 9
120 10
132 11
144 12
156 13
168 14
180 15

Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds Converter Examples

Convert 30 inch-pounds to foot-pounds:

30 in-lb ÷ 12 = 2.5 ft-lb

Convert 45 inch-pounds to foot-pounds:

45 in-lb ÷ 12 = 3.75 ft-lb

Convert 55 inch-pounds to foot-pounds:

55 in-lb ÷ 12 = 4.583 ft-lb

3 Practice Questions on Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds Converter

1. How many foot-pounds are equivalent to 20 inch-pounds?

2. Convert 75 inch-pounds to foot-pounds.

3. If a torque wrench is set to 48 inch-pounds, what is the equivalent torque in foot-pounds?


The Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds Converter serves as a valuable tool, simplifying torque calculations and facilitating precision in various torque-related tasks. To convert Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds manually, divide the number of inch-pounds by 12, as one foot-pound is equivalent to 12 inch-pounds. Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds conversion is the process of converting torque measurements from inch-pounds (in-lb) to foot-pounds (ft-lb), which are commonly used in mechanical engineering and automotive applications.

Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds Converter – Free Online Calculator – FAQs

What is Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds conversion?

Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds conversion is the process of converting torque measurements from inch-pounds (in-lb) to foot-pounds (ft-lb), which are commonly used in mechanical engineering and automotive applications.

How do you convert Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds manually?

To convert Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds manually, divide the number of inch-pounds by 12, as one foot-pound is equivalent to 12 inch-pounds.

Why is Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds conversion important in engineering?

Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds conversion is crucial in engineering for accurately measuring and specifying torque, which is essential for ensuring proper functioning and safety in machinery and mechanical systems.

Is there a specific formula for Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds conversion?

Yes, the formula for Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds conversion is:


Can Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds conversion be done using specialized tools?

Yes, various torque wrenches and torque measurement devices are calibrated to directly display torque in foot-pounds, eliminating the need for manual conversion.

How does accurate Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds conversion benefit automotive maintenance?

Accurate Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds conversion ensures precise tightening of bolts, nuts, and other fasteners in automotive maintenance, reducing the risk of under or over-tightening, which can lead to mechanical failures.

Are there online Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds converters available?

Yes, there are numerous online tools and mobile applications available that facilitate quick and accurate Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds conversion for professionals and enthusiasts alike.

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