Few modern-day actors are as enigmatic as Joaquin Phoenix, who once elevated the concept of a "tortured artist" to new heights by starring in a mockumentary about retiring from his acting career. Long before that, Phoenix had already shown no interest in playing by Hollywood's rules, resulting in outrageous behavior, some atypical acting choices, and a unique, one-of-a-kind filmography.

Critics have lamented Joaquin Phoenix's attitude in the past, but the one thing they've never been able to deny is that the man gives everything he has to each role. As such, he's one of cinema's last remaining true performative artists and absolutely one of the industry's most consistently improving stars. Simply put, Joaquin Phoenix keeps getting better with age, adding to his long list of impressive projects.

10 To Die For Showcases a Young Joaquin Phoenix

Character: Jimmy Emmett

Written by:

Buck Henry

Directed by:

Gus Van Sant

Year Released:


IMDb Rating:


At just 19 years old, Joaquin Pheonix shared the screen (and held his own) opposite Nicole Kidman in Gus Van Sant's To Die For. The film tells the story of a small-town TV weather reporter named Suzanne who dreams of accomplishing something bigger and is ruthless in her pursuit of those goals. Fitting into her plans is Phoenix's bad-boy teenager, Jimmy, a kid with a ratty mullet who is ready to go to extreme lengths to prove his devotion to this older woman.

Phoenix's performance alternates between restrained and soulful. He sincerely conveys just how infatuated Jimmy is with Suzanne, even as he slowly realizes how badly she's manipulating him. A dark comedy that was ahead of its time, To Die For's satirical take on the cult of personality media creates in the pursuit of celebrity is more prescient today than it ever was. Compared to modern-day society's social-media-obsessed world, this film seems almost tame by comparison. Almost.

9 I'm Still Here Is Essential Joaquin Phoenix Viewing

Character: Himself

Joaquin Phoenix shaded and dishevelled playing himself in I'm Still Here

Written by:

Joaquin Phoenix and Casey Affleck

Directed by:

Casey Affleck

Year Released:


IMDb Rating:


10 Best Mockumentary Movies in Different Genres, Ranked

The Blair Witch Project is a horror pioneer while Drop Dead Gorgeous is an influential comedy. The best mockumentaries revolutionize their genre.

No one will argue that Casey Affleck's mockumentary I'm Still Here is a fantastic film. That being said, when comprising a list of Joaquin Phoenix's most essential and best performances, it's impossible not to mention this infamous cinematic experiment, a mockumentary in which he nearly sabotaged his entire career by chronicling his "retirement" from acting. What started on The Late Show With David Letterman blurred the lines between reality and fiction so considerably that practically no one in the industry knew if Joaquin was pulling a fast one or melting down before their eyes.

With long hair, his face hidden behind sunglasses, and a bushy beard, I'm Still Here followed Joaquin Phoenix as he burned his acting career down around him to pursue his true passion, rap. Not knowing if what they saw was real or not, critics savaged it when the film opened in theaters, and viewers largely stayed away. The undeniable thing about this film is Phoenix's investment in portraying this cartoonish version of himself. It's not something many other actors would ever have the guts to do, and as such, it deserves its spot on this list.

8 You Were Never Really Here Has Artistic Merit

Character: Joe

Joaquin Phoenix's Joe carries a girl on his back in You Were Never Really Here

Written by:

Lynne Ramsay

Directed by:

Lynne Ramsay

Year Released:


IMDb Rating:


You Were Never Really Here is a psychological action thriller starring Joaquin Phoenix as Joe, a grizzled and greying mercenary who specializes in rescuing victims of human trafficking. From the stylish and intense filmmaker Lynne Ramsay, You Were Never Really Here alternates back and forth between moments of compassion and jaw-dropping brutality.

Phoenix plays Joe as a broken man, traumatized by childhood and subsequent service to his country, cutting a figure with true gravity and pathos. Like other characters in this genre, Joe doesn't talk much, but Phoenix manages to convey all he needs with his body movements. By doing so, Phoenix took what should have been a one-dimensional character and elevated the film to the realm of greatness it otherwise never would have achieved.

7 Gladiator Proved Phoenix Could Keep the Masses Entertained

Character: Commodus

Joaquin Phoenix gives a thumbs up as Commodus in Gladiator II

Written by:

David Franzoni, John Logan, and William Nicholson

Directed by:

Ridley Scott

Year Released:


IMDb Rating:


From one Ridley Scott epic to another, Gladiator allowed Joaquin Phoenix to play someone with the pettiness of an adolescent, who, nonetheless, has the authority to command an entire empire. Phoenix's portrayal of the film's antagonist, Commodus, alternates masterfully between chaos and control in equal measure — sometimes even in the same scene, such as when he murders his father, Marcus Aurelius.

If Commodus hadn't been as hatable as Joaquin Phoenix made him, Gladiator never would have been as successful as it was. Whether planning to massacre the family of his hated rival, Maximus, or showing a very unhealthy obsession with his sister, Lucilla, Commodus radiates mistrust and creepiness. With each passing moment, Gladiator becomes increasingly more and more operatic, and Phoenix is always up to match that tone in the role that proved he could be one of Hollywood's most talented actors.

Gladiator Film Poster
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Ridley Scott
Release Date
May 5, 2000
Russell Crowe , Joaquin Phoenix , Connie Nielsen , Oliver Reed , Derek Jacobi , Djimon Hounsou
155 minutes
Main Genre

6 Napoleon Paints a Complicated Portrait of a Legend

Character: Napoleon Bonaparte

napoleon bonaparte with his wife josephine
10 Ways the Napoleon Movie Isn't Historically Accurate

Ridley Scott's Napoleon starring Joaquin Phoenix dramatizes the major events in the French emperor's life, but not all are accurately depicted.

Written by:

David Scarpa

Directed by:

Ridley Scott

Year Released:


IMDb Rating:


In his long-awaited second team-up with director Ridley Scott, Napoleon, Joaquin Phoenix starred as Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the most infamous men in history. Rather than championing this legendary figure as someone larger than life, Joaquin brings his story down into the muck and mud by making choices (such as "oinking" during coitus) that intentionally make it impossible for audiences to know whether they should be in awe of this man or laugh at him.

A highly anticipated blockbuster, Napoleon was never going to reach the heights of Phoenix and Scott's prior collaborative effort. That said, now that he's two decades older than the last time they worked together, Phoenix is unquestionably in better control of his craft. Napoleon might not be as good as Gladiator, but Phoenix is exceptional as the ambitious, misguided, and ruthless former French ruler.

Napoleon 2023 Movie Poster
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Not available

5 Walk The Line Is a Fantastic Music Biopic

Character: Johnny Cash

Written by:

Gill Dennis and James Mangold

Directed by:

James Mangold

Year Released:


IMDb Rating:


Joaquin Phoenix's memorable turn as Johnny Cash in Walk the Line might have been the musical biopic's last dying breath. More recent examples like Bohemian Rhapsody, Rocketman, and even Elvis, can't hold a candle to James Mangold's picture-perfect portrayal of Johnny Cash's complicated life. Phoenix's co-star, Reese Witherspoon's Oscar-winning performance as Cash's wife, June Carter, might have stolen much of the attention when it was first released, but the film would have failed to hit the right note had he not so perfectly captured the blend of cool and vulnerability that made Johnny Cash so enigmatic.

Walk the Line is excellent because it puts Johnny Cash and June Carter's relationship at the film's center, not their music. Even with that being true, the film (and Joaquin Phoenix) treat its soundtrack with the respect it deserves by having Phoenix authentically perform numerous hit songs in Cash's trademark rasp. His performance is equal parts bravado and pain, ensuring the audience can never look away.

4 C'mon C'mon Give This Film a Chance

Character: Johnny

Mike Mills and Joaquin Phoenix stand together while making C'mon C'mon

Written by:

Mike Mills

Directed by:

Mike Mills

Year Released:


IMDb Rating:


It's understandable that a small independent film like C'mon C'mon escaped most people's radars. For any true film fan, it's a mistake they should rectify as soon as possible, as this movie is one of the absolute gems in Phoenix's acting career. C'mon C'mon tells the story of Johnny, a radio journalist stuck with his young nephew, Jesse, as his sister contends with her ex-husband's mental health crisis. That synopsis might not sound all that exciting, but the performances make this film soar.

Nine times out of ten, fans invest in a Joaquin Phoenix character because of his willingness to get weird. Here, he tries a different tact by pulling on the audience's heartstrings with an achingly beautiful performance chockful of neurosis. Juxtapose that with Woody Norman's chaotic performance as his young nephew Jesse, and C'mon C'mon becomes a fantastic two-hander that brings out the absolute best in Phoenix as an actor.

cmon cmon poster
C'mon C'mon
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