Can you lay on your back when watching tv ? - October 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
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Can you lay on your back when watching tv ?

First time mom 17 weeks. Yes, I read it on Google so I don’t know how true it is but it says around 20 weeks you shouldn’t be laying on your back anymore is that just when you’re sleeping or can I hang around and kinda be laying down on my back?

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my doctor told me laying on my back was okay until 20 weeks, and then I should be propped more upright. Not that I can't lay down at all on my back, but I should be at an angle to not let my baby lay on the nerves/blood vessels in my back. If you're unsure, you can always ask your doctor. I hope that helps a bit.

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That’s how my doctor described it too me too. As long as you’re propped up it’s ok but don’t lay flat like you would if you’re on the floor. I typically use 2 pillows and she said that’s totally fine

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