The Force Awakens is hated for the wrong reasons. The Last Jedi is overhated. Rise Of Skywalker isn't hated enough - Cinemaphile

The Force Awakens is hated for the wrong reasons. The Last Jedi is overhated. Rise Of Skywalker isn't hated enough

The Force Awakens is hated for the wrong reasons

The Last Jedi is overhated

Rise Of Skywalker isn't hated enough

  1. 16 hours ago

    >The Force Awakens isn't hated enough

    >The Last Jedi isn't hated enough

    >Rise Of Skywalker isn't hated enough

    • 12 hours ago
    • 7 hours ago


    • 7 hours ago
  2. 16 hours ago
    • 15 hours ago

      >I have to eat all the egg whites

    • 12 hours ago

      What the hell was the prompt for this

      • 11 hours ago

        Rey about to get raped by Jar Jar Abrahms.

  3. 16 hours ago

    It's all demoralization & deracination.

    • 3 hours ago

      > Deracination. To tear out the roots. Write that down. A real people derives himself from the land…

  4. 16 hours ago

    They took something special & dripping in verisimilitude as Star Wars & just made it vapid as Harry Potter.

    • 16 hours ago

      Well said

    • 11 hours ago

      It was always that vapid. The only reason you didn't notice is because you were a child when you first watched it.

      Star Wars dying the slow death it always deserved. It was never anything more than a consumerist product, and it is dying the death all products eventually face. Only absolute morons think any film with the Star Wars (TM) logo was ever anything remotely approaching art.

      • 11 hours ago

        >It was never anything more than a consumerist product,
        Go to bed Mike.

        • 11 hours ago

          If you're talking about Mike Stoklasa, he thinks the original trilogy are beautiful and timeless works of art. It's one of the few things he's wrong about. But I get that you have a timeless hate boner for him because he triggered you so hard with the Plinkett reviews that you will spend the rest of your life recovering.

          • 11 hours ago

            You're the one writing a book malding over Star Wars fans.

            • 11 hours ago

              Typical moronic Star Wars fan who thinks writing an entire paragraph is some insurmountable task of herculean effort

              • 11 hours ago

                Time of the month?
                Aunt Flow in town sweetcheecks?

              • 11 hours ago

                A predictable response. Just because I'm hurting your feelings doesn't mean my feelings are hurt.
                >but what else would motivate a person to write EIGHT ENTIRE SENTENCES?
                The fact that you would even ask that question says a lot more about you than it does me.

  5. 16 hours ago

    Rise of Skywalker inflicted a hundredfold the damage of the others on its IP

    Anything would have been better than killing the entire family of the main characters and replacing them with the children of their enemies.

    The entire series is over. The beautiful arc of fall and redemption instead is a pointless cycle of death and destruction.

    • 15 hours ago

      This animal was dead with Force Awakens when they reset the story. Anything else is just twitching.

    • 12 hours ago

      I totally disagree; I felt nothing from Rise of Skywalker. Everything I cared about died in TLJ, so even though yeah I guess TROS does more damage in the abstract, who cares, it was dead already

    • 12 hours ago

      Is that what happened. I don't even remember the last one. That sucks. Why couldn't they just have completely different leads and villains with maybe a cameo or two of the original characters and their children.

    • 11 hours ago

      RoS did almost no damage to be honest. Everything was already fricked by that point and it was so stupid that even Disney bootlickers wrote it off. Unlike TLJ, which is offensively condescending in its stupidity, RoS is just stupid stupid.

    • 7 hours ago

      George lost. Hope itself lost. israelites won and turned Star Wars into Gaza City

    • 6 hours ago

      I mostly agree, though I do wonder what exactly you mean with the Force Awakens.

      It's great how nobody liked that movie. It was like the last time culture uniformly rejected something.

  6. 16 hours ago

    Silence, marketer!

  7. 16 hours ago

    Way fewer people even watched Rise of Skywalker. Apathy is worse than hatred

  8. 15 hours ago

    >Rise Of Skywalker isn't hated enough
    Agreed. It's the worst of the three by far.

    • 14 hours ago

      >this splatter of diarrhea is slightly more disgusting than these men kissing or writhing maggots
      splitting hairs

    • 14 hours ago

      TFA and TLJ are kind of movies even if they are bad. ROS is just stupid shit on screen scene after scene shedding the zero plot of previous movies to negatives.

      I recently rewached nu wars and tried to watch them as b-movie/cool scifi/kid movies like my friend said he enjoys them but I just couldn't. They could've made the movies even good with just being slightly more competent. Hundreds of millions just fricking wasted.

      • 14 hours ago

        So you have to be born yesterday to like them?

        • 14 hours ago

          Nah, my friend is a dad, now forty, and a huge Star Wars fan but he was actually able to enjoy nu wars with his kids. I tried to understand it and just couldn't.

      • 10 hours ago

        Those kinds of B movies usually have some kind of charm to make up for the shitty writing and so on. The problem with Disney Star Wars is it’s so fricking soulless and designed by committee that you never feel any connection with the characters. They’re just cardboard cutouts of characters they wish they knew how to write. Casting awful actors like Daisy Ridley really didn’t help either.

        • 9 hours ago

          This is all true.

          TFA is the one that fricks everything up, by bringing back the Empire as the New Order, and having Finn go from Storm Trooper to Rebel in 10 minutes, when that arc should have spanned the sequel trilogy. It recycles A New Hope for cynical memberberries, thus killing any real chance of setting up any new story.

          TLJ is actually the least bad, despite being the most hated. It's still bad, but Rian Johnson at least tries to introduce new ideas, it's just he does it in such a heavy-handed and crass way it ends up being shitty.

          RoS is total dogshit and repeats the same cynical member-berry trash as TFA, re-introducing Palpatine to pander to Boomers.

          They made these sequels with no plan. There's alot of bashing of Kathleen Kennedy for being "woke", but the reality is she allowed "Auteur Theory" to run rampant; Abrams and Johnson were allowed to do as they pleased and frick continuity Bendis-style three times over. Incredibly, there was no plan set in place, no over-arching story or character arcs locked in before they started making the sequel trilogy.

          The OT trilogy was collaborative, whereas the two inferior trilogies were dominated by auteurs who went unchallenged.

          Finn starting the movies really showed how they were going to handle it and it is probably my biggest plot gripe. From "I really don't think all this killing is helping us" to "haha FART die my old friends" in FIVE fricking minutes.

          • 9 hours ago

            It was a big letdown but that's sw for you, the humanity and depth of the imperials was always accidental

            • 5 hours ago

              The huge potential they had with Finn was completely squandered. What could have been a compelling three movie arc was pissed away by JJ in mere minutes.

          • 9 hours ago

            >haha FART die my old friends
            It was pretty jarring how much he enjoyed murdering his comrades
            I guess we're meant to think its ok because le bad guys

            • 9 hours ago

              Sadly the reality is that finns apparent concern in the opening isn't indicative of his genuine emotion, it's simply a soulless copy of the storm trooper kneeling to check his buddy in ANH. That's why he switches so fast. It's just a fan service nod.

    • 12 hours ago

      The Last Jedi, as much star wars fatsos don't like it, is an attempt at making a genuinely good film. It is a good movie.
      The Rise of Skywalker is pure schizofrenia made plot. It's a fricking fetch quest after fetch quest.

      • 12 hours ago

        >It is a good movie.
        It caused suicide rates to skyrocket.

        • 12 hours ago

          Nothing of value was lost. Just lifes of star wars fatsos.

          • 12 hours ago

            Dead Star Wars fans are a good thing.


            • 12 hours ago

              Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

              • 12 hours ago

                Because you demiurge spawn are still making the world a worse place.

            • 12 hours ago

              Celebrating cultural illnesses are judaism

            • 6 hours ago

              White genocide is good. It is love, it is justice, it is hope.

        • 12 hours ago

          Dead Star Wars fans are a good thing.

        • 2 hours ago

          If you have a nice day over a film franchise you don't deserve to live anyways

  9. 15 hours ago


  10. 15 hours ago

    If you watched any disneywars garbage after how bad TFA was, you are stupid.

  11. 15 hours ago

    Okay, but consider:
    The Phantom Menace is hated for the wrong reasons.
    Attack of the Clones is overhated. (Still shit though.)
    Revenge of the Sith isn't hated enough.

    • 14 hours ago


    • 7 hours ago

      Revenge of the Sith does the most damage to the continuity and has the most nonsensical bullshit, but people give it a pass because it feels more like a traditional Star Wars movie with its frenetic pacing. TFA also masks its shortcomings in a similar fashion, though there's no rule of cool moments to allow it to stand the test of time like RotS has.

    • 3 hours ago

      all 3 are steaming piles of shit. horrible writing, directing, and acting.

    • 3 hours ago

      I still remember falling asleep during the finale of 3 at the midnight showing in 2005. The prequels were and will always be dogshit. Yet still better than anything Disneys produced. Except Andor, that was a fluke made in spite of Disney.

      • 3 hours ago

        >Yet still better than anything Disneys produced.
        From a filmmaking perspective? No. Significantly worse, actually. And that is with episode 9 being the complete mess it is.

        • 3 hours ago

          You write like a homosexual with bad opinions

          • 3 hours ago

            >bad opinions
            Filmmaking is not about "muh opinions", moron.
            Go back to youtube if you prefer those to actual technical discussions.

            • 3 hours ago

              >all these homosexual passive aggressive responses back to back
              Lose some weight, move around and you’ll feel less irritable. Maybe you’re just British.

  12. 15 hours ago


    You were a kid in 2014? Hot damn I'm not used to this world. I don't even consider you a living person unless you were alive in the 90's.

    • 15 hours ago

      No, he says he was a kid in 2017 and 2019, when TLJ and ROS came out, respectively. That means in 2014 he probably wasn't even born yet.
      And TFA came released in 2015, by the way.

      • 15 hours ago

        Take it easy on me, I'm an old man and I stopped counting years fifteen years ago. Everything since 2012 is a blurry realm of nothing that could be only yesterday.

        • 6 hours ago

          In 2012, Disney bought Lucasfilm, and the Mayan calendar (and all of reality) ended. What we have been experiencing for the last 12 years is an illusion. By "we", I mean "I", since (You) and everyone else are figments of my imagination.

    • 15 hours ago

      No one born after 1989 is a real person.

      • 8 hours ago

        I’m definitely a real person, and a real woman.

      • 7 hours ago

        It's a plausible theory that there are a finite number of souls and overpopulation has created a scenario where npcs are essentially taking over.

  13. 15 hours ago

    my favourite part of the last jedi is when the first order are firing at the rebel ships and the shots fly in a parabolic arc
    in fricking space

    • 15 hours ago

      >in fricking space
      You say that as if "space" had its own separate set of physical principles that it operates under, as opposed to "not space" (wherever that's supposed to be).

      • 7 hours ago

        Yes. Gravity works differently when you are not in the vicinity of a celestial object. Any arcing in lasers or artillery would be far too subtle to notice to the naked eye and wouldn't factor into any battle where the ships are within only kilometers of eachother.

        • 4 hours ago

          >Gravity works differently when you are not in the vicinity of a celestial object.
          No, it does not. What you mean is that the closer you are to a (significant enough) mass (i.e. a gravitational center), the stronger it affects you. But this is true no matter where you are. It's not "working differently", brainlet.

  14. 15 hours ago

    Reminder all nu wars is homosexual shit

  15. 15 hours ago

    You just wanted to post your lame prompt for (you)'s and don't give a shit about Star Wars.

  16. 15 hours ago


    To be fair you obviously weren't aware of star wars either, you wiener sucking little homosexual.

  17. 15 hours ago

    Nah The Rise of Skywalker is shit because of TLJ, it left nothing to play off of (Luke is dead, Snoke is dead, Rey already beat Kylo so theres no tension, Hux is so incompetent he's a comedic character); they left no competent antagonist so they had to pull Palpatine again out of their ass and resolve it all in one movie. TLJ failed completely as the middle movie in setting up the finale. What the frick was Rian thinking?

    • 14 hours ago

      Funny how Colin Trevorrow didn't have that problem. Only your beloved JJ Abrams, for some reason, had nowhere to go.

      • 11 hours ago

        Except he did. Thats why he left the project.

        • 6 hours ago

          Colin didnt quit, he was fired because who knows why, throwing Yidsney into a panic that forced them to rehire the hack who got them into this mess in the first place

          • 6 hours ago

            I suspect it had to do with Carrie Fisher being gone, and disagreement arose about how to re-write his script.

    • 14 hours ago

      Kylo is the main villain at the end of TLJ. That's the setup. My Snoke theory is that he's an empty Emperor expy mystery box.

      • 14 hours ago

        My theory is that you suck mouse wiener

    • 14 hours ago

      Reminder all nu wars is homosexual shit

    • 12 hours ago

      >What the frick was Rian thinking?
      He thought that JJ. Abrams was a competent writer.

      • 11 hours ago

        He also thought of himself as a competent writer, unfortunately

        • 11 hours ago

          He's way more competent than star wars fatsos believe.

          • 11 hours ago

            He is a competent writer. You're just not a competent viewer.

            >space religion cultist can't understand real talent

            hello, rian

            • 11 hours ago

              Hi George.

          • 11 hours ago

            They only understand the most rudimentary writing imaginable, the sort that leans unapologetically on archetypes and tropes with the built-in defense mechanism that the use of tired and worn out lazy cliches is actually okay because they're "timeless" and "immutable" and "Shakespearean". The type that thinks blue people with things glued to their heads is the height of imagination and desert planet, snow planet, jungle planet is brilliant worldbuilding. Anything even a modicum elevated from that bargain bin, YA novel tier trash makes them confused and furious. RJ was trying to make a real movie in the IP for once, certainly for the first time in the history of Star Wars. He wasn't entirely successful, but that doesn't change the fact that Star Wars fans resent him for even trying because they want the same slop they've consumed since they were children with as little variation as possible. To them, an actual storyteller coming along and trying to harvest something from this absolute nonsense that they are stupid enough to love is akin to watching helplessly as their family is being raped. There is no reasoning with them. TLJ is not beyond criticism and it has a lot of problems, but none of the number of valid criticisms of it have ever come out of a Star Wars fanatic's mouth.

            • 11 hours ago

              Luke trying to kill his Nephew in sleep is WRONG Rian.
              It's EVIL.

              • 11 hours ago

                Yes, I believe that is the point.

              • 11 hours ago

                That was the point.
                Did you also believe the movie was also about 'let the past die' even tho Kylo Ren ruminates on the past during the whole movie and his whole motivation to hate his uncle was the past?

              • 11 hours ago

                Luke having moments of failure is one of his defining character traits. He always fails and then learns from it. He failed there and learned an important lesson.

              • 11 hours ago

                >He always fails and then learns from it
                then why did he repeat the same mistake he did with vader in his own nephew? sounds like he didn't learn at all.

              • 11 hours ago

                Because he didn't make that mistake with Vader. He trusted implicitly that Vader could be redeemed and it very nearly got him killed. Hmm, kind of sounds like he exact opposite mistake actually? Maybe it's time for you to watch those first three movies again.

              • 11 hours ago

                Because with Vader it was blind manlet rage at the notion of his sister and latent love interest being harmed. With Kylo it was fear of the return of the Sith. In RotJ the lesson was to avoid taking a path of vengeance that would turn him into his dad, in TLJ it was that he had to let go of the legacy of the Jedi and his role as a cosmic warrior to embrace the deeper reality that he's part of buddhist morase where temporary physical things are irrelevant.

                Yoda doesn't give a frick about the Jedi, smoke, any of it. Neither should Luke. He's still acting like a kid thinking it's light vs dark. Rey IS light and dark, like Kylo, and they accept who they are. That's how they demonstrate a maturity surpassing the Jedi and the Sith. None of it is complicated.

              • 10 hours ago

                have a nice day

              • 10 hours ago

                They're children's movies. Grow up and maybe consider going to therapy.

              • 10 hours ago

                have a nice day. Demonic scum.

                Filth like you are everything wrong with the world

                You're in a rabid online cult fueled by sheer asspain based around a media franchise designed with the singular purpose of selling plastic to infants. You would be laughably pathetic if you weren't so actively harmful to everything you touch. Seek help.

              • 10 hours ago

                have a nice day schizo troony

              • 10 hours ago

                You're the sick homosexual jerking off to the idea of a morality tale full of life lessons being subverted for your putrid agenda.

              • 10 hours ago

                >morality tale
                >evil is good, evil is bad
                Wow, such deep tale 10/10

              • 10 hours ago

                >light and dark
                This itself is the most poisonous concept in new star wars. There’s the force and the corruption of it. Everything else is, at best, an abstraction for video or tabletop games
                >b-but tcw
                Please don’t mistake me for a Lucas worshipping zoomer

              • 10 hours ago

                Yeah but it's unavoidable because the sith aren't particularly corrupt. It's natural to want a wife and kids. When you say you have to be a sociopathic celibate you go off the deep end. And that was firmly established in the prequels. In the EU Luke's big project is the grey Jedi. Thats what Rey does in the sequel trilogy, more or less. Only instead of them making it a conscious philosophy on her end they make it a mix of virtuous message and devious messenger.

                She's basically the bible written on demon hide

              • 10 hours ago

                TLJ represents the first time in the series history that a great Jedi warrior solved a problem without lifting a finger in anger or violence.

              • 10 hours ago

                What is the Jedi Mind Trick?

              • 10 hours ago

                Obi Wan telling some Stormtroopers to frick off is not a solution to a problem. It is at best the delaying of a problem to a later, inevitable date.

                Nice try though.

              • 10 hours ago

                Luke didn't stop shit with his Force Skpe call.

              • 10 hours ago

                He saved his sister, his protege and other key members of the Resistance from being obliterated by using his reputation to his advantage. He knew that Kylo Ren would be so blinded by his vendetta that he'd let other more important things slip through his fingers. It's actually sort of clever, which is more than I can say about the vast majority of Star Wars.

              • 10 hours ago

                Yes, sort of. He does react with violence by exploding the hut. Overall though he does learn a lesson about passivity and loving his family. Only the pond scum virgins cry about his character. He actually dies very wise and accomplished demonstrating mercy towards his nephew and student whom he had failed as a teacher. He dies ready to go to the next world and it's lessons leaving his material attachments behind which is a great advancement for him.

            • 11 hours ago

              >. RJ was trying to make a real movie
              With yo Mama jokes?

              • 11 hours ago

                Yeah he was trying to hit a balance. You can't make a Star Wars movie without appeals to mass audiences. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

            • 11 hours ago

              >an actual storyteller

              • 11 hours ago

                I see the point of that Breaking Bad scene flew over your head completely, but I'll also point out that it was the writer's idea, not his. Ever notice how the rest of that episode is somber and incredibly depressing? Almost like the contrast was the fricking point.

                Explaining basic cinematic language to Star Wars fans is so pointless.

              • 11 hours ago

                >but I'll also point out that it was the writer's idea, not his.
                Get to Rian you to come-up with another boring whodunit script.

              • 11 hours ago

                Do you seriously not understand that RJ wasn't a writer on Breaking Bad?

        • 11 hours ago

          He is a competent writer. You're just not a competent viewer.

          • 11 hours ago

            No, child, these are your delusions speaking.

            • 11 hours ago

              >space religion cultist can't understand real talent

              • 11 hours ago

                Wrong in every detail as always

              • 11 hours ago

                Keep saying that. It still won't be true.

                They only understand the most rudimentary writing imaginable, the sort that leans unapologetically on archetypes and tropes with the built-in defense mechanism that the use of tired and worn out lazy cliches is actually okay because they're "timeless" and "immutable" and "Shakespearean". The type that thinks blue people with things glued to their heads is the height of imagination and desert planet, snow planet, jungle planet is brilliant worldbuilding. Anything even a modicum elevated from that bargain bin, YA novel tier trash makes them confused and furious. RJ was trying to make a real movie in the IP for once, certainly for the first time in the history of Star Wars. He wasn't entirely successful, but that doesn't change the fact that Star Wars fans resent him for even trying because they want the same slop they've consumed since they were children with as little variation as possible. To them, an actual storyteller coming along and trying to harvest something from this absolute nonsense that they are stupid enough to love is akin to watching helplessly as their family is being raped. There is no reasoning with them. TLJ is not beyond criticism and it has a lot of problems, but none of the number of valid criticisms of it have ever come out of a Star Wars fanatic's mouth.

                A lot of the ideas Ryan had actually could have refreshed Star Wars and give it a real new life. But they're were doomed for being in the middle after JJ and not being a core part of the trilogy.

              • 11 hours ago

                >A lot of the ideas Ryan had actually could have refreshed Star Wars and give it a real new life. But they're were doomed for being in the middle after JJ and not being a core part of the trilogy.
                Yeah, that's fair.

              • 10 hours ago

                >A lot of the ideas Ryan had actually could have refreshed Star Wars and give it a real new life
                Such as?

              • 10 hours ago

                Turning Luke Skywalker into a three dimensional character, getting away from the idea that all you need to be a great hero is an incredibly powerful bloodline and a shit ton of midichlorians and bringing it back to the entire point of escapist fantasy that anyone can be a hero regardless of where they come from, getting away from overly simplistic notions of good versus evil, not having a giant spheroid death machine for once, shit like that.

              • 10 hours ago

                have a nice day. Demonic scum.

              • 10 hours ago

                You should be on medication.

              • 10 hours ago

                Filth like you are everything wrong with the world

              • 10 hours ago

                Funny. I was going to say the same thing about you.

              • 10 hours ago

                >Chud forgot the Chosen One promo only ran for Anakin

              • 6 hours ago

                >Turning Luke Skywalker into a three dimensional character
                George already did that.

                Do riantrannies actually believe this shit?

              • 10 hours ago

                Pick you least liked idea. It would have been better than anything JJ had.

    • 10 hours ago

      I saw Glass Onion a few months ago. Rian Johnson is a legitimately dogshit director who makes films for 3rd worlders and people with 10 IQ. Like holy frick that film was so awful and it makes sense why TLJ is so bad now.

      • 9 hours ago

        It's actually a decent film and your transparent attempts to hate it because of your rampant fanboyism are laughable at best.

        • 5 hours ago

          It’s fricking dogshit.

  18. 14 hours ago

    >The Last Jedi is overhated
    I think if it ended with Rey contemplating Kylo's offer in the throne room instead of all the other shit that happened after, it wouldn't be as hated.

  19. 14 hours ago

    Boring, squandered potential
    Bad but interesting in its failings
    Utterly Boring and contrived in the worst ways possibe

  20. 14 hours ago

    Even "fans" of the sequel trilogy have to trick themselves into liking them.

    • 14 hours ago

      There are no fans of the trilogy. There are fans either of TFA or of TLJ, but never both. And there are whiny manbabies who loved TFA until youtube told them not to.

  21. 13 hours ago

    TFA is the one that fricks everything up, by bringing back the Empire as the New Order, and having Finn go from Storm Trooper to Rebel in 10 minutes, when that arc should have spanned the sequel trilogy. It recycles A New Hope for cynical memberberries, thus killing any real chance of setting up any new story.

    TLJ is actually the least bad, despite being the most hated. It's still bad, but Rian Johnson at least tries to introduce new ideas, it's just he does it in such a heavy-handed and crass way it ends up being shitty.

    RoS is total dogshit and repeats the same cynical member-berry trash as TFA, re-introducing Palpatine to pander to Boomers.

    They made these sequels with no plan. There's alot of bashing of Kathleen Kennedy for being "woke", but the reality is she allowed "Auteur Theory" to run rampant; Abrams and Johnson were allowed to do as they pleased and frick continuity Bendis-style three times over. Incredibly, there was no plan set in place, no over-arching story or character arcs locked in before they started making the sequel trilogy.

    The OT trilogy was collaborative, whereas the two inferior trilogies were dominated by auteurs who went unchallenged.

    • 8 hours ago

      >re-introducing Palpatine to pander to Boomers.

      No it was to pander to prequelgay zoomers and their senate memes.

    • 8 hours ago

      No. Palpatine was reintroduced so that he could be defeated by the girlboss female protagonist, undoing the actions of the white, male characters from the original trilogy. It's not pandering. It's subversive warfare and demoralization. They are using women to destroy franchises and IPs that men love.

      • 8 hours ago

        True but also because israelite israelite Gaybrams can only rehash the originals and the third movie had to have a showdown with Palpatine just like in RotJ.

  22. 12 hours ago

    All 3 "films" happen in the same week but somehow Rey gains & loses 30lbs between movies.

  23. 12 hours ago

    The Rise of Skywalker has this toilet cleaner green sheen that is just disgusting, I saw the trailer and immediately decided never to watch it. The Last Jedi actually had really good cinematography and I enjoyed it.

  24. 12 hours ago


    • 11 hours ago

      I think JJ deserves a lot more hate. Star Wars pajeets concentrate most of their anger towards Rian Johnson, a white man, while letting this slippery israelite off the hook more or less entirely. This says a lot about Star Wars fans, none of it good.

      • 11 hours ago

        Go back to you contention board.

        • 11 hours ago

          >Go back to you contention board.
          >you contention board.
          Your IQ is far too low to reply to me Rajesh. Don't let it happen again.

          • 11 hours ago

            You still have to go back to


            , chud.

        • 3 hours ago

          kys you unwelcome interloper

      • 11 hours ago

        JJ was able to skirt by because TFA had a large amount of production value that wowed people when it came out. It's a marketing movie that, unfortunately, worked very very well.
        After TLJ burned like 70% of the collective good will, Disney was able to successfully pivot the narrative to throw Rian under the bus and fans accepted it and thought "Oh it's all Rian's fault" despite TLJ, while being beyond ass, did relatively little in the grand scheme of JJ's "plans", if he even had any in the first place.
        Keep in mind JJ was supposed to be one and done, he wasn't going to write or direct the other ones.

        • 11 hours ago

          JJ also had Hosnian Prime destroyed,
          had Kylo lose his first fight, he had Rey already become a fighting Jedi by the end of TFA, and had Finn go from stormtrooper to good guy in the opening 10 minutes, these and other dumb decisions (such as the bone headed decision to have Rey on yet another Tattooine-like desert planet for member-berries) leaving Johnson with precious little to work with in terms of character arcs.

          • 11 hours ago

            The only lasting damage TFA did was killing Han Solo. Everything else could have been solved by a soft reboot of the soft reboot; throw everything it introduced in the bin where it belongs and start again as a duology. It wouldn’t be perfect, of course, but trying to work with what TFA implied (and I say this because it doesn’t establish shit, which JJ did because he’s a hack weasel that wants other people to do the legwork) was a fool’s errand. One reason TLJ was so shit is because, contrary to popular belief, he follows through on what JJ was implying to a T.
            The damage TLJ did, to contrast, isn’t something you can write around without an explicit retcon. Something like hosnian prime getting destroyed is utterly inconsequential, because we’re never told why it should be valuable, but the entire galaxy falling in less than a month isn’t.

          • 5 hours ago

            JJ had Coruscant destroyed. The story group overruled him and made him change the name. But it still looks like Coruscant, and me and everyone else in the theater thought it was, until someone later in the movie says "the weapon that destroyed the Hosnian system".

            • 2 hours ago

              It was a major copout that played both sides.
              For normies who don't care or pay attention to names, they destroyed Coruscant, so they could all go "whoa" when watching the film.
              For fans who would be pissed if Coruscant was destroyed, they invented a conveniently lookalike planet with another name, so rabid fat fanboys wouldn't treat their families over it.

      • 11 hours ago

        Johnson had the right idea (going in a new direction) but implemented horribly, whereas JJ had the wrong idea (recycle the OT to pander to Boomers) and implemented it horribly.

        • 10 hours ago

          To be fair Johnson had to work off of the foundation JJ had built which is a bit like trying to build a skyscraper on sand. Don't get me wrong some of the execution and ideas on his end were poor on their own merits but Force Awakens' entire set up was what was rotten in the first place

      • 11 hours ago

        The emperor returned in EU books relatively quickly, as did Vader. It's naive to think otherwise would happen. People scoff at the emperor returning in tros but he'd already done that 20 years ago in the EU.

        • 11 hours ago

          Frick off homosexual

          • 11 hours ago

            It's true zoomie, because sw is a one note franchise. It's not a compelling world or universe no matter how hard you gays try to pretend it is.

        • 11 hours ago

          No one's ever really gone.

        • 11 hours ago

          The EU was only for the hardcore fans.
          No normie is gonna pick-up a Star Wars book.

          • 11 hours ago

            You're wrong tons of normies picked up EU stuff, it was part of a broader merchandising scheme. In those days people still actually read books and comics. So all the sw EU shit was actually digested. That's why people know who the frick mara jade was.

        • 11 hours ago

          It was stupid then as well as now

        • 10 hours ago

          >The emperor returned in EU books relatively quickly
          His clones.

          >as did Vader

          • 10 hours ago

            If you're seriously implying that a bunch of Sheev clones is somehow less idiotic or more acceptable than Sheev himself, you're a bigger dumbass than I thought.

          • 10 hours ago

            Yep. And the millennium falcon was just uppity off the assembly line. The EU was trash.

        • 9 hours ago

          No one except a tiny percentage of comic book guy lookalikes ever gave a singular shit about any of that fanfic trash.

        • 6 hours ago

          I like Jedi Knight games.

      • 11 hours ago

        JJ just feels stupid, whereas Rian comes across as malicious AND stupid. It's easy to see why people shit on him more. I also hate these kind of posts, because I really don't think the people who shit on Rian tend to let JJ off the hook. They just emphasize their hate towards Rian more.

        • 10 hours ago

          >Rian comes across as malicious AND stupid.
          No he doesn't.
          >It's easy to see why people shit on him more.
          Yes, because you're a filthy non-white pajeet.
          >I also hate these kind of posts
          I bet you do.

        • 10 hours ago

          Just because you disagree with his choices doesn't mean they were malicious.

        • 10 hours ago

          Johnson has actually been on record several times stating that he believes that trying to pander and making a film explicitly motivated by what the fans want to see would be a tremendous insult to them.

          So basically, he made the grave mistake of overestimating people like you.

          • 10 hours ago

            Pandering to fans is always a bad idea. Always.
            That's how we ended with RoS.

            • 10 hours ago

              ROS was a direct response to how much the fans hated TLJ.

              • 10 hours ago

                Reminder all nu wars is homosexual shit

              • 10 hours ago

                What a reasonable, intelligent and well-articulated point of view. Color me convinced.

              • 10 hours ago

                Sometimes I wonder if that script was written by an early GPT model. It's like a flowchart of fetch quests that end in absolutely nothing.

          • 10 hours ago

            >So basically, he made the grave mistake of overestimating people like you.
            Sad but true

        • 6 hours ago

          Its more like JJ is safe stupid and Rian is risky stupid

      • 8 hours ago

        JJ is an empty suit, a hollowman, a cipher. His only creative move is to up the stakes & spectacle while copying the aesthetics of the original material. Its stupid, but stupid in a simple familiar way.

        Rian is the classic midwit, and TLJ is horribly pretenious crap thats preaches to its audience and intentionally antagonizes them. Its fun to hate on Rian, while JJ is just....nothing. There's nothing to him at all as an artist, and maybe as a human being.

      • 5 hours ago

        Rian Johnson is exponentially worse than Abrams
        Abrams is an honest hack who loves Star Wars
        Johnson is a pseudointellectual egotistical prick who hates Star Wars

  25. 12 hours ago

    Rise of skywalker isn't hated enough because the cultural zeitgeist collectively agreed that it doesn't even exist, shit never even was. It goes beyond rage bait, nobody even likes getting mad at it because every single ounce of it is unsalvageable. Acknowledging that it's shit is acknowledging that it exists. That's how bad it is.
    It's actually pretty impressive.

    • 11 hours ago

      Yep. Say what you want about The Last Jedi but I remember it at least. Rise of Skywalker is like fricking anti-matter. I miss George.

    • 7 hours ago

      Yep. Say what you want about The Last Jedi but I remember it at least. Rise of Skywalker is like fricking anti-matter. I miss George.

      I have no idea how anyone can forget them giving darth sidious magic powers that go way beyond anything the force ever did to bring himself back from the dead or how his big plan was simply taking a lot of ships and somehow easily overpowering the entire Galaxy in a couple of days even though his only minions left were so few they couldn't even hold any territory

  26. 11 hours ago

    Reminder all nu wars is homosexual shit

  27. 11 hours ago

    I liked all of them. I am a Reylo supporter. They weren't perfect but overall they were good. I'd rather them 6 or 7 out of 10.

  28. 11 hours ago

    /misc/ probably would had a seizure, but I think Finn should have been the protagonist, Rey the Kylo and Poe being the love interest. Leave Adam Driver free to pursue a real acting career.
    That's it Disney, I fixed your shit trilogy, gave you homosexualry and strong womyn.

  29. 11 hours ago

    The Last Jedi was what solidified the sequels as utter dogshit. The first movie at least left some potential for something good to develop. Anyone who still watched RoS after TLJ is a moron.

  30. 11 hours ago

    I have an unrelated question. Why are gold bikinis like this seeing such a surge in popularity recently? Usually a fad has a distinct origin but I haven't found it this time.

  31. 11 hours ago

    I simply don't think about the sequels

    • 11 hours ago

      I think about Star Wars in general as little as possible.

      • 11 hours ago

        I try but the entire culture tries to shove me space religion or capeshit.

  32. 10 hours ago

    Thank God we have all these learned men to teach us the error of our plebeian ways.

    • 10 hours ago

      No need to thank us.

  33. 10 hours ago

    I have a feeling if Rian got superpowers he'd just be tyrant & a serial rapist.

    • 10 hours ago

      Please don't project yourself onto others

  34. 10 hours ago

    >actual leftist troony communist saying anyone else is in a cult
    your entire ’personality’ is made up of a series of manufactured countercultures founded in self loathing and suicide

  35. 10 hours ago

    I never saw Rise of Skywalker and I’m guessing a good proportion of anons never bothered with it either.

    • 10 hours ago

      You're missing out. Half of it is good.

      • 10 hours ago

        have a nice day

        • 10 hours ago

          Poes gf is hot, Rey vs Kylo waterworld fight is cool. Finn having a black gf is cool. Campy sheev is fun. The movie has its moments.

  36. 10 hours ago

    I kill watermarks. It's what I do. I won't airbrush out any coochie hairs tho so don't ask.

    • 8 hours ago

      Why bother when you can just generate your own.

      • 8 hours ago

        lmao wtf kind of mong shit is this lrn2prompt

      • 8 hours ago

        Post more like this. I care not for Star Wars sequels but want to see more sexy Rey.

        • 7 hours ago

          I have to go soon and most of my old stuff is too unchristian for a blue board but maybe someone else can pick up from here.

          lmao wtf kind of mong shit is this lrn2prompt

          sensei show how it's done

          • 7 hours ago

            >most of my old stuff is too unchristian for a blue board
            but I had something lying around.

          • 7 hours ago

            >most of my old stuff is too unchristian for a blue board
            but I had something lying around.

            >le standing mong face portraits
            no one wants to see this shit begging you to lrn2prompt

            • 7 hours ago

              I don't see you contributing anything better

  37. 8 hours ago

    The Force Awakens should be disliked because it's a retelling of A New Hope but with a strong girlboss and a black dude replacing the white guys from the original. It's meant to be rage/demoralization fuel targeted against the franchise's white male fans, where the events of the original are painted over with diversity and all the actions of the original white male characters made obsolete. Total demoralization.

  38. 8 hours ago
    • 7 hours ago


      • 7 hours ago

        ray purchase is the antagonist in toast of london, a comedy show that daisy ridley had a small part in as a stage hand before star wars. ray bloody purcahse is a recurring line.

    • 6 hours ago


  39. 8 hours ago

    Imagine that star wars might still be kino if Lucas had been reigned in on the prequels. No one told him “George, that’s fricking moronic.”

  40. 8 hours ago

    More like shit diffusion.

  41. 8 hours ago

    Honestly, Rey was a great character and I'm tired of people pretending she wasn't

    Rey is one of the greatest things about the sequels, her character development throuought the movies is phenomenal. She goes from being a lone desert scavenger to being the most powerful jedi in the known universe, surpassing even the likes of Luke Skywalker - people just hate on her because "sHeS a MaRy SuE"...

    • 8 hours ago

      It's fitting for the dramatic arc that the hero in the last trilogy is the strongest but that doesn't mean the writing around the character is any good or that the actor can act.

    • 7 hours ago

      Okay Susan from RLM

  42. 7 hours ago
  43. 7 hours ago

    The Last Jedi is hated for the wrong reasons. A bunch of nerds wouldn't shut up about how they ruined Luke like he's some sort of legendary sacred character. He's a nothing character, he exists as a blank canvas in the OT as a channel for the viewer to explore the world. Hamill's performance is completely wooden next to Ford, Fisher, Jones, and Guinness.

    The real problem with The Last Jedi is that it was a fricking boring movie where nothing happens and nothing original is introduced. Boring to look at, boring to listen to, boring to watch. But this gets buried among all the bullshit about Luke's character.

  44. 7 hours ago
  45. 7 hours ago
  46. 7 hours ago
    • 5 hours ago

      Body looks great but damn the AI just can't get her face right, can it

      • 4 hours ago

        Maybe if you're a tech illiterate pajeet

      • 2 hours ago

        I tend to tell it to give her heavier make up as I think she looks better that way. It's not hard to make it replicate likenesses 1:1 but Daisy has an arse for a face so why would you

  47. 7 hours ago

    >female Jedi
    >never uses the force to crush a bad guys balls
    >never hits a bad guy in the balls with her lightsaber

  48. 7 hours ago

    TLJ has the most cringe, it's not even close

  49. 7 hours ago

    Daisy Ridley is pretty hot tbh. You can't fault them for picking an ugly actresses to play Rey or anything.

  50. 7 hours ago

    I don't hate any of them. I just think they're bad movies and I'll never watch them ever again. I've never seen RoS.

  51. 7 hours ago

    I'm not autistic so I don't really care about these movies, but daisy ridley has a nice arse.

    • 7 hours ago

      Thats correct. She should do some proper adult movies and not this star wars kiddie shit.

  52. 7 hours ago

    Why is Rey dope, but Ridley is meh?

  53. 6 hours ago
  54. 6 hours ago

    Frick, now i want a porn version of Force Awakens, thanks Cinemaphile.

  55. 6 hours ago

    JJ Abrams killed both Star Wars and Star Trek truly a hack

    • 6 hours ago

      In hindsight they deserved it. There's far better sci-fi out there. Not gonna namedrop anything as I don't want to give "them" any ideas.

  56. 6 hours ago

    If daisy ridley showed her breasts in the next star wars it might be able to turn the failing shitshoe around but disney is too scared and refuses to be that cutting edge unless it's about gays or troons.

  57. 6 hours ago

    The things I hate about TFA that everyone else seems cool with- Starkiller Base is moronic in every way. Luke abandoned R2. Andy Serkis was hired to play a mo-cap Snoke, before Snoke's final design was even decided, and they went with a human, but scaled up. Then they give him radical facial wounds to justify doing him as cgi. Then JJ's moronistry spills into TRoS- the jar of Snoke clones all have the same facial wounds, as if wounds are genetic.

  58. 5 hours ago

    Reminder that TFA concept art had the heroine about to fight a dude that looks like Hasbro's 2013 action figure of Darth Plagueis and that Lucas' outlines were still in play at that point.

    • 3 hours ago

      Reminder in George’s original scripts, Darth Talon seduces Ben to the dark side. They can’t have sexy females in anything anymore though, women are too fat and insecure today to tolerate even an attractive alien.

      • 3 hours ago

        >Reminder in George’s original scripts, Darth Talon seduces Ben to the dark side.
        Reminder that nothing from "George's original scripts" was ever released, and that you fell for a fricking Doomcuck rumor.

        • 3 hours ago

          You're moronic.

          • 2 hours ago

            Search “George Lucas Darth Talon,” and then please go for a walk

            Kek. Morons.

        • 3 hours ago

          Search “George Lucas Darth Talon,” and then please go for a walk

  59. 5 hours ago
    • 5 hours ago

      Is that Master Pajj Eeet on the left?

      • 5 hours ago

        Jedi Council member Roc'co Sif'reddi

  60. 5 hours ago

    > see tfa
    > wait a minute this is just a remake of a new hope!
    >dont ever watch other sequels
    >be happy

  61. 5 hours ago

    I didn't really find her hot when the movie came out in 2015 but I do find her hot now. Have my standards just dropped as I've got older? I was 25 when episode 7 came out.

  62. 5 hours ago

    I have some sympathy for Rise of Skywalker since it had to deal with the hand dealt by Last Jedi. It basically had two movies worth of context to set up in the span of one. Not that it was ever going to be good but a lot of the worst aspects were born from that. Last Jedi is the absolute worst movie. Force Awakens is just derivative

  63. 5 hours ago

    More Horsefricker Rey A.I. Nao!

  64. 5 hours ago

    israelite israelite Abrahms kind of put Roundhead Johnson in a bind by ending TFA with Rey about to meet Luke. Instead of the next movie beginning a couple years later, it almost HAD TO pick up immediately where it left off.

    • 3 hours ago

      If he’d really wanted to be subversive he would have cut past it to a point where they’re already introduced and later have a scene where Luke overdramatically hands Rey something mundane while she laughs

  65. 5 hours ago

    last jedi is not hated enough that film was a piece of fricking shit

  66. 4 hours ago

    The first 2 star wars were the only great star wars movies ever made. Everything else was terrible.

    • 4 hours ago

      what a boring and objectively correct opinion.

    • 3 hours ago

      >The first 2 star wars
      You mean the 1977 film and the 1978 "Holiday Special"?

  67. 3 hours ago

    the lack of daisy arse in these threads is always a reminder of how gay this board has become over the years.

  68. 2 hours ago

    Add OT Leia to your picture. At least make your kino AI slop complete.

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