Alicia Silverstone Shares A 'Clueless' Secret: She Wasn't Like Cher At All! - Hollywood Outbreak

Alicia Silverstone Shares A ‘Clueless’ Secret: She Wasn’t Like Cher At All!

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In the movie that made her a star, Clueless, Alicia Silverstone made the character of Cher Horowitz look effortless — almost as if Silverstone had been typecast in the role. But Silverstone, who was 22 when the high school comedy was released, said it wasn’t as easy as it looked. When the film was originally released, she admitted she was absolutely nothing like the character, but she was able to draw plenty of inspiration from writer/director Amy Heckerling’s acclaimed script. (Click on the media bar below to hear Alicia Silverstone)


Clueless is streaming on Paramount+ and is available on DVD, Blu-Ray, and most digital platforms.

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