Can Tauren be Mages in WoW Dragonflight?

Finally, yes! After 18 long years, tauren are now able to harness arcane magics and start flinging pyroblasts alongside their Horde allies as of the new WoW Dragonflight 10.0 update. But why have they been barred from spellcasting for so long until now? And how competitive can cows actually be compared to traditional top tier mage races? I‘ve compiled tons of history, theorycrafting, and new info to satisfy your curiosity!

As a passionate WoW gamer and guide writer myself since 2005, I couldn‘t be more excited by this development. Theorycrafters argue goblins still beat tauren, but style matters too! So let‘s dig in…

Why Were Tauren Mages Restricted for Nearly 20 Years?

First, quick history on the mighty shau‘gaze (as tauren call themselves): one of WoW‘s original Horde races in 2004. These large bovine humanoids instantly became my favorite for their Native American themed culture blending spirituality with badassery. But they‘ve never had access to the mage‘s cloth armor and ranged spell attacks until October 2022‘s Dragonflight update.

The common theories why tauren have long been barred from utilizing the arcane arts include:

Lore Inconsistencies

  • Tauren culture emphasizes druidism/shamanism studying the natural elements
  • Mages rely on manipulating magic through intensive study – doesn‘t fit spiritual theme

Art Limitations

  • Tauren models much larger than other races
  • Spell visuals and animations often clip or look awkward

Game Balance

  • Combining tauren HP/mitigation racials with mage burst damage could unbalance PvP

But after almost 20 years, developer attitudes have shifted…

What Changed in Dragonflight?

Dragonflight‘s launch introduced the new Dracthyr as a race that could only be the new Evokers class. But widespread player complaints about limiting options prompted Blizzard to revisit allowing more combos.

Shortly after in Patch 10.0.5, they announced tauren mages & rogues would finally happen! Cue rejoicing among cow enthusiasts like myself!

Product Director Patrick Dawson confirmed it was to address restrictions:

“We want to remove barriers wherever possible and open up more options for players…we’re excited for Tauren to be able to play new classes”

Lead Game Designer Kris Zierhut acknowledged art and animation challenges but new tech improvements allowed it.

And Principal Game Designer Paul Kubit cited roleplayers wanting more customization freedom. Huzzah!

So with the gates finally opened, how viable can hulking tauren mages actually be? Let‘s compare them to the established best in class…

How Do Tauren Mages Measure Up to Top Horde Competition?

Now that it‘s possible to sling spells as a burly cow ineligible for Breeder‘s Cup, theorycrafters everywhere started crunching best race options. So beyond aesthetics, how practical is it? Pretty dang solid actually!

📊 Tauren vs. Optimal Horde Mage Races

RaceKey RacialsBenefits
TaurenBrawn (Crit), Endurance (HP & Nature Resist), War Stomp (AOE Stun)Solid defensives & CC for survivability
TrollBeast Slaying (Damage vs Beasts), Regeneration (Health Regen), Da Voodoo Shuffle (Reduced Duration of Movement Impairments)Strong DPS boosts
OrcBlood Fury (Spell Power), Command (Pet Damage), Hardiness (Stun Resist)Burst damage & resilience

Based on the litmus test of high-end competitive Mythic+ and Raiding analysis from sites like Icy Veins and Method:

  • Tauren outweigh (ha) goblins thanks to Endurance health & self healing boosts
  • Orc/Troll offer better pure DPS but are squishier
  • That AoE stun tho!!!

In PvP, skill matters more than small racial deltas among decent options. Top arena partner site Skill-Capped even argues tauren could be best thanks to extra beefiness combined with nasty surprise war stomp casts!

So number crunchers begrudgingly admit tauren mages competitive enough to raid or push keys at the highest level. I mean cow pun. 🐄

Spotlight: Notable Tauren Mages in WoW History & Lore

Beyond statistics, the fantasy and themes of a class/race combo matters too for RPG immersion. Who are some of the most famous bovine magic slingers in WoW history? Let‘s meet these special snowflakes:

📖 Chief Thunderhooves

  • Chieftain of the Cliffwalkers in HighmountainBroken Isles expansion
  • Helps champions battle drogbar menace in Neltharion‘s Lair dungeon
  • Uses shaman abilities during fight, but added mage spells after 10.0.5!

📖 Xuen the White Tiger

  • One of the four August Celestials representing fortitude in Pandarian lore
  • Typically takes form of humanoid white tiger, but briefly appeared as tauren for heroes aiding his spirit trials
  • Magic wielding tauren Xuen still referenced by devotees today

And while not proper mages, these elders demonstrate tauren arcane potential:

📖 Elder Runetotem

  • Ancient Far Seer presiding over spiritual matters in Thunder Bluff
  • Channels healing energies through his enchanted staff
  • Has open disdain for goblin technology ruining sacred lands

📖 Elder Dawnstrider

  • Druid researcher studying properties of the Nightmare in Emerald Dream
  • Uses magic to torture green dragon ally of heroes in attempt to enter corrupted dream
  • Explores boundaries between nature magic & darker shadow or arcane forces

So clearly tauren lore has had traces of magical adeptness despite cultural reservations. And their innate connection to the land and spirits likely helped pave the way for formally training new generations in spellcraft!

Early Impressions & Reactions to Tauren Mages in Dragonflight

While theorycrafting indicates solid performance potential, the ultimate validation comes from seeing tauren sling spells themselves on the Dragonflight test realms and beta servers. Early impressions seem quite positive!

Many beta testers praise the tauren casting animations in particular:


Reddit user Kelpshake1 praises fiery tauren mage visuals

"The casting animations are perfect and make them look elegant…"

Other commenters joke they still seem more shamanistic:

"That just looks like you‘re gathering resources for Stormstrike!"

Many express excitement to finally level mage alts after race changing their existing high level taurens:


Travelhub94 showcases refreshing new portal colors for furry sorcerers

"My tauren army can finally be fully utilized!"

Overall, mood seems very positive among testers getting first hands on controlling tauren magic wielders. And portents look bright for mulgore‘s bovine battlemages surging in popularity when Dragonflight launches on November 28th, 2022.

After years of idle speculation, theorycrafting indicates tauren stand tall among top mage racial contenders. Beta impressions display fluid animations and fresh customization for their spell slinging antics.

Character fantasy and roleplaying appeal remains subjective. But between their formidable racials and spell effects, tauren mages seem destined to thrive across Azeroth! Udderly outstanding indeed!

So whether you‘re a min/maxing mythic raider or purely cosmetic collector, I highly recommend all horned magic fans finally indulge by leveling one today in WoW Dragonflight‘s prepatch – now live ahead of full expansion launch on November 28th!

FAQ About Tauren Mages in WoW

Q: When could tauren first be mages?
A: Tauren first became mages (and rogues) in WoW Patch 10.0.5 during Dragonflight pre-patch on October 25, 2022

Q: Are tauren mages good?
A: Yes, theorycrafting and beta testing shows tauren mages very solid for both top end PvE and PvP

Q: What is best horde mage race?
A: Orc, Troll, and Undead have top damage racials but Tauren only slightly behind while far tankier

Q: Who are famous tauren mages?
A: Chief Thunderhooves of Highmountain and Xuen the White Tiger both used some magic along with standard shaman/monk abilities

Q: Can regular tauren be mages or just Highmountain tauren?
A: Regular mulgore tauren can absolutely be mages now too!

I hope this deep dive nostalgia mixed with an enthusiast‘s analysis helps explain the epic significance of finally empowering our shaggy horned brothers and sisters with the wonders of arcane might!

May your Pyroblasts hit hard and portals lead to victory my tauren brethren! Feel free to hit me up with any other WoW questions!

Hooflord Zach Thunderstomp
Passionate Horde Player Since 2005

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