
1 Introduction

Augmented reality (AR) is the real-time blending of digital information with the user's surroundings. Users of augmented reality (AR) encounter a real-world environment with perceptual information superimposed on top of it, as opposed to virtual reality (VR), which produces a completely artificial environment [30]. Using augmented reality, users can receive more information or have natural landscapes aesthetically altered in some way. The prime benefit of augmented reality is that it successfully combines digital and three-dimensional elements with people’s perception of the real world.

Writing a survey article on augmented reality (AR) has strong motivations since it serves as a crucial instrument for knowledge diffusion and consolidation, gathering and condensing the fast-growing body of AR research into a thorough resource. Such articles offer a comprehensive overview of the field's complex terrain while clarifying essential ideas, technology, and applications [1].

2 Literature Survey

Writing a survey article on augmented reality (AR) has strong motivations since it serves as a crucial instrument for knowledge diffusion and consolidation, gathering and condensing the fast-growing body of AR research into a thorough resource. Such articles offer a comprehensive overview of the field's complex terrain while clarifying essential ideas, technology, and applications [1]. As a result, a large audience, including experienced practitioners and researchers as well as beginners, may better comprehend and access AR. By keeping readers informed of the most recent developments, readers are better able to make wise decisions and advance the field [3].

2.1 Augmented Reality Technologies in Education

The traditional classroom framework has undergone a significant transformation due to advancements in digital technologies, ushering in a new era of educational content. Educational institutions worldwide, grappling with the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, are increasingly reliant on innovation and digital resources to navigate these challenges. Recent data from UNESCO reveals that, as of December 1, 2020, a staggering 18.2% of enrolled learners across various education levels, from pre-primary to tertiary, faced barriers preventing them from physically attending school or university. Moreover, the exact number of COVID-19 infections at the time of writing remained uncertain, adding to the complexity of the situation. This review's objective was to investigate the literature on the use of augmented reality applications in educational settings. In order to determine the knowledge that currently exists on AR technology utilized in education, qualitative research has been conducted through a methodical literature study in this work. According to Pettigrew and Roberts (2006), a systematic literature review must “completely identify, evaluate, and synthesize all relevant studies on a given topic”. It can also be described as “a synthesis of published materials that provide an examination of recent or current literature, which may include research findings”. A quality assessment and in-depth searching may or may not be included [12].

2.2 Mobile Augmented Reality in Education

The transformative potential of technology in education extends to reshaping students’ learning experiences, serving as a potent motivator and igniting the process of acquiring knowledge. This article delves into the realm of mobile augmented reality technology within the educational context. Mobile augmented reality (MAR) proves to be a particularly effective tool in delivering a positive, efficient, and captivating learning journey for students. Scholars have been dedicated to exploring avenues to integrate augmented environments into education, facilitating students’ engagement with real-world scenarios.

The study encompasses various related topics, including historical systematic reviews, augmented reality in education, the development of mobile augmented reality software kits, augmented reality technology itself, user interfaces in the mobile augmented reality sphere, and the forthcoming trajectory of augmented reality's role in education. Research findings affirm that augmented reality harbors diverse potentials and merits that can enrich the field of education. Students can manipulate virtual objects, explore 3D models, and even conduct virtual experiments, all within the confines of their classroom or home. This hands-on approach fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter and encourages critical thinking [13].

2.3 Augmented Reality in Education: Advantages and Applications

Students' engagement in learning can be influenced and motivated by technology in the classroom, resulting in an efficient learning process. If the technology being utilized does not encourage critical thinking, meaning-making, or metacognition, there is a risk that it will turn learning into a passive activity. Since its inception, augmented reality has demonstrated that it may significantly improve learning by making it more engaging, efficient, and meaningful.

Reviewing the research's findings reveals that, overall, AR technologies have promises and benefits that can be applied in education. The paper also highlights AR's shortcomings, which could be investigated in other studies. Governments have carried out programs recently to enhance the caliber and efficiency of the teaching and learning process [18]. In order to realize this ambition, a philosophy known as “Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan” is being developed [25].

2.4 Effectiveness of Augmented Reality on Students with Special Disability in Higher Education 

Students are obliged to utilize their own devices in higher education settings to keep track of their attendance and participate in classes using online learning management systems and other teaching and learning resources including schedules and virtual learning environments. A genuine chance to utilize digital technology like augmented reality utilizing AR technology has revealed a variety of benefits in a number of fields [24]. To precisely grasp how AR improves kids' learning, however, more investigation is required. Augmented reality (AR) has been used in higher education for a few years now to help students with special needs develop their physical, cognitive, personal, and social skills. Literature indicated a gap in studies concerning an intensive review of the AR factors in the educational field and context and considering this fact, the present study conducted a systematic literature review to unearth the current status of AR in higher education settings among individuals with disabilities. Analyzing various categories enables the highlight of emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities and extended research and vision toward future outcomes and goals [15].

2.5 Effectiveness of Augmented Reality Environments on Individuals with Special Education Needs

The design, development, and efficacy of augmented reality (AR) settings aimed at serving people with special education requirements are the determined goals of this study. The primary objective behind the development of these AR teaching materials is to empower children with special education needs to acquire essential life skills autonomously, reducing their dependence on others for support.

The outcomes of the study underline the appropriateness and effectiveness of AR teaching materials in enhancing the overall development of children with special education needs by providing them with real-life experiences. Moreover, a noticeable increase in students' engagement and enthusiasm for the lessons was observed during the implementation of the AR materials. These students demonstrated heightened readiness for the lessons, exhibited a greater interest in the subjects, and displayed increased activity levels along with a higher likelihood of responding correctly to questions. Based on these encouraging results, it can be inferred that the adoption of the developed AR environment holds significant promise for promoting the growth and development of children with special education needs [16].

3 Methodology

This review's objective is to identify the possible applications of augmented reality in many areas of education. AR enhances the user's perception of the physical world by adding digital content, allowing for an interactive and immersive experience that blends the virtual and real worlds [23]. The studies must highlight the purpose and the features of the AR technology that had been used. The search of the literature was conducted using EdITLib which is the digital library for education and information technology [3].

A thorough search was conducted to locate all literature on the advantages and benefits of adopting augmented reality in education, especially in e-learning environments. A quick scoping study and appraisal of major studies on AR in different fields were done to help direct this research. This allowed for the identification of common terms and the implementation of a more thorough search. Additionally, with the demand for AR in education and other industries growing over the past ten years, now is a crucial time to assess the advantages of the technology as well as the difficulties that those who have adopted and implemented it at various levels of education have faced.

The parameters and scope for the scholarly publications that were included in the final review were determined by the inclusion and exclusion criteria for this study. After the research topic and objectives were chosen and refined, these criteria were established [21]. The eligibility criteria were developed considering a few variables to assure the inclusion of just recent papers, strengthen the study's focus, and define a reasonable scope of analysis. First, the researcher only incorporated studies that addressed AR in formal academic settings (education), where results could be tracked. In order to restrict the analysis and narrow the review's scope, other related technologies, such as VR and MR, that address comparable benefits, limitations, and issues in academic contexts, were excluded [30].

Figure 1 indicates methodology involved in the development of an augmented reality model. The methodology briefly involves two sections—3D content creation and AR content creation.

Fig. 1
A model diagram presents how the series of pictures from the real object is processed through photo processing and model clean-up procedures and converted into the A R scene, which includes the marker section, import 3 D model, and model adjustment.

Augmented reality content—proposed methodology

4 Application of Augmented Reality in Education Sector

The field of education can benefit greatly from the use of augmented reality (AR), which transforms conventional teaching techniques and produces engaging, immersive learning environments. Such initiatives have the potential to raise educational quality, accessibility, and engagement [19].

AR makes static textbooks and educational resources into lively, interactive resources. Students can access a plethora of supplemental knowledge by scanning photographs or chapters in their textbooks using AR-capable devices. With unmatched immersion, AR can transfer pupils to cultural and historical settings. Students can study historic civilizations or events by superimposing historical artifacts or reconstructions onto actual surroundings. For instance, students can see the ruins of ancient Rome or watch important documents be signed [7]. The AR app can offer translations, pronunciations, and even instances of contextual usage when a student points their AR-enabled device at an object or text in a foreign language, improving understanding and fluency [8].

AR deepens education in astronomy and geography. Students can utilize augmented reality to examine constellations in the night sky or visualize geographical facts on a globe. Abstract concepts become more concrete and memorable through these interactive interactions [10, 22].

Students have the chance to travel to far-off places, other ecosystems, or different historical periods thanks to AR-powered virtual field trips. For instance, students can travel virtually to historical civilizations to study their cultures and accomplishments or the ocean floor to study marine life [5]. AR can be applied to professional development and teacher training. To improve their teaching methods, classroom management abilities, and use of technology for instruction, it provides real-time feedback during classroom simulations.

5 Research Review

See Table 1.

Table 1 Summary of research reviewed in literature survey

6 Conclusion

The design of learning and teaching environments in the education sector with the digitalization process is addressed in this research along with a thorough investigation of the augmented reality settings and applications that are often employed. With the rapid advancement of mobile technology, new media environments with higher levels of interactivity provide users with an expanding range of services [4]. The use of augmented reality technologies in education is one of the most significant fields. Applications for augmented reality assist students in learning and teaching abstract concepts, and they offer settings in which groups of students can exchange information. Additionally, research in the literature has proven that these settings considerably improve students' learning [29].

The most significant recommendations of this research are to employ augmented reality applications and learning environments more frequently in different levels and course contents where its efficacy in education has been established to this extent [3, 28]. Augmented reality (AR) holds enormous promise and possibility for the future of education. AR is positioned to play a bigger and bigger part in the educational scene as technology develops. The potential for augmented reality (AR) in education to increase immersion and engagement is one of its most exciting features. As augmented reality applications advance over the next few years, learning will become a far more engaging and dynamic process [14]. Students will probably find themselves fluidly interacting with digital content as AR hardware and software advance, generating a sense of immersion that makes learning feel like a true experience.

The future of AR in education will likewise emphasize personalization [6]. AR apps will probably get better at adapting instructional content to different learning preferences, needs, and styles. This implies that each student can get a unique educational experience that fully utilizes their abilities. Additionally, AR has the potential to promote international collaborative learning. As augmented reality develops further, it might transform conventional classrooms. Physical locations could be changed into adaptable, technologically advanced settings where augmented reality (AR) plays a crucial role in providing instructional information and promoting creativity. Overall, the potential for augmented reality to be used to deliver education is really exciting. It is an area where educators and technology will collaborate to design highly personalized, inclusive, and engaging learning experiences for students from all backgrounds and abilities.