Duchess Sophie Makes Historic Visit Just Days After Kate Middleton’s Own History-Making Moment

Earlier this month, Kate Middleton made history when she was given the title of Royal Companion of the Order of the Companions of Honour by her father-in-law, King Charlesmaking her the first-ever Royal Companion named to this position. And now, it seems another member of the British royal family has had her own historic moment.

On April 29, the royal family shared an array of photos of Sophie, the Duchess of Edinburgh, visiting Ukraine on their official Instagram page. In the caption, it was revealed that the 59-year-old duchess was the first member of the British royal family to visit Ukraine following the Russian invasion on February 24, 2022.

The first slide shows the royal mom of two standing beside the First Lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, in the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. For the occasion, the Duchess of Edinburgh rocked a gorgeous floral dress with white flats that featured a shiny gold buckle on the front.

Anatolii Stepanov - Pool/Getty Images

While in Ukraine, the royal also visited the United Nations Population Fund office. According to the caption of the Instagram post, she learned about the continued work of UNFPA, which “operates in 12 cities across Ukraine” and provides “vital psychosocial and legal support to those in need, especially Conflict-Related Sexual Violence survivors.”


Then, Duchess Sophie took a trip to the United Nations Survivor Relief Center in Kyiv, where she met with female volunteers who are helping communities affected by the attacks with mental health resources.

At one point, the royal duchess also went to the Family Center of the NGO “Save Ukraine.” One photo snapped at the event shows Duchess Sophie smiling widely while posing with children and their families with a “Save Ukraine” banner in the background.

Anatolii Stepanov - Pool/Getty Images

Princess Catherine and Duchess Sophie were not the only royal women who have made history this year. Back in March, Queen Camilla, 76, made history as the first consort to lead a Royal Maundy Service. While stepping in for her husband, King Charles, 75, royal admirers (like myself) watched Her Majesty distribute Maundy money (or ceremonial coins) to recipients during the service, becoming the first person of her position to do so.

Duchess Sophie Recreates Iconic Photo—But Her Flattering Dress Steals the Show

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