End of an era? A conversation about changing times and societal impacts, Tue, May 21, 2024, 7:00 PM | Meetup
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End of an era? A conversation about changing times and societal impacts

Photo of Robert
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End of an era?  A conversation about changing times and societal impacts


Bob Dylan wrote "The Times They Are A-Changin'" in 1963. In the 61 years since then many things HAVE changed and, while I don't think that this was Dylan's focus, we now seem to be experiencing a string of seminal changes in the environment, our political landscape, technology and global wealth imbalances. Tonight we will be discussing our present and our possible future.

  1. Do you believe in climate change? What major problems could your area face if climate changes?
  2. Can climate change be stopped? Why or why not?
  3. Reports from four continents suggest extreme weather has severely reduced rice, olive oil and cocoa yields in 2023. Are these normal crop variations or a bigger problem? Are you concerned or not? Why?
  4. Should Canada be doing more to produce its own food supply? What?
  5. UN and international organizations try to provide relief following natural and/or human caused disasters. Do you believe relief needs are outstripping the capacity to help? Why?
  6. Fire-fighters and emergency personnel seem to provide emergency help to other provinces/countries when needed. 2023 set records for numbers and extent of fires in Canada and forecasters predict another bad year in 2024. Do you think that reciprocal emergency help can continue? Why or why not?
  7. Most countries make international treaties concerning security, trade, conflict resolution, etc. How robust do you think these treaties are? Do you think they would survive or collapse if major world difficulties occur?
  8. Some scientists assert that there are changes in world rainfall patterns and rapid melting of glaciers and polar ice. How can we ensure sufficient water for the world’s populations? Do you think that any North American areas might have significant problems?
  9. Do you think there is sufficient water supply in your area for the potential future demand? Why or why not? Have you considered, or made, any changes to your daily use of water?
  10. Do you think that global communication systems are secure, or are they vulnerable to sabotage, hackers etc.? How could a serious communication breach affect our world?
  11. Recent war/piracy events are disrupting some land and sea trade routes leading to global supply shortages. Will the world authorities be able to protect trade routes? How?
  12. The global trade network is large, complex and perhaps vulnerable. How do you think individual countries might react if supply chain shortages become critical?
  13. Do you think that the current number and extent of wars has increased in recent years? Can they be held at historical levels? How?
  14. In 2023 two ginormous icebergs broke away from the Antarctic Ice shelf. The larger iceberg will apparently melt relatively quickly as it drifts into warmer waters. Do you think these are normal events or symptoms of a bigger Antarctic problem?
  15. Some scientists are predicting significant rises in global sea levels. Beside losing areas of beach or marsh etc., what effects do you think a rise in sea-level could have on a low-lying coastal area that you know.
  16. Would you want to be a 10 year old child right now? Why or why not?
  17. Where do you think will be the safest place to live in 50 years? Why?
  18. Some countries appear to have recently been inundated with refugees. What problems might those countries face. What advantages might the refugees bring to their new homeland?
  19. Some researchers say that the magnificent Bronze Age suddenly disintegrated in a “perfect storm” involving climate change, natural catastrophes, internal rebellions, mass invasions and disruption of trade/communications. Could our seemingly robust global civilization collapse? Why or why not?
  20. Are all societies destined to fail? Why or why not?

Many thanks yet again to Jose for proposing this topic and providing the questions for it!
Given the success of this format we are going to be continuing to gather via Zoom.
We will be allowing up to 30 participants for this meeting and, after a brief introduction, we will be splitting off into virtual "tables" of six.
As long as you have RSVP'd before 5:30PM on the day of the event you should receive an email from either Robert or Josh prior to 6:30PM giving you the Zoom meetup credentials.
If you are a member of Table Conversations and you didn't receive an email announcing THIS Table Conversations meetup then you likely won't receive the email with the Zoom information on the evening of the event. Please confirm that your Meetup.com profile is configured correctly by carefully following the step-by-step instructions in this link: https://www.meetup.com/tableconversations/events/270360456/
* Room opens at 6:45PM (often earlier) for socialization
* Discussion starts at 7:15 and finishes at 8:45ish
* Keep talking until dawn!

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Table Conversations: dessert & coffee
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