Filipino children’s choir to sing at World Children's Day in Rome

Filipino children’s choir to sing at World Children's Day in Rome

The Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) announced on Saturday, May 18, that the Young Voices of the Philippines (YVP) is set to participate and sing at the first World Children’s Day, called for by Pope Francis, in Rome.

(The Young Voices of the Philippines with conductor Dr. Maria Theresa Vizconde-Roldan and artistic director Jude Roldan / Photo from YVP)

The choir, led by conductor Dr. Maria Theresa Vizconde-Roldan, will have the opportunity to perform at the opening events in Rome’s Olympic Stadium as well as during the papal Mass in St. Peter’s Square on May 25.

Roldan said the YVP will be singing along with other children’s choirs at the stadium.

She called it a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” for the young choristers to represent their country and share their culture with the world.

“Our participation in this event aligns with our mission to promote our culture and heritage globally and provide opportunities for holistic growth to our choir members,” Vizconde-Roldan said.

“We believe this experience will enrich them holistically and inspire them to continue serving the Church and society,” she added.

CBCP added that the pope is expected to arrive late in the afternoon and will have a dialogue with the children.